Matthew Webb (preacher)

Matthew Webb (preacher)

Matthew Webb is an English born minister and televangelist who has achieved relative fame recently due to his Prosperity Gospel oriented ministry.

However, he continues to offer visitors to his website a free ‘Miracle Prayer Cloth’ which can purportedly be used to bring financial miracles and miraculous healing to the user. When people call or contact his ministry for prayer, their names are added to the ministry mailing list and the individual will usually receive two or three letters of encouragement a month.

The ministry also stresses the importance of tithing and supporting the ministry financially with offerings and that by so doing, the person will be prospered and enriched materially by God. The majority of Webb’s followers and supporters are immigrants to the UK and Europe, generally of African or Caribbean descent, who are seeking to improve their lot in life with God’s help.

According to the testimonies section of his ministry website and according to mailings and literature received from the ministry, there are apparently people around the world who claim to have received miracles, usually of a monetary nature.Webb briefly presented a weekly half hour broadcast entitled “Matthew Webb Miracle Ministry” on Wonderful Christian Network, airing across the United Kingdom and Europe, in early 2008. His main ‘pulpit’ appears to be his website.

The Matthew Webb Ministries is based in Shrewsbury, England.

External links

* [ Official Website of Matthew Webb Ministries]

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