- You Don't Speak for Me
You Don't Speak for Me is an anti-
illegal immigration activist group in theUnited States . Retired Army Colonel Al Rodriguez founded the group in2006 , to represent Hispanic Americans like him who are opposed to legalization for those who have entered the US illegally.Principles
You Don't Speak for Me stands for the following five principles, as listed on its website:
*"All immigration should be legal"
*"Illegal aliens from any country should never be rewarded with benefits or privileges"
*"No amnesty - no way!"
*"Secure our borders now and fully enforce immigration laws"
*"Learn and speak English"The group's website provides an explanation of each principle. [ [http://www.dontspeakforme.org/principles.html You Don't Speak for Me: Principles] ]
The group was created after Rodriguez viewed media coverage of the
2006 United States immigration reform protests . According to Rodriguez, "Their leaders were saying it was a march for immigrant rights and a Latino/Hispanic movement. I thought to myself, 'Hey, those are illegal aliens, not immigrants!' I'm of Hispanic ancestry and those people are acting like they speak for me. Well, you don't speak for me!" [ [http://dontspeakforme.org/ourstory.html You Don't Speak for Me ] ]You Don't Speak for Me was launched with help from the
Federation for American Immigration Reform . [ [http://www.fairus.org/site/DocServer/2006annualreport.pdf?docID=1861 2006 FAIR Annual Report] ] Less than three months after the launch, a vice chair of the group claimed that it had attracted about a thousand members. [ [http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewCulture.asp?Page=/Culture/archive/200607/CUL20060720a.html 'You Don't Speak for Me,' Legal Hispanic Immigrants Shout - 07/20/2006 ] ]In 2007, group leaders participated in a rally for immigration reform outside of the White House [ [http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2007/04/29//news/top_stories/1_02_374_28_07.txt Analysts: Tough political road for immigration reform North County Times - North San Diego and Southwest Riverside County News ] ] .
External links
* [http://dontspeakforme.org/ Official site]
* [http://www.kchispanicnews.com/htdocs/kchnv10n77/article06.html "Col. Rodriguez Has His Say"] , interviewReferences
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.