Lawrence S. Coben

Lawrence S. Coben

orphan=March 2008
citations missing=March 2008

Lawrence S."Larry" Coben is an archaeologist focused upon the Inca. His most recent work focuses on Inca imperial strategy and the archaeology of performance, and he was director of a project at the monumental site of Incallajta in Bolivia. With Takeshi Inomata, he co-authored the book [^DB/CATALOG.db&eqSKUdata=0759108773&thepassedurl Archaeology of Performance: Theater, Power and Community] (Altmira Press, 2006), as well as several articles on the Inca, archaeological site museums, and the role of performance and spectacle in ancient society. He also chairs the Archaeological Institute of America's Site Preservation Task Force and Program, which conserves sites and monuments around the world.

Coben has started and run numerous energy companies. He is presently Chairman and CEO of Tremisis Energy and a member of the board of NRG Energy, and was a director of Prisma Energy. He is also an advisor to several politicians and groups on energy policy. Ambassador Dick Swett and he wrote the national energy policy for Senator Joseph Lieberman's 2004 Presidential Campaign. His blog, Energizing America discusses major energy policy issues and comments on energy news from around the globe.

External links

* [ Official Larry Coben website]
* [ Proyecto Inkallakta]
* [ Energizing America]
* [ Energizing America Blog]
* [ AIA Site Preservation Program]

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