

Empfangshalle (literally "lobby") is the name of a German artist duo and was founded in Munich (Germany) by the two members Corbinian Böhm and Michael Gruber.

Medium of their works is the society. They start their art projects midst of our society particularly at popular places. This works are more often than not a mystery to the viewers and are causing oftenly confusion. A typical example was the staged " [gei: hi:n ho:l] " mega-poster action with incomprehensible foreign messages in Munich (2005).

exhibitions and projects

(chronological listed)
* 1998:
** "Pagine per la Libertà", Pisa, Italy
** "Sag lächelnd Good Bye" ("say good bye with a smile"), Old North Cemetery of Munich, Germany
** Skulp­turenprojekt ("project with sculptures"), Alentejo, Portugal

* 1999:
** "Play", Old North Cemetery of Munich, Germany

* 2000:
** "Drei-Sekunden" ("three seconds"), on the ramp in front of the Empfangshalle studio, Munich, Germany
** "Empfangshalle macht sich ein Bild" ("Empfangshalle gets an impression"), Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
** "Himmelfahrt" ("ascension"), Diocesan Museum, Freising, Germany
** "Laden und Löschen" ("uploading and extinguishing"), Piazza, Munich literary house, Germany
** "Move me", subway entrances in Munich, Nuremberg and Berlin, Germany
** "Open Art", Maximiliansforum, Munich, Germany
** "Qualitätswochen" ("quality weeks"), state art gallery of Baden-Baden, Germany

* 2001:
** "Bitte melde Dich" ("please let us hear from you..."), Brooklyn Bridge, New York City
** "Loch" ("hole"), joint work with Haubitz&Zoche
** "Kabûl Salonu", Istanbul, Turkey

* 2002:
** "Auf kürzestem Weg" ("taking the shortest way"), artists’ gallery ('Galerie der Künstler'), Munich, Germany
** "Auftraggeber mit Öffentlichkeit" ("customer with public"), Munich, Germany
** "Gelsenlos" ("Gelsen(kirchen) lottery ticket")", Overtures, Gelsenkirchen, Germany

* 2003:
** "Cape of Good Hope", an art project in public space, Kuopio, Finland
** "Woher Kollege Wohin Kollege" ("buddy, where do you come from, where are you going"), an art project in public space, Munich, Germany
** Werkschau (exhibition of works) in the Raskolnikof gallery, Dresden, Germany

* 2004:
** premiere of "Woher Kollege Wohin Kollege" "buddy, where do you come from, where are you going"), a documentary film of the same name as the art project, municipal museum, Munich, Germany
** "Brot und Butter" ("bread and butter"), municipal gallery in the Höhmannhaus, Augsburg, Germany
** "Schichtwechsel" ("change of shift"), hall 13, cotton spinning-mill ('Baumwollspinnerei'), Leipzig, Germany

* 2005:
** "Gei hin hol", [gei: hi:n ho:l] , an art project in public space with mega-posters, Munich, Germany
** "Ein Kreuz für das 21. Jahrhundert" ("a cross for the 21st century"), diocesan museum, Freising, Germany
** "Willkommen in Leipzig" ("welcome to Leipzig"), together with "Medium Green" ('zwischengrün'), art association of Leipzig, Germany
** "Klopstockstr. Haus 6" ("Klopstock street house 6"), Petulapark, Munich, Germany

* 2006:
** "Eröffnungsausstellung H2 - Zentrum für Gegenwartskunst" ("opening exhibition H2"), Augsburg, Germany
** "as if we were alone", 'Ars Electronica', Linz, Austria (August 31 – September 5)

External links

* [http://www.empfangshalle.de/index_e.html Empfangshalle]

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