Peter Bover

Peter Bover

Captain Peter Turner Bover (5 October 1772late 1802) was an officer of the Royal Navy during the French Revolutionary Wars who fired the first shot at the Nore mutiny of 1797.

Early career

He entered the Royal Navy, following in the footsteps of his father (Captain John Bover) and two of his elder brothers, as a volunteer aboard HMS "Perseus". He transferred to HMS "Queen" the same year, and then to HMS "Crown", then the flagship of Commodore Cornwallis. Cornwallis took a great interest in Bover's career, as did Admiral Affleck, who wrote that "Boveris a name which will always be dear to the service". He was appointed a lieutenant on January 3rd 1794, serving in HMS "Minerva", HMS "Excellent" and HMS "Caesar", before being appointed the First Lieutenant of HMS "London", a 98gun firstrate, in 1797; it served as the flagship of Admiral Sir John Colpoys.

Mutiny at the Nore

In early May, following the mutiny at Spithead, the fleet at the Nore was in a state of open but subdued insurrection; it was clear that the men were effectively mutinying, but the commander had not yet brought matters to a head by confronting the sailors. On Sunday 7th, a boat of delegates pulled around various ships of the fleet, urging them to overthrow their officers and set sail; on coming to the "London", it was refused permission to come aboard. The atmosphere grew tensethe seamen of the "London" were clearly in favour of receiving the delegatesand a group of men on the forecastle began to move a gun to point at the quarterdeck, where the ship's officers stood. Bover, on deck as the first lieutenant, ordered them to stop and threatened to fire on them; all but one did so. The remaining seaman, however, dared Bover to fire and carried on; Bover fired a moment later, killing the sailor. This sparked a riot, with men storming up from below decks; in the ensuing violence, several men on both sides were wounded (three sailors fatally) and the Marines defected to the mutineers. On seeing this, Admiral Colpoys immediately surrendered to avert further bloodshed.

Bover was quickly seized by a group of sailors, who dragged him to the foremast and were intending to hang him summarily, before being released through the intercession of Valentine Joyce, one of the delegates, who embraced him andaccording to a witnesscried out "If you hang this young man you shall hang me, for I shall never quit him". In the moment of confusion, during which some more of the crew shouted in support of the "brave boy", Admiral Colpoys ran forward and insisted that the responsibility was his own.

The two found themselves on the forecastle, stood among seven or eight hundred angry (and armed) seamen. The situation was defused, and further violence averted, in "the most paradoxical thing in this paradoxical mutiny" (Manwaring & Dobrée, p. 90) A voice from the mob yelled that the Admiral was "a damned bloody scoundrel"; the seamen immediately lowered their guns and began to rebuke the speaker with cries of "How dare you speak to the Admiral in that manner!" In the ensuing lull, the ship's surgeon, who was popular among the men, argued that they should let the Admiral speak in Bover's defence. Colpoys promptly announced that Bover had been following ordersrecent Admiralty orders insisting that any signs of mutiny be handled strongly. Eventually Bover was released, through the intercession of Joyce and another of the delegates, Mark Turner, a midshipman from "Terrible", and helped by his previous status as a favourite among the crew.

Colpoys, Bover, and Griffith, the captain of the "London", were kept on board as prisoners whilst the other officers of the fleet were turned ashore. On the 8th they were tried for murder by a court of the sailors, with Colpoys found guilty but released some days later. Bover himself was saved through an enthusiastic speech given by John Fleming, an able seaman of the "London" who sat on the court as a delegate, in which he pleaded with the court not to seek revenge for revenge's sake. Speaking for the crew of the "London", he described Bover as "...a deserving worthy gentleman, who is an ornament to his profession in every respect", and stated that before he would sign his name to Bover's death warrant he would insist on being killed with him.

The speechit survives as a written letter, and it is unclear if he delivered it personally or if it was readwas decisive, coming as it did from the comrades of the man who had been killed originally; Bover was released by order of the delegates on the evening of the 9th, and allowed to remain on the "London".

On the 11th he, Colpoys, and Griffiths were taken ashore to be tried by a civil court for the death of a seaman who had died in hospital at Haslar; a verdict of justifiable homicide was returned. The crew had been unwilling to let Bover leave the ship, but he promised to return; despite the urging of many of his colleagues he did so, being greeted with three cheers when he came back aboard and requested not to leave again.

He recorded afterwards that his standing with the ship's company was greatly increased by the whole event, not only through being cleared by the court but through being the only officer to remain on ship during the mutinyall others had been sent ashore and not permitted to return. He continued to serve aboard the "London" until promoted in February 1798, with no negative effects to his career from having remained with the mutineers.

Later career

Following the mutiny, he was appointed to "Hecla", a tengun bomb ship, which served in support of landings on the Dutch coast in August 1797; he was appointed commander on February 14 1798. He was made postcaptain on August 11 1800, and later appointed to the command of the "Blenheim" and the "Magnificent". Ordered to the West Indies with "Magnificent" in 1802, he died there of a sudden illness shortly after arriving in port.

He married in 1800, to a Miss Cole, the sister of Dr. Cole, vicechancellor of the University of Oxford, and of Sir Christopher Cole, a fellow officer who he had served with as a midshipman; they had no children.


A detailed account of Bover's part in the events of the mutiny, drawing heavily on contemporary accounts, is on pp. 89102 of "The floating republic: an account of the mutinies at Spithead and the Nore in 1797", G.E. Manwaring & Bonamy Dobrée (Penguin, 1937). A copy of Fleming's speech is in Appendix III of that book. Dates of appointments are from vol. 1 of David Syret's "Commissioned Sea Officers of the Royal Navy, 16601815".

A general biographical sketch is taken from "Memoirs of the Bover Family" by "J. N." in the "Gentleman's Magazine", July 1843 ( [ digitised copy] ; also included are extracts from Bover's letters during the mutiny. This source contradicts the dates in Syret, and is inconsistent with other sourcesfor example, the "Memoirs"' statement that he commanded the "Hecla" in 1797 is contradicted by the "Naval History of Great Britain", [ vol. 2. p. 118] , which places it under the command of Thomas Hand, and contrary to their statement it is not recorded as serving at Camperdown (ibid., [ vol. 2 appendix 3] ).

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