

Petsuchos ( _el. Πετεσοῦχος) was (the Greek rendition of) the name given to the live crocodile at Crocodilopolis in Ancient Egypt, which was worshipped as a manifestation of the Egyptian god Sobek ( _el. Σοῦχος). The name Petsuchos means "son of Sobek", as the Ancient Egyptian word "pet" has a meaning of "son" or "offspring". Petsuchoi were worshipped as gods, and were adorned with jewels and gold. When the Petsuchos died, it was replaced by another. Their carcasses were mummified, like those of pharaohs and high priests.

In popular culture

In the computer game "Age of Mythology", Petsuchoi are portrayed as shooting sun beams from disks on their heads.

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