The three letter acronym ASR may refer to:
* Accelerated Share Repurchase
* Acceleration Slip Regulation
* Accredited Seller Agency, is a designation earned by real estate agents and Realtors
* Advanced Shake Reduction, a feature of digital cameras
* Age Standardized Rate
* Air Sea Rescue
* Airport Surveillance Radar, is a radar system used by airports to detect and display an aircraft's position in the terminal area
* Alkali Silica Reaction, a reaction in concrete in which badly crystalised silica is attacked by alkalis, forming SiO Hydrophilic gel
* alt.sysadmin.recovery
* American Safety Razor Company
* Analyte Specific Reagent, an FDA pharmaceutical classification. Loosely, "the active ingredient of an in-house test"
* Answer/Seizure ratio, in telecoms, the number of successfully answered calls divided by the total number of calls attempted (seizures). Since busy signals and other rejections by the called number count as call failures, the calculated ASR value can vary depending on user behavior
* Apple Software Restore, a command line tool to copy disk images onto hard disks.
* Aquifer Storage and Recovery The use of dual-purpose water wells for injection and storage of water into an aquifer from where it can be extracted (recovered) at a later stage.
* Asian Soybean Rust, fungal disease that affects soybeans and other legumes
* ASR Records, a record label
* Association for the Sociology of Religion
* Associazione Sportiva Roma, Italian football club
* Automated System Recovery, Part of NTBackup
* Automatic System Recovery, A device or process that detects a computer failure and attempts recovery
* Automatic Send-Receive, a type of teleprinter that contains a keyboard and paper tape reader/punch
* Automatic Speech Recognition, interpretation of human speech by a computer.
* Automotive Shredder Residue
* Average Success Rate, telephony statistical term
* Add Service Request, request made by an ISO or credit card processing bank to make a change to an existing merchant account. Usually through Chase Paymentech
* ARCA Sim Racing, a racing simulation video game
* active surge region

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