

Whitsun (Old English for "White Sunday") is the 49th day (seventh Sunday) after Easter Sunday. In the Christian calendar, it is also known as Pentecost, commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples.

It has that meaning in the following:

* "The Whitsun Weddings" is a poem and the title of a collection by Philip Larkin.
* "Whitsun", a poem by Sylvia Plath
* A Whitsun Ale (esp., English) is a county fair, with competitions, dancing (traditionally, morris dancing), music, and socialising, usually sponsored by a local pub or tavern.
* "Dancing at Whitsun", a song by John Austin Marshall, recorded by Gordon Bok, Joan Baez and others. This song is set to the tune of The False Bride.

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  • Whitsun — Whit sun, a. Of, pertaining to, or observed at, Whitsuntide; as, Whitsun week; Whitsun Tuesday; Whitsun pastorals. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Whitsun — [hwit′sən, wit′sən] adj. [ME whitsone < whitsondei, understood as Whitsun Day: see WHITSUNDAY] of or observed on Whitsunday or at Whitsuntide …   English World dictionary

  • Whitsun — late 13c., contraction of WHITSUNDAY (Cf. Whitsunday) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Whitsun — UK [ˈwɪts(ə)n] / US / US [ˈhwɪts(ə)n] or Whitsuntide UK [ˈwɪts(ə)nˌtaɪd] / US / US [ˈhwɪts(ə)nˌtaɪd] noun [uncountable] the seventh Sunday after Easter, when Christians celebrate the time when the Holy Spirit came from Heaven to Earth. The… …   English dictionary

  • Whitsun — ► NOUN ▪ Whitsuntide …   English terms dictionary

  • Whitsun —    The English name for the Church festival otherwise called Pentecost, held on the seventh Sunday after Easter as the commemoration of the descent of the Holy Spirit and the inspiration of the Apostles. The derivation of the word Whitsun is… …   A Dictionary of English folklore

  • Whitsun — Recorded in many spellings including Whitson, Whitsun, Whiteson, Whittson, Whetson, Witson, Wittson and possibly others, this is an English and occasionally Scottish, medieval surname. It is believed to have two origins. The must usual like the… …   Surnames reference

  • Whitsun — noun Whitsun is used before these nouns: ↑recess …   Collocations dictionary

  • Whitsun — Whit|sun [ˈwıtsən] n [U and C] BrE 1.) also .Whit Sunday the seventh Sunday after Easter, when Christians celebrate the ↑Holy Spirit coming down from heaven = ↑pentecost 2.) also Whit|sun|tide [ˈwıtsəntaıd] the period around Whitsun …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Whitsun — [OE] Whitsun is etymologically ‘white Sunday’. The name comes from the ancient tradition of clothing newly baptized people in white on the feast of Pentecost. The abbreviated form Whit began to be used with other days of the week (such as Whit… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

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