- Siel
Societa Industrie Elettroniche (SIEL) was an Italian company that made
electronic organ s andsynthesizer s in the 1980s.Timeline of major products
* 1979 - Orchestra (Divide down oscillator network for full poly. Brass/string/key/organ. ARP relabelled it the "Quartet" in the US as they were folding.)
* 1980 - Mono (A fairly nice sounding simple 1 vco, 1 vcf monosynth)
* 1982 - OR400 / Orchestra 2 (Improvement of Orchestra above. More parameter sliders. This was also marketed bySequential Circuits as the Prelude.)
* 1984 - Opera 6 (2 DCO divide down from HFO ssm2031 chips, with all analog signal/EG)
* 1984 - DK600 (Opera 6 with different artwork. The last EPROM supports MIDI channels/Omni off)
* 1984 - Expander (opera 6/DK600 in a table top module. Only dco B tune, Volume, master tune.)
* 1985 - DK80 (splittable/layerable dual 6 voice synth with one M112B1 tone and one SSM2045 VCF per half.)
* 1985 - Expander 80 (DK80 module)
* 1985 - DK70 (One half of DK80 utilizing 8DCO in either single or 2DCO/4 voice. Seems confusing yes I know. They also issued a stage set it's called; a bender grip which turns it into a keytar!
* 1986 - DK700 (Enhanced DK600 with digital editing instead of knobs.)External links
* [http://home-1.worldonline.nl/~smeyer/siel/ Siel Synthesizers Website] Information and photos of synthesizers
*http://www.synclub.co.uk/museum/Siel/EX80/SielExpander80.htm [Web page dedicated to the Siel Expander 80]
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