Rudolph August Witthaus

Rudolph August Witthaus

Rudolph August Witthaus (18461915) was an American toxicologist, born in New York City. He graduated from Columbia University in 1867, and from the medical department of New York University in 1875; studied in the Sorbonne and the College of France; and was professor of chemistry and toxicology at the universities of New York, Vermont, and Buffalo successively, and at Cornell (18981911). He acted as toxicological expert in several famous criminal cases. His publications include:
* "Essentials of Chemistry" (1879)
* "Manual of Chemistry" (1879; sixth edition, 1908)
* "General Medical Chemistry" (1881)
* "Laboratory Guide in Urinalysis and Toxicology" (1886)

With T. C. Becker he also edited "Medical Jurisprudence, Forensic Medicine, and Toxicology" (second edition, four volumes, 190611), to which he contributed the introduction and volume iv.


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