

Infobox Given Name Revised
name = Bogdan

gender = male
meaning = given by God
region = Central and Eastern Europe
origin = Slavic
related names = Theodore, Bogoljub
footnotes =

Bogdan or Bohdan (Cyrillic: Богдан), a Slavic name meaning "given by God" and largely corresponding to Greek Theodore, Hebrew Nathanael and Jonathan, Latin Deodatus, French Dieudonné may refer to:


Rulers of Moldavia

* Bogdan I of Moldavia (1359 - 1365)
** "Bogdania" was an early name for the principality of Moldavia (named after Bogdan I).
* Bogdan II of Moldavia (1449 - 1451)
* Bogdan III cel Orb (1504 - 1517)
* Bogdan IV of Moldavia (1568 - 1572)


* Bogdan Maglich, American physicist


* Bogdan Filov, Bulgarian archeologist and politician.


* Bogdan Tanjević, Montenegrin basketball coach


* Bogdan Borusewicz, Polish politician
* Bogdan Raczynski, Polish electronic musician


* Bogdan Dobrescu, Romanian boxer
* Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu, Romanian historian, philologist and politician
* Bogdan Lobonţ, Romanian footballer
* Bogdan Olteanu, Romanian politician
* Bogdan Niculescu-Duvăz, Romanian politician
* Bogdan Stelea, Romanian footballer


* Bogdan Vachenko (1993-) Son of a wealthy accountant Bogdan Vachenko has made many advances himself, in the field of Accounting


* Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Ukrainian hetman


* Alexandru Bogdan-Piteşti, Romanian activist, art collector and painter
* Angela Bogdan, Canadian diplomat
* Ioan Bogdan, Romanian slavicist
* Jakub Bogdan, Slovak painter


* Bogdan group, Ukrainian automobile manufacturer
* Bogdan (bus), brand of buses made by the Bogdan group

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