

Gentileschi can refer to:

* Orazio Gentileschi (1563-1639), an Italian painter.
* Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1653), Orazio's daughter and a famous Baroque painter.

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  • Gentileschi — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Artemisia Gentileschi (1593–1653), italienische Malerin des Barock, Tochter von Orazio Gentileschi Orazio Gentileschi (1563–1639), italienischer Maler, Vater von Artemisia Gentileschi Diese Se …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gentileschi — puede referirse a: Orazio Gentileschi (1563 1639), un pintor italiano. Artemisia Gentileschi (1593 1653), hija de Orazio y famosa pintora del barroco. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacion …   Wikipedia Español

  • Gentileschi —   [dʒɛnti lɛski],    1) Artemisia, italienische Malerin, * Rom 8. 7. 1593, ✝ Neapel um 1652/53, Tochter von 2); von ihrem Vater ausgebildet, 1614 20 in Florenz, 1620 26 in Rom, ab 1630 in Neapel tätig, wo sie auf die lokale Malerschule wirkte.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Gentileschi — (izg. đentilèski), Artemisia (1597 o.1651) DEFINICIJA talijanska ranobarokna slikarica; važna sljedbenica Caravaggiove škole u drugoj generaciji njegovih sljedbenika (dramatični barokni naturalizam, kontrasti svjetlo/sjena, likovi snažnih… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Gentileschi, Orazio — orig. Orazio Lomi born 1562, Pisa died с 1639, London, Eng. Italian painter. He went to Rome с 1576–78 and painted frescoes in various churches (с 1590–1600). His paintings of the early 17th century reveal the influence of Caravaggio s strong… …   Universalium

  • Gentileschi, Artemisia — born 1593, Rome, Papal States died 1652/53, Naples, Kingdom of Naples Italian painter. The daughter of Orazio Gentileschi, she studied with him and with the landscape painter Agostino Tassi. Her earliest known work is Susanna and the Elders… …   Universalium

  • GENTILESCHI, Artemisia — (1593 1652/53) Artemisia Gentileschi was the first female Italian artist determined to compete with the male artists of her time; she claimed to have the spirit of Caesar in the soul of a woman. Artemisia deserves recognition as a transmitter of… …   Renaissance and Reformation 1500-1620: A Biographical Dictionary

  • Gentileschi, Orazio — (1563 1639)    Italian painter, born in Pisa to a Florentine goldsmith. Orazio s first known work he executed at the age of 30, a fresco in the nave of Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, where he moved in c. 1576 1578. He painted in the Mannerist style… …   Dictionary of Renaissance art

  • Gentileschi, Artemisia — (1593, Roma, Estados Pontificios–1652/53, Napolés, Reino de Nápoles). Pintora italiana. Hija de Orazio Gentileschi, estudió con él y con el paisajista Agostino Tassi. Su obra más temprana conocida es Susana y los ancianos (1610), atribuida… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Gentileschi, Orazio — orig. Orazio Lomi (1562, Pisa–1639, Londres, Inglaterra). Pintor italiano. Viajó a Roma en 1576–78, donde pintó frescos en varias iglesias (1590–1600). Sus pinturas de principios del s. XVII revelan la influencia de Caravaggio por el intenso… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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