Socialism is Good

Socialism is Good

Socialism is Good (社会主义好) is a famous song from the Chinese cultural revolution.



:社会主义好, 社会主义好!:社会主义国家人民地位高。:反动派被打倒。帝国主义夹着尾巴逃跑了。:全国人民大团结,掀起了社会主义建设高潮,建设高潮。

:社会主义好,社会主义好 !:社会主义江山人民保。:人民江山坐得牢,反动分子想反也反不了。:社会主义社会一定胜利,共产主义社会一定来到, 一定来到!

:共产党好! 共产党好!:共产党是人民的好领导。:说 得到,作 得到,全心全意 为 人民 立 功劳。:坚决跟着共产党, 要把伟大祖国建设好, 建设好!

:共产党好! 共产党好!:共产党 领导 中国 富强了。:人民 江山 坐得 牢, 反动 派想反也反 不了。:社会主义社会一定胜利,共产主义社会一定来到, 一定来到!


:Shèhuìzhǔyì hǎo, shèhuìzhùyì hǎo!:Shèhuìzhǔyì guójiā rénmín dìwèi gāo;:Fǎndòngpài, bèi dǎdǎo, dìguózhǔyì jiāzhe wěiba táopǎo liǎo.:Quán guó rénmín dà tuánjié, xiānqǐ le shèhuìzhǔyì, jiànshè gāocháo, jiànshè gāocháo.

:Shèhuìzhǔyì hǎo, shèhuìzhùyì hǎo!:Shehuizhuyi jiangshan renmin bao.:Renmin jiangshan zuode lao, fandong fenzi xiang fan ye fan buliao.:Shehuizhuyi shehui yiding shengli, gongchanzhuyi shehui yiding laidao, yiding laidao!

:Gongchandang hao! Gongchandang hao!:Gongchandang shi renmin de hao lingdao.:Shuo dedao, zuo dedao, quanxinquanyi wei renmin Li gonglao.:Jian jue genzhe gongchandang, yao Ba weida zuguo jianshe hao, jianshe hao!

:Gongchandang hao! Gongchandang hao!:Gongchandang lingdao Zhongguo fuqiang liao.:Renmin jiangshan zuode lao, fandongpai xiang fan ye fan buliao.:Shehuizhuyi shehui yiding shengli, gongchanzhuyi shehui yiding laidao, yiding laidao!


:Socialism is good, socialism is good!:In socialist nations, the people have high status.:Overthrow the reactionaries. Imperialism flees with its tail between its legs.:The entire nation is in great unity and has raised the socialist construction to a new height, to a new height.

:Socialism is good, socialism is good!:The people protect the socialist system.:The popular capacity is solid, the resistance of reactionary cliques is completely futile.:The socialist society will definitely succeed, a communist society will definitely be achieved, will definitely be achieved!

:The Communist Party is good! The Communist Party is good!:The Communist Party is a good leader for the people.:It holds its promises and works of any heart for the people.:Firmly anchored to the Communist Party, it is necessary to complete, complete the construction of our great fatherland!

:The Communist Party is good! The Communist Party is good!:The Communist Party guides China on the way of the power.:The popular capacity is solid, the resistance of reactionary cliques is destined to fail.:The socialist society will definitely succeed, a communist society will definitely be achieved, will definitely be achieved!

External links

* [] downloadable mp3 file for the old version of the song
* [] The Chinese lyrics to the song with pinyin and French translation
* [] about impressions of songs from the cultural revolution
* [] A Chinese flash with a new version of the song sung by Zhang Chu
* [] A movie on youtube with a new version of the song sung by Zhang Chu
* [] (明永乐:社会主义好) about "Socialism is good"

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