Third Development Cabinet

Third Development Cabinet

The Third Development Cabinet (Indonesian: "Kabinet Pembangunan III") was the Indonesian Cabinet which served under President Suharto and Vice President Adam Malik. The Cabinet was formed after Suharto was elected to a third term as president by the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR).

The Seven Cabinet Aims

*The establishment of an environment and a situation which will ensure social justice for the people through the equity of Development and its results.
*The accomplishment of high economic growth.
*The consolidation of an ever stronger National Stability.
*The creation of a clean and legitimate State Apparatus.
*The continuing development of a stronger national unity and oneness with the Guide to Learn and Apply Pancasila (P4) as its foundation.
*The holding of a direct, universal, free, and secret Legislative Election with the aim of strengthening Pancasila Democracy.
*Further developing a free and active foreign policy for the sake of National Interest and with the aim of strengthening National Resilience.

President and Vice President

*President: Gen. (ret.) Suharto
*Vice President: Adam Malik

Coordinating Ministers

*Coordinating Minister of Politics and Security: Gen. (ret.) Maraden Panggabean
*Coordinating Minister of Economics, Finance, and Industry/Chairman of the National Development Planning Body (BAPPENAS): Widjojo Nitisastro
*Coordinating Minister of People's Welfare: Gen. (ret.) Surono

Departmental Ministers

*Minister of Home Affairs: Gen. Amirmachmud
*Minister of Foreign Affairs: Mochtar Kusumaatmaja
*Minister of Defense and Security/Commander of ABRI: Gen. M Jusuf
*Minister of Justice: Mudjono
*Minister of Information: Lt. Gen. (ret) Ali Murtopo
*Minister of Finance: Ali Wardhana
*Minister of Trade and Cooperatives: Radius Prawiro
*Minister of Agriculture: Sudarsono Hadisaputro
*Minister of Industry: Suhud
*Minister of Mines and Energy: Subroto
*Minister of Public Works: Purnomosidi Hadisaroso
*Minister of Transportation: Air Mshl. (ret.) Rusmin Nurjadin
*Minister of Education and Culture: Daud Jusuf
*Minister of Health: Suwardjono Suryaningrat
*Minister of Religious Affairs: Lt. Gen. (ret.) Alamsyah Prawiranegara
*Minister of Social Affairs: Sapardjo

tate Ministers

*State Minister/State Secretary: Lt. Gen. Sudharmono
*State Minister of Administrative Reform: JB Sumarlin
*State Minister of Development Supervision and Environment: Emil Salim
*State Minister of Research and Technology: BJ Habibie

Junior Ministers

*Junior Minister of Housing: Cosmas Batubara
*Junior Minister of Cooperatives: Maj. Gen. Bustanil Arifin
*Junior Minister of Female Empowerment: Lasijah Susanto
*Junior Minister of Youth Affairs: Lt. Col. Abdul Gafur

Official With Ministerial Rank

*Attorney General: Ali Said
*Governor of the Central Bank: Rachmat Saleh
*Commander of the Operational Command for the Restoration of Security and Order (KOPKAMTIB): Adm. Sudomo
*KOPKAMTIB Chief of Staff: Maj. Gen. Daryatmo


*May 1978: Daryatmo resigned as KOPKAMTIB Chief of Staff to become Chairman of MPR/Head of the People's Representative Council (DPR). He was replaced by Lieutenant General Yoga Sugama.
*October 1982: Amirmachmud resigned as Minister of Home Affairs to become Chairman of MPR/Head of DPR. Sudharmono took on the Ministry of Home Affairs.


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