Electromagnetic Dendritic Object

Electromagnetic Dendritic Object

A term coined by Henry Markram in a lecture at the IBM Research Almaden conference on cognitive computing.

Main Idea

The world as an Electromagnetic Dendritic Object- a virtual environment

We do not see the world, we use any clue that our senses can provide us to build a virtual analog model of the world on the dendrites
* Neurons learn to contribute to the circuit to build a distributed dendritic object
* The circuitry provides the rules to build and animate dendritic objects
* Advanced cognition is the ability to run a simulation of the model into the future to optimize adaptation
* Different brains can learn to build a similar model
* Animals see the world differently because they build it differently, based on major differences in the brains capabilities

Spikes as animators of perceptions
* Spikes emitted on top of dendritic perceptual waves
* Minimize the number of spikes used as we learn to transfer just the required information

We use spikes to transfer the minimum information required to change or transfer perceptions
* Perceptions before the spike
* Resting potentials contribute to perceptions

External references

* [http://www.almaden.ibm.com/institute/2006/agenda.shtml Almaden Conference on Cognitive Computing]
* [http://www.almaden.ibm.com/institute/resources/2006/Disk2.avi video] (warning large file)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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