

The name Palmerston can refer to several places, and also to several notable people:


* Several prominent people have borne the title of Viscount Palmerston, and most or all the below places are named for one of them - especially for the third, most prominent of them. They include:
** Henry Temple, 1st Viscount Palmerston (c. 1673 - 1757)
** Henry Temple, 2nd Viscount Palmerston (1739 - 1802)
** Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston (1784 - 1865), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom


* Palmerston, Northern Territory - a city near Darwin in Australia
* Palmerston, Australian Capital Territory - a suburb of Canberra, Australia
* Palmerston, Ontario - a town in Ontario, Canada
* Palmerston Island - an island in the Cook Islands
* Palmerston, New Zealand - a town in the Otago region in the South Island of New Zealand
* Palmerston North - a city in the Manawatu region in the North Island of New Zealand
* Palmerston Park - home ground of Queen of the South F.C., Scotland
* Palmerston Park, Dublin - a park in the capital of Ireland ; as Palmerstown
* Palmerstown - a suburban area of Dublin, Ireland
* Palmerstown, Vale of Glamorgan - a district in south Wales

See also

* Cape Palmerston National Park in Queensland, Australia
* Palmerston Rocks National Park, in Queensland, Australia
* Palmerston Boulevard - a notable residential street in the city of Toronto, Canada

Other uses

* Palmerston Forts, also known as Palmerston's Follies - a series of 19th-century British defensive fortifications

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