Rafael García Valiño

Rafael García Valiño

Rafael García Valiño (1898–1975) was a Spanish Army Officer who participated in the Spanish Civil War.

He enrolled in the Infantry Academy at 15 years old. In 1916 he earned his commission as a lieutenant, volunteering to fight in the Army of Africa. In Morocco he was wounded several times and was promoted to major due to his field performance. In 1935 he studied in the Superior Military School.

The outbreak of the Civil War surprised him, as he was spending the summer on the Basque coast. He crossed enemy lines to reach Pamplona to join up with the Nationalist Army of the North, lead by Emilio Mola. He commanded several carlist units, and with the 1ª Navarrese Brigade participated in the campaign of the North. After he was promoted to colonel, he then sent 1ª Division of Navarre, with which he fought in the campaign of Aragón, along with those of Aranda, in arriving at the Mediterranean and cutting the republican zone in two. He also participated in the offensive of Catalonia.

After the civil war he was named commander-in-chief of Melilla. In 1942 he became chief of staff of the Army. In 1947 he was promoted to lieutenant general and in charge of the captainship of the VII Military district. From 1951 to 1956 he was High Commissioner in Morocco. In 1957 he was named director of the Superior School of the Army and later, commander in chief of the I Military district, a position that he occupied until 1964.

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