

*Hausos ("h2aus-os-") is the reconstructed name of a theoretic Proto-Indo-European goddess associated with dawn.

Etymogically connected deities

Indo-European deities developed from the theoretic *Hausos include include Vedic "Ushas", Slavic"Zorya", Greek "Eos", Roman "Aurora" and Lithuanian "Aušra".

Also cognate is the term "za ustra" "early morning" in Old Church Slavonic.

If the Germanic goddess "Eostre" was historically venerated, a relation to her has also been proposed.who

As a love goddess, she was also called *Wenos "lust" (c.f. "Venus", "Vanadis", "Vanir").

Conjectured part in a solar myth

The Romans equated the Roman goddess Mater Matuta with Eos. Mythographer Georges Dumézil accepts this and from known fragments of the Matralia ritual, Dumézil conjectures that Hausos' mythological role was as the aunt and foster mother of the Helios, the personified sun in Greek mythology. The hypothetical myth is as follows:

:The Dawn's sister is Nyx (night), who is the Sun's mother. The Night always suffers a bloody death (dawn) while giving birth to the Sun. The Dawn nurses her infant nephew Solar Hero, while the Sun rests on the horizon, and then raises him up into the sky and sends him off on his grand journey across the heavens, after which he also suffers a bloody death (sunset).

Most other astronomical interpretations of early mythology are now discredited, after being popular in the early 20th century, but this myth may still be worth consideration.

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