Degree (temperature)

Degree (temperature)

The term degree is used in several scales of temperature. The symbol ° is usually used, followed by the initial letter of the unit, for example “°C” for degree(s) Celsius. A degree can be defined as a set change in temperature measured against a given scale, for example, one degree celsius is one hundredth of the temperature change between water melting and water boiling.


Scales of temperature measured in degrees

Common scales of temperature measured in degrees:

Other scales of temperature:


The degree Kelvin (°K) is a former name for the SI unit of temperature on the thermodynamic (absolute) temperature scale. Since 1967 it has been known simply as the kelvin, with symbol K. Degree absolute (°A) is obsolete terminology, often referring specifically to the kelvin but sometimes the degree Rankine as well.[1]


  • Boiling point of water: 100.0 °C / 212.0 °F
  • Melting point of ice: 0.0 °C / 32.0 °F
  • Typical human body temperature: 37.0 °C / 98.6 °F
  • Room temperature: the 20 - 25 °C / 68 - 77 °F


Temperature conversions

See also


  1. ^ "Unit of thermodynamic temperature (kelvin) (SI brochure, Section". International Bureau of Weights and Measures. Retrieved 2009-02-10. 
  2. ^ "Metric system temperature (kelvin and degree Celsius)". Colorado State University - Lamar. Retrieved 2009-02-10. 

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