- Woodruff
image_width = 240px
image_caption = Woodruff plant in flower
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Gentianales
familia =Rubiaceae
genus = "Galium "
species = "G. odoratum"
binomial = "Galium odoratum"
binomial_authority = (L.) Scop. [cite web
title=Galium odoratum information from NPGS/GRIN
synonyms ="Asperula odorata"Woodruff ("Galium odoratum") is a
herb aceousperennial plant in the familyRubiaceae , native toEurope ,North Africa and westernAsia . It grows to 30-50 cm (12-20 ins.) long, often lying flat on the ground or supported by other plants. The plant is also known in English as Sweet Woodruff or Wild Baby's Breath. "Master of the woods" is probably a translation of the German name "Waldmeister". Names like "Sweetscented bedstraw", "Cudweed" and "Ladies' Bedstraw" should be avoided; the former two properly refer to "Galium triflorum ", the latter to "Galium verum ".The leaves are simple, lanceolate, glabrous, 2-5 cm long, and borne in whorls of 6-9. The small (4-7 mm diameter)
flower s are produced incyme s, each white with four petals joined together at the base. Theseed s are 2-4 mm diameter, produced singly, and each seed is covered in tiny hooked bristles which help disperse the seed by sticking temporarily to clothing andanimal fur.This plant prefers partial to full shade in moist, rich soils. In dry summers it needs frequent irrigation. Propagation is by crown division, separation of the rooted stems, or digging up of the barely submerged perimeter
stolon s.Uses
Woodruff, as the scientific name "odoratum" suggests, is a strongly scented plant, the sweet scent being derived from
coumarin . This scent increases on wilting and then persists on drying, and woodruff is used in pot-pourri and as amoth deterrent. It is also used, mainly inGermany , to flavourMay wine (called "Maiwein" or "Maibowle" in German),beer (Berliner Weisse ),brandy ,sausage s, jelly,jam , a soft drink (Tarhun ),ice cream , and anherbal tea with gentlesedative properties.High doses can cause headaches, due to the toxity of
coumarin . Very high doses of coumarin can cause vertigo,somnolence or even central paralysis andapnoea while in acoma . Since 1981, woodruff may no longer be used as an ingredient of industrially produced drinks and foodstuffs in Germany; it has been replaced by artificial aromas and colorings.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.