- Yapa-Hadda
Yapa-Hadda, also Yapah-Hadda, was the mayor/ruler of "Biruta"-(
Beirut ) of the 1350-1335 BC Amarna letters correspondence.Yapa-Hadda is referenced in 13 letters of the Amarna letters 382–letter corpus, and specifically in relation to neighboring Gubla-(
Byblos ), ruled byRib-Hadda , (who was the most prolific writer of the Amarna letters, (68)). Yapa-Hadda is sometimes the subject of letters, typically involved with his ships, and a collusion of cities, all against Gubla and Rib-Haddi.Yapa-Hadda is the author of two letters, both sent to the pharaoh, one by way of Šumu-Haddi, (EA 97), the other to the pharaoh by way of an Egyptian commissioner (EA 98), (EA is for 'el
Amarna ').The intrigued letters of Yapah-Hadda
EA 113, title: "War and peace"
This letter is tablet-II of a two-tablet letter. Letter no. 42 of 68, authored by
Rib-Hadda of Gubla: (Tablet 113–I is nonexistent.):"Moreover, ... -lacuna of 3 lines-(a 2nd letter(two-tablet letter)):... "Inquire from" another may [or] . Is he not [always] c [ommitting] or plotting a crime? Look, "Yapah-Hadda" has commit [ted] a crime. Be informed! ["What"] has the king-(i.e.pharaoh ), done to hi [m] ? Moreover, what have I done t [o] "Yapah-Hadda" that he plo [ts] evil upon evil against m [e] ? As he has plundered two of myship s and mysheep andgoat s so that the amount of my property in his possession is very large, may the king [se] nd hiscommissioner [to de] cide between the two of us. [Everything] that [is ta] ken from him ["may he" (the king) "take"] . Concerning [my] property [that] is in [his] possession ["he should inquire of"] my " [m] en" ... [... fr] omRib-Hadda , ["and"] for the 'Apiru, has [all of it] "be [en acquired"] , but there is no one that ["can ta] ke" anything belonging to him from my ["hand"] . Why am [I] not able like my associates to send a man to thepalace ? Their cities are theirs, [and] they are at peace. May the Sun establish [my] honor in your presence so that you bring peace to ["your servant"] , and then he will never leave your side. TellAmanmašša to sta [y] with me so he can brin [g] my tablet to yo [u. For] once he goes off, there will be no one to bring [my tablet] to you. So may the [k] ing be con [cerned] about Amanmašša [so] he sta [ys with me] ... and "Yapah-Hadda" ... ["So send"] provisions for the cities "t [hat" have "not"] turned "again [st you] "." -EA 113–II, lines 4-48 (complete, but with lacunae)EA 97, title: "A bad reputation"
Letter of Yapa-Hadda sent to the Egyptian pharaoh by way of
Sumu Haddi ::"To [Šumu-Haddi|Šumu-Hadd [i] (...): Mes] sage of "Yap" "pa [h-Hadda"] . May (your personal) god show concern for you. [I kn] ow that your reputation with the king-(i.e. pharaoh) is [b] ad, and so you cannot leave Egypt-('Mizri', see:Mizraim ). You did [n] ot cause the loss of ["the king's lands; 'Abdi-Aširta" c] aused the loss. ....:... ..." -EA 97 (complete lines 1-11; 12-21(end) is a lacuna)EA 98, title: "Losses from Byblos to
Ugarit "Letter sent to Egypt, and commissioner,
Yanhamu ::" [S] ay [t] oYanhamu : Message of "Yapah-Hadda". Why have you been neglectful of Sumur-(Zemar ), so that all lands from Gubla toUgarit have become enemies in the service ofAziru ?Šigata and Ampi-(Enfeh ) are enemies. He has now [st] ationed ships of [Arwad|Arw [ad] a] [i] n Ampi and in Šigata so grain cannot be brought into Sumur. Not are we able to enter Sumur, and so what can we ourselves do? Write to thepalace about this [mat] ter. It is good [tha] t you are inf(or)med." -EA 98, lines 1-26 (complete)ee also
*Amanmašša , Egyptian official
*Yanhamu , Egyptian commissioner
*Beirut References
*Moran, William L. "The Amarna Letters." John Hopkins University Press, 1987, 1992. (softcover, ISBN 0-8018-6715-0)
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