Trivial objections

Trivial objections

Trivial objections (also referred to as hair-splitting, nothing but objections, barrage of objections and banal objections) is an informal logical fallacy where irrelevant and sometimes frivolous objections are made to divert the attention away from the topic that is being discussed. This type of argument is called a "quibble" or "quillet". Trivial objections are a special case of red herring.

The fallacy often appears when an argument is difficult to oppose. The person making a trivial objection may appear ready to accept the argument in question, but at the same time they will oppose it in many different ways. These objections can appear in the form of lists, hypotheticals, and even accusations.

Such objections themselves may be valid, but they fail to confront the main argument under consideration. Instead, the objection opposes a small, irrelevant part of the main argument. The fallacy is committed because of this diversion; it is fallacious to oppose a point on the basis of minor and incidental aspects, rather than responding to the main claim.


Amy: (after consulting a reliable source): It really looks like a cucumber is a fruit, not a vegetable.
Bob: You're an idiot! Why would you use 'really' in that sentence?

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  • trivial — adj. 1 of small value or importance; trifling (raised trivial objections). 2 (of a person) concerned only with trivial things. 3 archaic commonplace or humdrum (the trivial round of daily life). 4 Biol. & Chem. of a name: a popular; not… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • cav|il — «KAV uhl», verb, iled, il|ing or (especially British) illed, il|ling, noun. –v.i. to find fault without good reason; raise trivial objections; carp: »He cavils about the minor points in the rules of the game. Those who do not value… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • cavil — I. /ˈkævəl / (say kavuhl) verb (i) (cavilled or, US, caviled, cavilling or, US, caviling) 1. (sometimes followed by at) to raise irritating and trivial objections; find fault unnecessarily. –noun 2. a trivial and annoying objection …  

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