Revised Ampera Cabinet

Revised Ampera Cabinet

The Revised Ampera Cabinet (Indonesian: "Kabinet Ampera yang Disempurnakan") was an Indonesian Cabinet which served under Acting President Suharto from October 1967 until June 1968. In addition to the Acting Presidency, Suharto was also Minister of Defense and Security in this Cabinet.

Acting President

*Acting President/Minister of Defense and Security: Gen. Suharto

Departmental Ministers

*Minister of Home Affairs: Lt. Gen. Basuki Rahmat
*Minister of Foreign Affairs: Adam Malik
*Minister of Justice: Umar Seno Adji
*Minister of Information: Burhanuddin Mohammad Diah
*Minister of Education and Culture: Sanusi Hardjadinata
*Minister of Religious Affairs: M Dahlan
*Minister of Health: GA Siwabessy
*Minister of Manpower: Brig. Gen. Awaluddin Djamin
*Minister of Social Affairs: AM Tambunan
*Minister of Finance: Frans Seda
*Minister of Trade: Maj. Gen. M Jusuf
*Minister of Agriculture: Maj. Gen. Sutjipto
*Minister of Plantations: Thojib Hadiwidjaja
*Minister of Transportation: Air Cdre. Sutopo
*Minister of Maritime Affairs: Rear Adm. Jatidjan
*Minister of Public Works: Sutami
*Minister of Basic Industries, Light Industries, and Energy: Maj. Gen. Ashari Danudirjo
*Minister of Textile and Handicraft Industries: Sanusi
*Minister of Mines: Sumantri Brodjonegoro
*Minister of Transmigration, Veterans' Affairs, and Mobilization: Lt. Gen. Sarbini

tate Ministers

*State Minister of Economics, Finance, and Industry: Hamengkubuwono IX
*State Minister of People's Welfare: Idham Chalid

External links

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