- Hornbach (hypermarket)
company_name = Hornbach
company_type = Public
company_slogan = "Es gibt immer was zu tun."
foundation =1877
location =Neustadt an der Weinstraße ,Germany
key_people = Albert und Steffen Hornbach
industry = Retail (Home Improvement)
num_employees = 12,000
products = Home improvement products such asappliance s,tool s,hardware , and garden supplies & plants.
revenue = profit €2.54 billion (2006 /2007 )
homepage = [http://www.hornbach.com/ www.hornbach.com]
Hornbach is a German
hypermarket chain offering home improvement anddo-it-yourself goods.Hornbach in Europe
Hornbach has a 21% strategic alliance with the
UK 'sB&Q and its parent companyKingfisher plc .External links
* [http://www.hornbach.com Hornbach International]
* [http://www.hornbach-holding.de Hornbach Holding AG]Media
* [http://www.forbes.com/markets/feeds/afx/2005/06/24/afx2110010.html Hornbach sees FY earnings down due to costs of opening new DIY stores]
* [http://www.praguemonitor.com/en/394/czech_business/26408/ Hornbach ups 2007 profit by 10% to CZK 402.6m]
* [http://www.zf.ro/articol_180146/hornbach_expands_beyond_bucharest_in_2009.html Hornbach expands beyond Bucharest in 2009]
* [http://www.zf.ro/articol_179391/obi_to_hire_400_people_for_new_stores.html OBI to hire 400 people for new stores]
* [http://www.zf.ro/articol_179004/baumax_invests_10m_euros_in_a_store_in_bacau.html bauMax invests 10m euros in a store in Bacau]
* [http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,1866602,00.html Portrait of Albrecht Hornbach]
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