Buffalo readings

Buffalo readings

Buffalo Readings is a poetry reading series and group. There have been hundreds of Buffalo Readings held since 2002. Member's of the Buffalo Readings refer to themselves as "Buffalo" or "Buffalo Poets" and encourage listeners to shout out "moose" in addition to applauding at a Buffalo Reading. They do not hold poetry slams, and they have cited their dislike of slams as a factor in the formation of the group.Buffalo Readings. [http://www.buffaloreadings.com/article.php?story=about About Buffalo Readings] . Retrieved May 16 2007. ] Members of the Buffalo Poets were the featured bloggers on the Oxford University Press website for National Poetry Month. [Oxford University Press. [http://blog.oup.com/2007/04/intro_buffalo_poetry/ National Poetry Month: Fevers of Artistic Dreams] . Retrieved May 16 2007. ]


The group was founded in New York City in 2001 by the original three Buffalo poets: David Acevedo, Roger Kenny, and Anthony Morena. All three were friends from high school, and had been collaborating on the independent "Ripped Magazine" Issue 4. During this time Roger was renting a room in a Victorian style house in Jersey City, which became the creative nebulous for the early Buffalo Poets. The first official Buffalo Readings was held on February 21st, 2002 at Fat Cat Jazz and Billiards on Christopher St. in Manhattan's West Village. The show included performances by several poets, a live DJ, musical performance, and video performances, including an anaglyph video of poet Kurtis Darby reading. [ Buffalo Readings. [http://www.buffaloreadings.com/mediagallery/album.php?aid=8&page=1 Media Gallery] . Retrieved May 16 2007. ] Red/Blue 3D glasses were distributed with admission. After the show, on the trip back to the Jersey City house, the poets gave out 3D glasses to commuters on one car of the Path train. The entire car was full of people wearing 3D glasses, even a police officer partook.

Soon after the initial reading, with Anthony no longer part of the group, but with the new member Noah Levin in tow, the Buffalo met the revolutionary activist Rafael Bueno, who was running the squat turned community center "Casa Del Sol: Future City" in the Bronx. [ Bueno. [http://www.bordersphere.com/new/rafael_bueno.htm] . ] This led to a successful 3 year reading series held every third Friday at Casa Del Sol, with Bueno joining as a regular member of the Buffalo. [ Rafael Bueno [http://blog.oup.com/2007/09/bueno/] . ] Although the early readings at Casa were held in pitch dark, with no electricity, and the only heat from a wood-burning stove, by the pinnacle of the readings the Buffalo were attracting a full house of fans interested in the free spirit of the readings. The readings continued their successful run until Casa Del Sol was shut down by the police on November 20, 2004. [ Infoshop News. [http://www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story=04/11/16/7010015 Rally and Concerts to Preserve Casa Del Sol] . Retrieved May 16 2007. ] [ The New York Times. [http://www.nytimes.com/2004/12/05/nyregion/thecity/05casa.html?n=Top%2fReference%2fTimes%20Topics%2fSubjects%2fE%2fEvictions Down at the Grass Roots, an Emotional Fight Over Turf] . Retrieved May 16 2007. ]

Prior to Casa Del Sol's closing, the Buffalo Readings expanded to the West Coast via David Acevedo who took the Buffalo Readings first to Tacoma and Seattle, then Portland. In Portland the series gained some momentum, attracting many new artists into the Buffalo fold. While the expansion to the West Coast was a success; post-Casa Del Sol's closing the East Coast Buffalo continued to hold events. Between the East & West Coast groups (including many members traveling between both coasts), the Buffalo found themselves featured on KBOO FM's "Talking Earth" several times, headlining gigs at Big Sur, one member (David Acevedo) published in the book Heal (Between the Pages of These Folks We Seek a Panacea), and the Buffalo as a whole found themselves as the featured house poets on the Oxford University Press Blog during National Poetry Month and also throughout the summer of 2007. [ [http://poetry.about.com/od/poetrybooks/a/poetrypicks2005_4.htm Yet Again More Poetry Picks: The Best of 2005 ] ] [ Oxford University Press. [http://blog.oup.com/?s=buffalo+poets&Submit.x=0&Submit.y=0 Buffalo Poets] . Retrieved November 30 2007. ]

Currently the Buffalo find themselves very active, having recently teamed up with the band FLIP, who includes notable saxophone player Daniel Carter. With FLIP, the Buffalo host a free monthly Open Mic at the Bowery Poetry Club to allow NYC artists a chance to lay down poetry and thought with established poets & jazz musicians with no cost of admission. In addition to the Bowery Poetry Club, the Buffalo continue to do gigs in NYC both with FLIP and also on there own. The Buffalo also host a weekly video Podcast and have built a Poetry Theater in Second Life with an eye towards regular interactive virtual poetry readings that interact with real life readings at established venues.

Throughout the history of the Buffalo, they have attracted many members on throughout the US which currently include: King Otho, Noah Levin, David Acevedo, Kevin Callahan, James Honzik, Michael “Molotov” Franklin, Shakuhachi Jon, the jazz band Flip, Brian Kenny and the activist Rafael Bueno. The Buffalo's aim throughout the years has stayed the same, to inspire other artists to shake all structures, inspired towards an artistic and creative revolution.


External links

* [http://www.buffaloreadings.com Official website]

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