Hospital OS

Hospital OS

Hospital OS is a research and development project for a hospital management software to support small hospitals. It is financially supported by the Thailand Research Fund.

With the effort to facilitate the hospitals in the remote areas where technology seems to face difficulties to reach, we have designed and developed the hospital information system called "Hospital OS". This software is an open source program aimed to provide efficient medical service and hospital management. Despite the lack of budget and technological advance in rural communities, the developers endeavor to create the effective information system together with proficient people and aim to build a sustainable development to every community in Thailand.

External links

* [ Official website]
*cite news|url=|publisher=LinuxMedNews|title= Hospital OS Software, Key to Sustainable Development in Thai HospitalsInteresting Developments |author=Nalinee Chanyavanich|date=2006-05-26


* [ OpenClinical Open Source downloads: Hospital OS]

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