- LandWarNet
LandWarNet is the
United States Army ’s contribution to theGlobal Information Grid (GIG) that consists of all globally interconnected, end-to-end set of Army information capabilities, associated processes, and personnel for collecting, processing, storing, disseminating, and managing information on demand supporting warfighters, policy makers, and support personnel. It includes all Army (owned and leased) and leveraged Department of Defense (DOD)/Joint communications and computing systems and services, software (including applications), data security services, and other associated services. LandWarNet exists to enable the war fight through [http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fm/7-30/Ch3.htm Battle Command.]Source: TRADOC LandWarNet White Paper, June 2005.
Other U.S. service equivalent efforts to LandWarNet include the Navy's [http://forcenet.navy.mil/ "FORCEnet"] and the Air Force's [http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/aircraft/systems/c2-constellation.htm "C2 Constellation."]
http://www.army.mil/ciog6/mission.html Office of the Army Chief Information Officer/G6] As the Army lead: provides the knowledge and strategy to shape and develop LandWarNet from top (strategic) to bottom (tactical).]
A key document shaping the capability development (expectation) for LandWarNet is [http://www.tradoc.army.mil/tpubs/pams/p525-66.pdf TRADOC PAM 525-66 (Military Operations Future Operating Capabilities).] This pamphlet describes Force Operating Capabilities (FOC) desired for the U.S. Army near, mid and long term, encompassing the full spectrum of military operations, derived from analysis of joint concepts, Army Future Force concepts, and other documents developed in support of the
National Military Strategy (NMS), Strategic Planning Guidance (SPG), Army Strategic Planning Guidance (ASPG), the Army Transformation Road Map (ATR), and the Army Campaign Plan (ACP).LandWarNet is essentially the combination of the set of functional applications (for battle command, Intelligence, Logistics, etc.), transmitted over integrated network transport (space, airborne, terrestrial, infrastructure, network terminal), utilizing a common set of network services (voice, data, collaboration, mediation, storage, discovery, messaging, speed of service, quality of service, hosting, IA/Security, NetOps - information assurance, information dissemination management, and network management). LandWarNet also represents the Army’s unified, coherent network capabilities development effort to bring the pieces together. The focus of this effort is providing Soldiers, leaders and units, today and in the future, the means to conduct information-enabled, joint warfighting and supporting operations. ----
Cylinder Slide Depicting LandWarNet
LandWarNet, underpinned by integrated architectures enables, “one Battle Command System” as part of “one Network” and facilitates a consistent alignment of joint capabilities across all layers of the network (platforms & sensors, applications, services, transport and standards) to design and field an integrated system of systems. This network provides the link from Soldier to sustaining base, with tailored software applications that are optimized for conducting joint operations.
LandWarNet History
[http://www.military-training-technology.com/article.cfm?DocID=449 GEN Byrnes] (CG TRADOC) back in November 2003 determined the Army needed a single name to represent all tactical networks, both current and future. His assessment was based on the numerous questions asked of him at the [http://www.jfcom.mil/ JFCOM] Component Commanders Conference (senior generals and admirals forum) during a discussion on Army networks.
The task of finding the right name was given to the Battle Command and Awareness Division (BCAD) within TRADOC's Futures Center Directorate. There were numerous suggestions in the staffing process, but the name "LandWarNet" stood out. The name was inspired by the JTF WARNET Program under the Extending the Littoral Battlespace (ELB) Advanced Concept Technology Development (ACTD) at that time.
From Nov 03 to Jan 04, the name "LandWarNet" initially represented all current and future tactical networks.
The name caught on within a relatively short time with the other services and DoD during the Joint Battle Management Command and Control [http://www.jfcom.mil/about/fact_jbmc2.htm (JBMC2)] document review process.
In [http://www4.army.mil/ocpa/read.php?story_id_key=5709 Feb 04] , the CIO/G6 for the Army incorporated the name to represent all current and future Army networks. The name had greater appeal and "traction" in military circles and at the Congressional level than the previous name for the Army network i.e. the Army Knowledge Enterprise (AKE).
[http://www4.army.mil/ocpa/read.php?story_id_key=5709 Army Public Affairs - LandWarNet is New Name for Army Network, Feb 2004]
[http://www4.army.mil/ocpa/read.php?story_id_key=5752 ARNEWS - LandWarNet equips Soldiers with battlefield information Mar 2004]
[http://www.military-training-technology.com/article.cfm?DocID=449 MTT Article - 2004 GEN Byrnes addresses Transformation and LandWarNet Mar 2004]
[http://www.military-training-technology.com/article.cfm?DocID=453 MTT Article - LandWarNet: Network of the Future Force Apr 2004]
[http://www.army.mil/ciog6/docs/FightTheNetworkBrochure.pdf CIO/G6 Brouchure - Fight the Network Sep 2004]
[http://www.military-information-technology.com/article.cfm?DocID=713 MTT Article - Network for Land War Dec 2004]
[https://lwn.army.mil/ LandWarNet University May 2007]
[http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/landwarnet.htm LandWarNet History Jun 04]
[http://www.army.mil/ciog6/index.html CIO/G6 Home Page]
[http://www.gordon.army.mil/pao/lwn%20articles/lwn.htm SIGCEN PAO LandWarNet Articles]
[http://www.gordon.army.mil/m-vic/Recent%20Events/LandWarNet/index.htm LandWarNet Wargame Feb 2005]
[http://www.tradoc.army.mil/tpubs/pams/p525-66.pdf TRADOC PAM 525-66 (Military Operations Future Operating Capabilities) July 2005]
[http://www.military-information-technology.com/article.cfm?DocID=1590 MTT Article - LandWarNet goes to School Aug 2006]
[http://www.defenselink.mil/cio-nii/ DoD CIO Home Page]
[http://www.afcea.org/signal/articles/templates/SIGNAL_Article_Template.asp?articleid=1211&zoneid=8 AFCEA LandWarNet Conference Oct 2006]
[http://www.army.mil/aps/07/addendum/g.html LandWarNet in the 2007 Army Posture Statement]
[http://www.afcea.org/events/landwarnet/landing.asp AFCEA LandWarNet Conference Aug 2007]
[http://www.gcn.com/online/vol1_no1/44904-1.html?topic=&CMP=OTC-RSS GCN Article 22 Aug 07 - LandWarNet Gaining Momentum]
[http://www.military-information-technology.com/print_article.cfm?DocID=2142 LandWarNet Transformer: Strengthening Operational Responsiveness and Security Aug 2007]
[http://www.arcic.army.mil/cda_landwarnet.html ARCIC LandWarNet Division Mission Statement]
[http://www.army.mil/CIOG6/references/briefings.html CIO/G6 Speeches from 2006 & 2007]
[http://www.army.mil/ciog6/mission.html CIO/G6 Mission Statement]
[http://www.defenselink.mil/cio-nii/ DoD CIO Home Page]
DoD Architecture Framework (DODAF)
[http://www.military-information-technology.com/article.cfm?DocID=2183 LandWarNet Reshapes NETOPS]
[http://www.netcom.army.mil/about/docs/Quad_fold_2007.pdf NETCOM 9th Signal Corps (Army)]
[http://www.tradoc.army.mil/tpubs/pams/p525-5-600.doc LandWarNet CONOPS 11 Feb 2008]
[http://www.army.mil/aps/08/information_papers/transform/LANDWARNET_and_the_Global_Information_Grid.html 2008 Army Posture Statement - Info Paper: LandWarNet and the GIG, 26 Feb 2008]
[https://akocomm.us.army.mil/2008scg/ 2008 Strategic Communications Guide]
[http://www.afcea.org/signal/articles/templates/Signal_Article_Template.asp?articleid=1552&zoneid=231 Army Networking Technologies Change on the Fly, Apr 2008]
[http://www.army.mil/-news/2008/08/20/11790-2008-landwarnet-conference-draws-huge-turnout 2008 LandWarNet Conference Draws Huge Turnout - 21 Aug 2008]
[https://www.intelink.gov/wiki/Army_Enterprise_Network 2008 CIO G6 Enterprise Network Campaign Plan]
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