- Journey from Bohemia to the Holy Land, by way of Venice and the Sea
Journey from Bohemia to the Holy Land, by way of Venice and the Sea is a voyages book written by
Kryštof Harant , aBohemia n nobleman and published in1608 . The complete title transliterated into modern Czech is: "Cesta z Království Českého do Benátek, odtud do země Svaté, země Judské a dále do Egypta, a potom na horu Oreb, Sinai a Sv. Kateřiny v Pusté Arábii" (literally "Journey fromBohemia toVenice , from here to theHoly Land ,Judea and toEgypt , later toOreb , Sinai and St. Catherine mountain in desert Arabia"). The book is probably the first published account of theNear East by a Czech traveller.Kryštof Harant z Polžic a Bezdružic (1564 - 1621) was a
renaissance man with broad range of interests. In year 1598 he went as a pilgrim to theHoly Land , returning at the beginning of the next year.The book, written in Czech language and richly illustrated (about 50
woodcut s by Harant), describes in two parts the travel and the details of visited lands. As a typical example ofrenaissance literature it mixes entertainment with knowledge and heavily references religion. Before the journey Harant studied all the available literature describing the region and frequently cites the others in his work. The book gives a very detailed description of religious places and their relation to Christianity, habits of natives and natural and man-made curiosities. It stayed popular for long time and was published last time in year 1854 . In 1638 Harant's youngest brother, Jan Jiří, translated the text into German.The journey
The journey commenced on
April 2 ,1598 when Harant, Count HermannCzernin von und zu Chudenitz and one servant left fromPlzeň . On April 19th they arrived toVenice . Waiting on the ship they visited less expensivePadua andFerrara . On July 12th pilgrims boarded a ship and through the chain of the Greek islands arrived toJerusalem on September 3rd. Because Habsburg Empire was at the time in a war withOttoman Empire and Harant fought at the war the pilgrims disguised themselves as Italian monks from Venice and later as Polish (both powers being in peace with Ottomans at the time). They visited several locations in Judea and later turned toward Egypt. On October 4th they reached inCairo and then visitedSinai peninsula . When returning back Harant was attacked by wandering Arabs who stole everything and stripped him naked. Only by a chance the bandits didn't discover 22ducat s, hidden in a coat. From Cairo Harant traveled toAlexandria and on November 12th boarded a ship back to Venice, with one remainingthaler and suffering from exhaustion and sickness. The ship arrived to Venice onDecember 26 ,1598 and from here Harant returned to Bohemia.Literature
* Marie Koldinská: "Kryštof Harant z Polžic a Bezdružic: Cesta intelektuála k popravišti" ("Path of intellectual to the gallows"), 2004, ISBN 8071855375. The book tries to reconstruct the details of the voyage.
External links
* [http://citanka.cz/harant/ The book online] (in modern Czech)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.