Umbilical cord ulceration and intestinal atresia

Umbilical cord ulceration and intestinal atresia

Umbilical cord ulceration and intestinal atresia is a rare [RareDiseases|5403] congenital disease that leads to intestinal atresia, umbilical cord ulceration and severe intrauterine haemorrhage. Only 15 cases have so far been report [ [ ORPHANET - About rare diseases - About orphan drugs ] ] though newer studies are beginning to conclude that this disease has a higher incidence rate than has been previously reported. [ [ Umbilical cord ulcer: a serious in utero complicat... [Placenta. 2000 - PubMed Result ] ] A particular study has given intestinal atresia and umbilical cord ulceration a clear link after 5 such cases were reported at the time of publication. [ [ Umbilical cord ulceration and intestinal atresia. [Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1996 - PubMed Result ] ]


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