Eusebius of Alexandria

Eusebius of Alexandria

Eusebius of Alexandria, is an author to whom certain extant homilies are attributed.

These homilies enjoyed some renown in the Eastern Church in the sixth and seventh centuries. Their homiletical merit does not rise above mediocrity, and nothing is known of the author. In all events, he was not a patriarch of Alexandria, as is affirmed in as early biography ("MPG", lxxxvi. 1, pp. 297-310), written by one Johannes, a notary, and stating that Eusebius was called by Cyril to be his successor in the episcopate. The discourses belong probably to the fifth or sixth century, and possibly originated in Alexandria. They deal with the life of the Lord and with questions of ecclesiastical life and practise, which they resolve in a monastic-ascetic way. Their literary character is not quite clear; while most of them are adapted for public delivery, not a few bear the character of ecclesiastical pronouncements. They are printed in "MPG," lxxxvi. 1, pp. 287-482, 509-536, except four included among Chrysostom's works. The fragments preserved in the so-called "Sacra parallela" are to be found in Karl Holl's "Fragmente vornicänischer Kirchenväter" ("T U", new series, v. 2, Leipzig, 1899), pp. 314-332. A homily concerning the observance of Sunday is attributed by Zahn to Eusebius of Emesa.

Note that Eusebius of Alexandria is not the well-known historian of the Christian church, who is Eusebius of Caesarea.

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