Rex Weyler

Rex Weyler

Infobox Writer
name = Rex Weyler

caption =
birthdate = Birth date and age|1947|9|10|df=y
birthplace = Denver, Colorado, United States
deathdate =
deathplace =
occupation = Author, Journalist, Ecologist
genre = Essays, News, Non-fiction
notableworks =
influences =
influenced =
website =

Rex Weyler (born September 10, 1947) is an American / Canadian author, journalist and ecologist. He has worked as a writer, editor, and publisher at newspapers and magazines, and occasionally as a commentator on Canadian television. In the 1970s, Weyler served as a director of the original "Greenpeace Foundation", and as campaign photographer and publisher of the "Greenpeace Chronicles". He was a cofounder of Greenpeace International in 1979 [ Co-founder of Greenpeace International in 1979] ] .

Weyler is the author of books on native rights ("Blood of the Land"), Greenpeace history ("Greenpeace: The Inside Story") and religious commentary ("The Jesus Sayings: A Quest for His Authentic Message"). In the 1990s, he coauthored a U.S. patent for music tuning software and co-founded Justonic Tuning Inc. with his partner Bill Gannon, to develop and market the product [ [ Patent for Canada & US music tuning software] ] . He works as a freelance journalist, appearing in print, broadcast, and on the Internet.

Life and education

Weyler was born in Denver, Colorado, September 10, 1947, to Jack Richardson Weyler, a petroleum geologist, and Joanne (Goodwin) Weyler, both from Santa Barbara, California.

Weyler attended Herbert Hoover Elementary School in Tulsa, Oklahoma; Rosco C. Hill Middle School in Denver, Colorado; and Robert E. Lee High School (Midland, Texas). He attended high school with future first lady Laura Welch Bush and future US Army General Tommy Franks. (See "Tell Laura I Love Her" for a memoir of Midland, Texas, c. 1963-66. [ [ Tell Laura I Love Her] ] ) Weyler graduated from Lee High School in 1966.

Weyler studied theoretical physics, mathematics, engineering, and history at Occidental College in Los Angeles, California.

In 1969, Weyler and 41 fellow students were suspended for a semester from Occidental College for staging a sit-in opposing U.S. military recruiters on the campus. The 42 students were charged with “disrupting the normal operating procedures of the college,” and convicted by an administration-teacher-student discipline body. Weyler never returned to university, but traveled internationally and published his first book in 1969 with photographer David Totheroh, "I Took a Walk Today", a pacifist discourse with photographs from a winter in California’s Yosemite Valley.

Thirty-six years later, on April 5, 2005, the Urban Environmental Policy Center on the Occidental College campus awarded Weyler and Dennis Zane, a fellow student organizer, the Alumni Community Action Award [ [ Urban Environmental Policy Center at Occidental College] ] for their lifetime achievements in peace, ecology, and social justice.

Family: Rex Weyler has three siblings. He married Glenn Jonathans in Nijmegen, Netherlands in 1971 and immigrated to Canada in 1972. Weyler and Jonathans divorced in 1980. Weyler married Lisa Gibbons [ [ Lisa Gibbons Biography] ] in 1991. They now live in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Lisa Gibbons is an artist and special-needs youth educator. Weyler and Gibbons have 3 sons and are also foster parents, active in the BC Federation of Foster Parents. [ [ BC Bookworld - Weyler Biography] ]


* 1973 with the "North Shore News" in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, first as a photographer and reporter and later as Editor and Associate Publisher.

* 1975 and 1980, Weyler co-founded and served as publisher and editor of the original Greenpeace Chronicles newspaper [ [ Greenpeace Chronicles Periodical profile published 1976] ] . The newspaper was one of the first international environmental publications, with stories by writers Robert Hunter, Paul Watson, John Lilly, Kitty Tucker, Ben Metcalfe, and David Garrick. The newspaper carried art and cartoons by famed cartoonists Ralph Steadman [ [ Chronicles - article scan] ] and Ron Cobb.

* 1979 and 1982, Weyler served variously as publisher and writer for "New Age Journal", Boston, Massachusetts, USA. With other editors Peggy Taylor, Rick Fields, Rick Ingrasci, and Catherine Ingram, he wrote and edited the popular self-help book "Chop Wood, Carry Water: Finding Spiritual Fulfillment in Everyday Life" (Tarcher, 1984).

* 1998, Weyler and Joel Solomon formed Morphic Media Inc, and purchased and published "Shared Vision Magazine" in Vancouver, B.C. Weyler served as publisher and editor until 2001. Solomon and Weyler sold the magazine in 2002 to Dragonfly Media. Thereafter, Weyler maintained his monthly column in "Shared Vision" until 2004 and currently serves as Editor-at-Large [ [ Shared Vision Magazine's Editor-at-Large] ]

* 2007, Weyler founded the Institute for Citizen Journalism [ [ Institute for Citizen Journalism] ] to help citizens get their stories before the world media.

Weyler appears regularly online in The Tyee [ [ The Tyee, articles by Rex Weyler] ] . He has appeared on CBC, BBC, Air America Radio, and other radio networks with commentary on ecology and current events. His stories and photographs have appeared in the Utne Reader, New York Times, National Geographic, The Liberal, and other journals.


Between 1973 and 1982, Weyler served as a director of the original Greenpeace Foundation, campaign photographer and reporter, and as editor of the Greenpeace Chronicles magazine. He was a co-founder of Greenpeace International in 1979.

In 1975, Weyler sailed on the first Greenpeace whale campaign. His photographs and news accounts of the early campaigns appeared in "National Geographic", "Smithsonian", "New York Times Magazine", and other publications worldwide. His photographs [ [ Greenpeace historical photographs] ] recorded early whale and seal campaigns of Greenpeace.

He is the author of a history of the first decade of Greenpeace, "Greenpeace: The Inside Story" (Raincoast, Rodale, 2004) [ [ Greenpeace: The Inside Story] ] .

Since leaving Greenpeace in 1982, Weyler has remained active in environmental and peace issues. In 1991, he helped draft dioxin emission levels for pulp mills in British Columbia. In 2006, he served as Program Coordinator for World Peace Forum 2006 [ [ 2006 Program Coordinator for World Peace Forum] ] .

Weyler is featured in the documentary, "Greenpeace: Making a Stand" [ [ Greenpeace: Making a Stand - documentary] ] , a history of Greenpeace, including a dramatic modern campaign in Argentina that preserved the forest homeland of the Wichi Indians, threatened by industrial soy plantations.

See Founders of Greenpeace [ [ Founders of Greenpeace] ] , a list of Characters [ [ Additional Greenpeace Characters] ] in the Greenpeace history, and the Chronology [ [ Greenpeace chronology] ] of the founding of Greenpeace.

Books by Rex Weyler

* Weyler, Rex (2008) "The Jesus Sayings: A Quest for His Authentic Message" (House of Anansi Press, 2008): a book about Jesus' message and his mission.
* Weyler, Rex (2004) "Greenpeace: The Inside Story" (Raincoast Books, Rodale, 2004): the history of the founding of Greenpeace in Vancouver, Canada, and the first decade of the organization. [Also: Greenpeace: An Insider’s Account (UK); and Greenpeace: How a Group of Ecologists, Journalists, and Visionaries Changed the World (US).] Finalist, Shaughnessy-Cohen Award for Political Writing, 2004.
* Weyler, Rex with Bill Gannon (1995) "The Story of Harmony" (Justonic Tuning Inc., 1995): The history of music technology, from Chinese bamboo to computer software, particularly the history of pure harmonic music, tempered keyboards, and computer solutions to the problem of pure, just intonation of harmony.
* Weyler, Rex (1986) "Song of the Whale" (Doubleday, 1986): The whale research of Dr. Paul Spong, and the Greenpeace campaign to stop international whaling
* Weyler, Rex with Rick Fields, Peggy Taylor, Rick Ingrasci (1984) "Chop Wood, Carry Water: Finding Spiritual Fulfillment in Everyday Life" (Tarcher); a book about the world’s spiritual traditions applied to modern life.
* Weyler, Rex (1982) "Blood of the Land" (Everest House, 1982; New Society Publishers, 1992): A history of the American Indian Movement and the Leonard Peltier case, nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, 1982.
* Weyler, Rex with Robert Hunter (1978) "To Save a Whale", photographs and commentary from the early Greenpeace whale campaigns (Chronicle Books).
* Weyler, Rex with Daphne Marlatt and Robert Minden (1975) "Steveston Recollected", photographs and oral history of Japanese Community in British Columbia (UBC, Provincial Archives, out of print).
* Weyler, Rex with David Totheroh (1969), "I Took a Walk Today", anti-war commentary and nature photographs (1969, out of print)

Rex Weyler has made contributions to: "The Power of the People", ed. Robert Cooney and Helen Michalowski (New Society Publishers, 1987); "Beyond Hypnosis" by Dr. Lee Pulos (Omega Press, San Francisco, 1990); "Shorelines" (Kingfisher Press, B.C., 1995); "Witness, Twenty-five Years on the Environmental Front Line" (Andre Deutsch, London, 1996); "Greenpeace: Changing the World", ed. Conny Boettger, Fouad Hamdan (Rasch & Röhring, 2001); "The Book of Letters: 150 Years of Private Canadian Correspondence", by Paul and Audrey Grescoe (Macfarlane Walter & Ross, 2002).

elected articles and essays

* [ Green Spin: Are We Gaining Ground or Blowing Smoke] (2006)–Critique of the “green consumer, and environmental hype.
* [ Somalia: Free Market Wasteland] (2004)–who is dumping toxic waste off the coast of Somalia?
* [ Delivering ‘Framed’ John Graham] (2007)–US attempts to extradite Canadian Tuchone native
* [ Holy Blood, with Fries] (2006)–Mary Magdalene gets skewered by Popes, Nazis, and a pop fiction writer.
* [ The No-Conspiracy Theory] (2003)–Assassinations, plots, and larceny on the world stage
* [ Why Are We Still Hunting Seals?] (2005)–Critique of Canadian Harp seal hunt
* [ Greenpeace Gets a Name] (2004)–The 1970 founding of Greenpeace in Vancouver
* [ Bob Hunter 1941–2005: A Unique Genius] (2005)–memoir of Greenpeace co-founder Robert L. Hunter.
* [ How To Change The World] (2007), Vancouver Sun, citizen action leads social movements
* [ Ordinary Courage] (2007)–Weyler’s Earth-Day Sermon, Unitarian Church, Vancouver
* [ Tell Laura I Love Her] (2004)–Life in Midland, Texas in the 1960s, and a reunion decades later
* [ Freedom: Baba Olatunji, 1927 - 2003] (2003)
* [ Weyler articles, essays on The Tyee]
* [ Weyler essays] reprinted on

Film appearances

[ Greenpeace: Making a Stand] (2006) television documentary adaptation of Weyler’s book, Greenpeace: the Inside Story, following on a campaign in Argentina. Omni Films, Leigh Badgley producer; premiere on Global television, Canada, 2006.

Sharkwater, feature documentary by Rob Stewart, 2007; Rex Weyler appears as an environmental expert.

[ American Warriors] , produced by Alison Maclean, Tomboy Productions, 2005; Weyler appears as an author of native American history, featuring his book Blood of the Land.

[ Icons of the Green Movement -- Greenpeace Co-Founder Rex Weyler, Petra Kelly's Legacy, Ralph Nader & Matt Gonzalez ] ; produced by Justice Vision and Democracy University, 2005.

Awards and honours

*Pulitzer Prize nomination for Native American history, “Blood of the Land,” 1982 [ [ Publisher of Blood of the Land] ] .
*Finalist, Shaughnessy-Cohen Award for Political Writing; 2004 [ [ Finalist, Shaughnessy-Cohen Award] ] .
*Publishers Weekly, “Best Books of 2004,” Greenpeace: The Inside Story [ [ Publishers Weekly Best Books of 2004 Non-Fiction] ] .
*Finalist, Hubert Evans Award for Non-Fiction, BC Book Awards, 2004 [ [ BC Book Awards, 2005 Finalist] ] .
*Alumni Community Action Award [ [ Urban Environmental Policy Center - Occidental College] ] , Urban Environmental Policy Center, Los Angeles, April 2005.


Additional reading

* [ Vancouver Observer] , text of Rex Weyler’s Earth Day speech, “Ordinary Courage”
* [ Who Killed Anna Mae?] (2005)–on John Graham Defense Committee site, original from the Vancouver Sun; Indian movement, FBI, informants, and murder charges.
* [ The World According To Rex Weyler, Interview, The Independent] (London), Oct 5, 2004
* [ Rex Weyler Interview] , Gauntlet, University of Calgary, 2004
* [;jsessionid=68B946DEF07460E420DC9E8265248A7F Pieces of Green] , Matt Nippert, New Zealand Listener, November 20, 2004
* [ Pirates vs. Patriots, Conscious Choice] (2004)–US targets environmental groups for special prosecution, forestry activists charged with “sailor mongering.”
* [ Greenpeace International, “Movements, Memes, and Mindbombs,”] (2004)–Weyler discusses Saul Alinsky, Gandhi, protest tactics, and media strategies.
* [ Waves of Compassion] , Utne Reader (2003)–Greenpeace history, the founders and early campaigns
* [ Weyler on Intentblog] – postings on the Deepak Chopra blog site
* [ “Due Process,”] Excerpt, Blood of the Land, at
* [ “State of Siege,”] Excerpt, Blood of the Land, at
* [ “Who Goes There,”] Excerpt, Greenpeace: The Inside Story

External links

* [ Rex Weyler's Official Website]
* [ House of Anansi Press] - Weyler, author,
* [ Raincoast Books] - Weyler, author,
* [ Institute for Citizen Journalism, John Graham case]
* [ Institute for Citizen Journalism]
* [ Greenpeace International]

Multi-media resources

* [ Rex Weyler, photo downloads, Raincoast Books] Persondata
NAME = Weyler, Rex
SHORT DESCRIPTION = American / Canadian author, journalist and ecologist
DATE OF BIRTH = 10 September 1947
PLACE OF BIRTH = Denver, Colorado

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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