- List of minicomics creators
This is a list of
minicomics creators. People on this list should ideally be in some way noteworthy for their small presscomics , someone who's done a lot in their field is notable whether the general public (most of whom don't read any minicomics at all) knows about it or not; ultimately we should have articles on such artists.Alphabetical list
Benjamin Adams (comix artist)
*John Adams (comix artist)
*Jamie Alder "Tales Too Tough For TV"
*Jer Alford "Mini-Komix"/"Purrsia Press"
*Matty Boy Anderson "Mike The Pod Comix"
*Jose Angeles "Crude Dude Comix"
*Anson "Jim Comix"
*Henry "Hank" Arakelian
*Matthew Arcilla "Monochrome Fiesta" "Barangay Sesame"
*Gary Arlington
*Nicholas William Aumiller, Jr. B
Ace Backwords
*Steve Beaupre
*Sean Bieri "Jape"
*Jacques Boivin
*Edward Bolman
*Chris Bors
*Terry Boyce
*Rick Bradford "Poopsheet"
*Michael Bridges (comix artist) "Trangle Comics" "Area 13"
*D. Thomas Brinkmann "Pure Sex Comix"
*Liam Brooks "Dream-Weaver", "Symbol-Man"
*Douglas Bryson
*Chuck Bunker C
Mark Campos
*Lilli Carre "Tales of Woodsman Pete", "Swell"
*J. K. Carrier United Fanzine Organization {UFO}
*Michael A. Carroll
*Paul Cartmill
*Brad Caslor
*Susan Catherine
*Bruce Chrislip CLG Comics
*Chris Cilla "The Diplomat", "SWONK"
*Randy W. "Skids" Clark
*Sean Cliver
*Mike Cody
*Derek Collier Bug Eyed Comics
*Kevin S. Collier Full Circle Comics
*Jerry Collins (comix artist)
*Bob Conway
*Dale Lee Coovert
*Bob Corby Back Porch Comics
*Tim Corrigan Small Press Comics Explosion {SPCE}
*Mark Counts
*Chris Cowen Farmhouse Antiques
*John Crawford (comix artist)
*Randall Hugh Crawford
*Randy Z. Crawford
*Kel Crum Dangerous Bird Publications
*Mike Culpepper
*Paul E. Curtis "Microcomics"
*David Cushman (comix artist) Small Press League, Protector
*Mick Cusimano D
Peter Dako "Casual Casual Comics"
*Emerson Dameron Sticky's Fun Factory, A Separate Piece
*Chet A. Darmstaedter "XNO"
*Patrick Dean "Big Deal Comics & Stories"
*Dwight Decker "True Fan Adventure Theatre"
*ded Burt
*Jason DeGroot
*Edward Arnold DeVore II
*Nik Dirga "Amoeba Adventures"
*Clark Allen Dissmeyer
* "Demon House Theatre", "Shaman Newspaper"
*Michael Robert Dowers "Starhead Comix"
*Patrick Dowers
*Bruce Nicholson Duncan E
John Eberly "Mumbles"
*George Raymond Eddy
*Bob Elinskas
*Phil Elliott A7 Comics
*Kurt Erichsen
*George Erling F
Matt Feazell
*Amie Fenwick "Resale"
*Ellen Rae Ferguson
*Steve Fiorilla
*Bill Fitts
*Neil Fitzpatrick "Neil Jam"
*Dan Florian
*Brad W. Foster "Jabberwocky Graphix"
*Billy Fugate Doug FreemanG
Carl Gafford "Minotaur"
*Sam Gafford Dream Realm
*Macedonio Manuel Garcia "Tales From The Inside"
*Clay Geerdes Comix Wave
*Wayne "Bover" Gibson
*Jerry Goebert
*Leif Goldberg "National Waste"
*Brendan Gramer Babbleboy, Commando Boy, Frogleg Sandwiches
*Vernon Grant
*Richard "Grass" Green
*Mike Gunderloy Factsheet FiveH
Marc Haines "The Colony", "Doe, Jane", "Sketch"
*Klaus Haisch
*Gary Hallgren
*John Hankiewicz "Tepid"
*Doug Hansen
*Lynn Ralph Hansen "Idaho Spud"
*Garry Hardman
*Michael R. Hill "Worker Poet"
*Clint Lee Hollingsworth
*Parley L. Holman
*Doug Holverson "Captain Saucer"
*Wayne Honath
*Mike Honeycutt
*Carol Horn "Karpet King"
*Rick Howe (comix artist) "Geon: Protector Of The Environment", "Topical Studies", "Daily Tweet"
*Alfred Huete
*Kevin Huizenga "Supermonster"I
Margot Insley J
J. Bradley Johnson
*Cole Johnson
*Larry Johnson (comix artist)
*John E. Jones (comix artist) "Retros"
*Larned Justin K
Pauli Kallio "Suuri Kurpitsa"
*Steve Keeter SUNWING, MANTRA, OM, Blue Plaque Publications,United Fanzine Organization
*Tim Kelly (comix artist)
*Riley Kendig "Socks of Guilt"
*George Kochell
*King Andaya "10 teens"L
Mary Sue Lambright
*Duncan Lee (comix artist) Lounge Lizard
*Bob (Robert Kenneth) Lewis
*Tony Lorenz
*Dale R. Luciano "Dada Gumbo"
*Kyran Lynn Q.A., monsters in hellM
Justin Madson Just Mad Books, "Happy Town"
*Jim Main "PPFSZT!"Blue Plaque Publications
*Jason Marcy
*Rollin Marquis
*Gordon Matthews (comix artist) "Coffinworm"
*Maximum Traffic "White Buffalo Gazette," "Truth Be Known"
*Randy Maxson
*Ted May "It Lives"
*Clutch McBastard "Clutch"
*Rick McCollum (Comix artist)
*Kevin McLeod "Wooden Mirror"
*Caesar Meadows (Micro-Comix artist) "Mumbeaux Gumbo"
*Joe Meyer (comix artist)
*David E. Miller (comix artist)
*Kenny Moran
*Marc Myers "Abcess Grenk"N
Tony Nichols O
Dale Oliver (Comix artist)
*Jane Jenkins Oliver "Tales of Jerry"
*Douglas O'Neill
*Harold Onickel
*Adam Owen (comix artist)
*P.Owen Rut Media EmpireP
Clark Paramo Unconventional Comix
*Anton Antonavich Petrokampf Parsonovich
*Randall J. Paske
*Dave A. Patterson
*Doe Pbeetz (real name Erick A. Fabian,Sr.) "Johnny Longhand Comix"
*Brian Pearce
*Marcos Perez "Carl is the Awesome"
*John Peter (comix artist)
*V. Tucker Petertil "Juice City"
*Scott "Scooter" Phillips
*John Porcellino "King Cat Comics & Stories"
*Brien Wayne Powell Magnet Man Minicomics
*James Dean Pruner Q
Ross Raihala
*Ron Rege Jr.
*Maggie Resch
*Ronald Russell Roach
*Chuck Robinson II "Comique"
*Michael Roden "Thru Black Holes Comix"
*Walter P. Rodgers, Jr.
*Andrew Roller "Fading Universe", "Comic Update"
*Artie Edward Romero
*Ed Romero (comix artist) "Realm"
*James "Jim" Joseph Ryan S
Steven F. Scharff
*Marc R. Schirmeister
*Charles Schneider
*Rodney Schroeter
*Joe Schwind
*Roman Scott
*Ian Shires Self Publisher!, Dungar The Barbarian, Mysterious Visions Anthology
*Jim Siergey
*Pete "Pet" Silvia "Mean Thin Lines"
*Bruce Simon
*Steve Skeates
*Charles T. Smith Saturday Visitor
*Toaster Smith "Toaster Fanzine"
*Rod Snyder
*Bobby Sommerkamp
*Vincent Stall Robot Investigator
*Bobby Star
*Scott L. Stevens "V.D. Cage"
*Mats!? (Stromberg) "Eye Sores", "(San Fran) Sicko"
*Robert A. Stump
*John Sullivan (comix artist) "Digital Underwear Hour"T
Dan W. Taylor
*Jim Thompson (Comix artist)
*Tracy Thore
*Matthew Thurber "Mining The Moon"
*Chris Tinkler "Ace of Spades Comics"
*Denver Tucson
*Mike Turville U
Colin Upton V
Dave Van Hee
*Ronald Gabriel "Gato" Vicens II
*Edd Vick fan'toons
*Eric Vincent
*Robert George Vojtko W
Charles A. Wagner
*James Waltman "Tales From The Inside"
*John Watson (comix artist) "Spy"
*Richard N. Wayne
*Larry Weir
*Gary Whitney (comix artist)
*Kurt Wilcken
*James Robert "Jim" "J.R." Williams
*Steve Willis (comix artist) "Morty The Dog"
*Paul D. Wilson "Gamma Pink", "Sawtooth Pulse"X
Bob X Y
John Yeo Jr. "The Adventurers"Z
Jeff Zenick Zen, White Buffalo Gazetteee also
*United Fanzine Organization
*amateur press association
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.