The Third Rail

The Third Rail

"The Third Rail" is an online magazine concerning itself with rapid transit topics, including history and current events. It is currently published by The Composing Stack Inc. of New York, a software and internet services company, and the title is a registered trademark of that company.


The Third Rail published a single issue as a print magazine dated Summer, 1966 and then published six issues from 1974 to 1976. [ [ "The Third Rail, The Magazine of Rapid Transit"] ]

In May 1999 The Third Rail was revived as an online magazine. As of April 2007, fifteen online editions have been posted. Publication has been sporadic but all editions are online in 2007. [ [ The Third Rail Online Magazine of Rapid Transit Index] ] Some of the magazines contain original articles, some contain reprints from the print publication. "", which includes The Third Rail was featured in the "New York Online" column of The New York Times for January 9. 2000. [ [ Rapid Transit Net, by Eric V. Copage] ]


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  • Third rail (metaphor) — The phrase third rail is a metaphor in politics to denote an idea or topic that is so charged and untouchable that any politician or public official who dares to broach the subject would invariably suffer politically.The third rail in a train… …   Wikipedia

  • Third rail (model railroading) — The use of a third rail in model railroading is a technique that is sometimes applied in order to facilitate easier wiring.Two rail versus three rail systemEarly toy trains used two metal rail tracks like most real trains. However, manufacturers… …   Wikipedia

  • Third rail (disambiguation) — Third rail may refer to:*Third rail, an extra rail used for supplying electricity to trains *The extra rail on a dual gauge railway * Third Rail (song), a song by Squeeze *Third rail (metaphor), a political metaphor *The Third Rail, an online… …   Wikipedia

  • Third rail — (Electric Railways) (a) The third rail used in the third rail system. (b) An electric railway using such a rail. [Colloq.] [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • third rail — The third rail of something is dangerous to alter or change. Originally, the third rail is the one carrying the electricity for a train …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • third rail —    The third rail of something is dangerous to alter or change. Originally, the third rail is the one carrying the electricity for a train.   (Dorking School Dictionary) …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • Third rail — For other uses, see Third rail (disambiguation). Third rail at the West Falls Church Metro station near Washington, D.C., electrified at 750 volts. The third rail is at the top of the image, with a white canopy above it. The two lower rails… …   Wikipedia

  • third rail — noun a rail through which electric current is supplied to an electric locomotive • Hypernyms: ↑track, ↑rail, ↑rails, ↑runway * * * noun : a metal rail through which current is led to the motors of an electric locomotive compare running rail * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • third rail — noun a) The electrified rail that runs besides, or between train tracks to power electric trains. Social security is the third rail of American politics: touch it and your political career dies. b) anything that is dangerous to come into contact… …   Wiktionary

  • Third-rail system — (Electric Railways) A system in which a third rail is used for carrying the current for operating the motors, the rail being insulated from the ground and the current being taken off by means of contact brushes or other devices. [Webster 1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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