Initial topology

Initial topology

In general topology and related areas of mathematics, the initial topology (projective topology or weak topology) on a set X, with respect to a family of functions on X, is the coarsest topology on "X" which makes those functions continuous.

The subspace topology and product topology constructions are both special cases of initial topologies. Indeed, the initial topology construction can be viewed as a generalization of these.

The dual construction is called the final topology.


Given a set "X" and an indexed family ("Y""i")"i"∈"I" of topological spaces with functions:f_i: X o Y_ithe initial topology τ on X is the coarsest topology on "X" such that each:f_i: (X, au) o Y_iis continuous.

Explicitly, the initial topology may be described as the topology generated by sets of the form f_i^{-1}(U), where U is an open set in Y_i. The sets f_i^{-1}(U) are often called cylinder sets.


Several topological constructions can be regarded as special cases of the initial topology.
* The subspace topology is the initial topology on the subspace with respect to the inclusion map.
* The product topology is the initial topology with respect to the family of projection maps.
* The inverse limit of any inverse system of spaces and continuous maps is the set-theoretic inverse limit together with the initial topology determined by the canonical morphisms.
* The weak topology on a locally convex space is the initial topology with respect to the continuous linear forms of its dual space.
* Given a family of topologies {τ"i"} on a fixed set "X" the initial topology on "X" with respect to the functions id"X" : "X" → ("X", τ"i") is the supremum (or join) of the topologies {τ"i"} in the lattice of topologies on "X". That is, the initial topology τ is the topology generated by the union of the topologies {τ"i"}.
* A topological space is completely regular if and only if it has the initial topology with respect to its family of (bounded) real-valued continuous functions.
* Every topological space "X" has the initial topology with respect to the family of continuous functions from "X" to the Sierpiński space.


Characteristic property

The initial topology on "X" can be characterized by the following universal property: a function g from some space Z to X is continuous if and only if f_i circ g is continuous for each "i" ∈ "I".


By the universal property of the product topology we know that any family of continuous maps "f""i" : "X" → "Y""i" determines a unique continuous
fcolon X o prod_i Y_i,This map is known as the evaluation map.

A family of maps {"f""i": "X" → "Y""i"} is said to "separate points" in "X" if for all "x" ≠ "y" in "X" there exists some "i" such that "f""i"("x") ≠ "f""i"("y"). Clearly, the family {"f""i"} separates points if and only if the associated evaluation map "f" is injective.

The evaluation map "f" will be a topological embedding if and only if "X" has the initial topology determined by the maps {"f""i"} and this family of maps separates points in "X".

eparating points from closed sets

If a space "X" comes equipped with a topology, it is often useful to know whether or not the topology on "X" is the initial topology induced by some family of maps on "X". This section gives a sufficient (but not necessary) condition.

A family of maps {"f""i": "X" → "Y""i"} "separates points from closed sets" in "X" if for all closed sets "A" in "X" and all "x" not in "A", there exists some "i" such that:f_i(x) otin operatorname{cl}(f_i(A))where "cl" denoting the closure operator.

:Theorem. A family of continuous maps {"f""i": "X" → "Y""i"} separates points from closed sets if and only if the cylinder sets f_i^{-1}(U), for "U" open in "Y"i, form a base for the topology on "X".

It follows that whenever {"f""i"} separates points from closed sets, the space "X" has the initial topology induced by the maps {"f""i"}. The converse fails, since generally the cylinder sets will only form a subbase (and not a base) for the initial topology.

If the space "X" is a T1 space, then any collection of maps {"f"i} which separate points from closed sets in "X" must also separate points. In this case, the evaluation map will be an embedding.

Categorical description

In the language of category theory, the initial topology construction can be described as follows. Let "Y" be the functor from a discrete category "J" to the category of topological spaces Top which selects the spaces "Y""j" for "j" in "J". Let "U" be the usual forgetful functor from Top to Set. The maps {"f""j"} can then be thought of as a cone from "X" to "UY". That is, ("X", "f") is an object of Cone("UY")—the category of cones to "UY".

The characteristic property of the initial topology is equivalent to the statement that there exists a universal morphism from the forgetful functor:"U"′ : Cone("Y") → Cone("UY")to the cone ("X", "f"). By placing the initial topology on "X" we therefore obtain a functor:"I" : Cone("UY") → Cone("Y")which is right adjoint to the forgetful functor "U"′. In fact, "I" is a right-inverse to "U"′ since "U"′"I" is the identity functor on Cone("UY").

See also

* Final topology


*cite book | last = Willard | first = Stephen | title = General Topology | publisher = Addison-Wesley | location = Reading, Massachusetts | year = 1970 | id = ISBN 0-486-43479-6 (Dover edition)
*planetmath reference|id=7368|title=Initial topology
*planetmath reference|id=7504|title=Product topology and subspace topology

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