

Hdeity infobox|

Caption = "Incarnation of Vishnu as a Boar"Sculpture of Varaha from Khajuraho
Name = Varaha
Devanagari = वाराह
Sanskrit_Transliteration =
Affiliation = Avatar of Vishnu
God_of =
Abode =
Weapon = Chakra and Mace
Consort = Prithvi
Mount =
Planet =

In Hinduism, Varaha ( _sa. वाराह) is the third avatar of Vishnu, in the form of a boar. He appeared in order to defeat Hiranyaksha, a demon who had taken the Earth (prthivi) and carried it to the bottom of what is described as the cosmic ocean in the story. The battle between Lord Varaha and Hiranyaksha is believed to have lasted for a thousand years, which the former finally won. Varaha carried the Earth out of the ocean between his tusks and restored it to its place in the universe. Vishnu married Prithvi (Bhudevi) in this avatar.

Varaha is depicted in art as either purely animal or as being anthropomorphic, having a boar's head on a man's body. In the latter form he has four arms, two of which hold the wheel and conch-shell while the other two hold a mace, sword or lotus or make a gesture (or "mudra") of blessing. The Earth is held between the boar's tusks.

The avatar symbolizes the resurrection of the Earth from a pralaya (deluge) and the establishment of a new kalpa (cosmic cycle).

The Varaha Purana is a Purana in which the form of narration is a recitation by Varaha.

Temples dedicated to Varaha

* Varaha temple - This temple in Varaha Village in Distt. Jind , Haryana. Here is a swayambhu murti of god VARAHA (the third incarnation of lord Vishnu). This is the place of the lord Varah's incarnation.
* Srimushnam - This temple in Tamil Nadu named is considered a swayambhu murthi, as are Tirupati and Badrinath.

* Sri Varaham - in Trivandrum, near South Fort.
* Thiruvidandai- In this temple near Chennai Varaha is also called Nityakalyana Perumal. It is famous for marriages and is one of the Divya desam.
* Simhachalam - The famous Varaha LakshmiNarasimha swamy temple, one of the most prominent in Andhra Pradesh.
* Tirupati - Sri VarahaMurthy Temple at Tirumala - Tirupati|Tirupati is considered to be a very ancient temple. Pilgrims should first worship Lord Varaha and then Lord Venkateswara. It is also know as "Aadhi Varaha Kshetra".

* ThirukKalvanoor - Aadi Varaha Perumal in Kamakshi Amman Temple, Kanchipuram.

* [Thiruvalavendhai / Valavendhai Piraan / Gnaanapiraan] [] - Thirukkadalmallai (Mammallapuram) - Aadi Varaha Perumal holding Akhilavalli Thaayaar (Bhudevi) on His right. The only Varaha temple where Perumal holds Thaayaar on His right.
* Sukarkshetra Temple - This temple is situated on the bank of Sarayu river in Paska village of Paraspur circle in Gonda district of eastern Uttar Pradesh (India).

Other Names

*Gnaanapiraan (also spelt Gnanapiran / Gnaanapiran / Jnanapiran)

ee also

*Sila (murthi)

External links

* [ The Battle Between Lord Boar (Varaha) and the Demon Hiranyaksha] (

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