List of acupuncture points

List of acupuncture points
System of main meridians with acupuncture point locations

Acupuncture points are hypothetical locations on the body used for treatment in acupuncture and treatment systems akin to Traditional Chinese Medicine. More than 400 acupuncture points have been described with the majority located on one of the main meridians, hypothetical pathways over and within the body that channel qi. Points also exist that are not on meridians and are referred to as 'extra points'. There is no known or commonly agreed anatomical or histological basis for the existence of acupuncture points or meridians.[1]

In east Asian countries practitioners commonly refer to acupuncture points by their names. Some points have several names. When acupuncture was adopted in the western world a standard nomenclature was developed to unambiguously identify the acupuncture points on meridians. This model achieved wide acceptance and today virtually every book on acupuncture refers to acupuncture points using it. Each acupuncture point is identified by the meridian on which it is located and its number in the point sequence on that channel. For example Lu-9 identifies the 9th acupuncture point on the lung meridian: tài yuān or gui xin, which are two names of the same acupuncture point. Although often extra points have also a number and a shortcut for a body part assigned, there is no commonly agreed system and identification of these points relies on their names.

The above figure and the tables below follow the standard numbering scheme to identify the acupuncture points of the main channels. For extra points the tables follow the numbering scheme used by A Manual of Acupuncture.[2]

Note: Most traditional acupuncture charts begin with the Lung Meridian (#10 in the list below) and end with the Liver Meridian (#9 in the list below), likewise appending the Governing & Conception Vessels (#13 & #14 in the list below) after completing the list for the 12 body meridians (i.e. the meridians associated with the zang fu organs).



Abbreviated as SP, described in Chinese as 足太阴睥经穴 or 足太陰脾經.

Point Pinyin Han Geul 한글 Romaji Alternative names
Sp-1 隱白 yǐn bái eun baek 은백 im paku 'in paku'[3]
Sp-2 大都 dà dū dae do 대도 dai to
Sp-3 太白 taì bái tae baek 태백 tai haku
Sp-4 公孫 gōng sūn gong son 공손 kō son
Sp-5 商丘 shāng qiū sang gu 상구 shō kyū
Sp-6 三陰交 sān yīn jiāo sam eum gyo 삼음교 san in kō
Sp-7 漏谷 loù gǔ nu gok 루곡 rō koku?
Sp-8 地機 dì jī ji gi 지기 chi ki
Sp-9 陰陵泉 yīn líng qúan eum neung cheon 음릉천 in ryō sen
Sp-10 血海 xuè hǎi hyeol hae 혈해 kek kai
Sp-11 箕門(?) jì mén? gi mun 기문 ki mon(?)
Sp-12 沖門 chōng mén chung mun 충문 shō mon
Sp-13 府舍 fǔ shè bu sa 부사 fu sha
Sp-14 腹結(?) fù jié(?) bok gyeol 복결 fuk ketsu
Sp-15 大横 dà héng? dae hoeng 대횡 dai ō
Sp-16 腹哀(?) fù āi(?) bok ae 복애 fuku ai
Sp-17 食竇(?) shí dòu(?) sik du 식두 shoku toku(?)
Sp-18 天谿 tiān xī cheon gye 천계 ten kei(?)
Sp-19 胸鄉(?) xiōng xiāng(?) hyung hyang 흉향 kyō kyō?
Sp-20 周榮(?) zhōu róng(?) ju yeong 주영 shū ei
Sp-21 大包 dà bāo dae po 대포 tai hō


Abbreviated as HE, HT or H, described in Chinese as 手少阴心经穴 or 手少陰心經.

Point Pinyin Han Geul 한글 Romaji Alternative names
Ht-1 極泉 jí quán geuk cheon 극천 kyo kusen
Ht-2 青靈 qīng líng cheong nyeong 청령 sei rei(?)
Ht-3 少海 shào hǎi so hae 소해 shō kai
Ht-4 靈道 líng dào(?) ryeong do 령도 rei dō?
Ht-5 通里 tōng lǐ(?) tong ni 통리 tsū ri?
Ht-6 陰郄 yīn xī eum geuk 음극 in geki
Ht-7 神門 shén mén sin mun 신문 shin mon
Ht-8 少府 shào fǔ(?) so bu 소부 shō fu?
Ht-9 少沖 shào chōng so chung 소충 shō shō

Small intestine-Meridian

Abbreviated as SI, described in Chinese as 手太阳小肠经穴 or 手太陽小腸經.

Point Pinyin Han Geul 한글 Romaji Alternative names
SI-1 少澤 shào zé so taek 소택 shō taku
SI-2 前谷 qián gǔ jeon gok 전곡 zen koku(?)
SI-3 後谿 hòu xī hu gye 후계 go kei 'kō kei'[3]
SI-4 腕骨 wàn gǔ wan gol 완골 wan kotsu(?)
SI-5 陽谷 yáng gǔ(?) yang gok 양곡 yō koku
SI-6 養老 yǎng lǎo yang no 양노 yō rō
SI-7 支正 zhī zhèng(?) ji jeong 지정 shi sei(?)
SI-8 小海 xiǎo hǎi so hae 소해 shō kai
SI-9 肩貞 jiān zhēn gyeon jeong 견정 ken tei
SI-10 臑俞 nāo shū noe yu 뇌유 ju yu
SI-11 天宗 tiān zōng cheon jong 천종 ten sō
SI-12 秉風 bǐng fēng byeong pung 병풍 hei fū
SI-13 曲垣 qū yuán gok won 곡원 kyo ku en?
SI-14 肩外俞 jiān wài shū gyeon oe yu 견외유 ken gai yu(?)
SI-15 肩中俞 jiān zhōng shū gyeon jung yu 견중유 ken chū yu?
SI-16 天窗 tiān chuāng cheon chang 천창 ten sō?
SI-17 天容 tiān róng(?) cheon yong 천용 ten yō?
SI-18 顴髎 quán liáo gwal lyo 관료 kan ryō
SI-19 聽宮 tīng gōng cheong gung 청궁 chō kyū


Abbreviated as BL, described in Chinese as 足太阳膀胱经穴 or 足太陽膀胱經.

An alternate numbering scheme for the "appended part" (beginning with Bl-41 in the list below), which places the outer line along the spine after Bl-35 (會陽) instead of Bl-40 (委中), will be noted in the Alternative names column.

Point Pinyin Han Geul 한글 Romaji Alternative names
Bl-1 睛明 jīng míng cheong myeong 청명 sei mei
Bl-2 攢竹 cuán zhú chan juk 찬죽 san chiku
Bl-3 眉衝 méi chōng mi chung 미충 bi shō
Bl-4 曲差(?) qǔ chā? gok cha 곡차 kyo kusa?
Bl-5 五處 wǔ chǔ o cheo 오처 go sho(?)
Bl-6 承光(?) chéng guāng(?) seung gwang 승광 shō kō?
Bl-7 通天(?) tōng tiān(?) tong cheon 통천 tsū ten
Bl-8 絡卻 luò què nak gak 락각 rak kyaku?
Bl-9 玉枕(?) yù zhěn(?) ok chim 옥침 gyoku chin(?)
Bl-10 天柱(?) tiān zhù cheon ju 천주 ten chū
Bl-11 大杼 dà zhù dae jeo 대저 dai jo
Bl-12 風門 fēng mén pung mun 풍문 fū mon
Bl-13 肺俞 fèi shū pye yu 폐유 hai yu
Bl-14 厥陰俞 jué yīn shū gweor eum yu 궐음유 ketsu in yu
Bl-15 心俞(?) xīn shū sim yu 심유 shin yu
Bl-16 督俞 dū shū? dok yu 독유 toku yu
Bl-17 膈俞 gé shū gyeok yu 격유 kaku yu
Bl-18 肝俞 gān shū gan yu 간유 kan yu
Bl-19 膽俞 dǎn shū dam yu 담유 tan yu
Bl-20 脾俞 pí shū bi yu 비유 hi yu
Bl-21 胃俞 wèi shū wi yu 위유 i yu
Bl-22 三焦俞 sān jiāo shū sam cho yu 삼초유 san shō yu
Bl-23 腎俞 shèn shū sim yu 신유 jin yu
Bl-24 氣海俞 qì hǎi shū? gi hae yu 기해유 kikai yu?
Bl-25 大腸俞 dà cháng shū dae jang yu 대장유 dai chō yu
Bl-26 關元俞 guān yuán shū gwan won yu 관원유 kan gen yu?
Bl-27 小腸俞 xiǎo cháng shū so jang yu 소장유 shō chō yu
Bl-28 膀胱俞(?) páng guāng shū(?) bang wang yu 방광유 bōkō yu
Bl-29 中膂俞(?) zhōng lǚ shū(?) jung nyeo nae yu 중려내유 chū ryo yu? 中膂內俞 zhōng lǚ nèi shù
Bl-30 白環俞 bái huán shū baek hwan yu 백환유 hak kan yu?
Bl-31 上髎(?) shàng liáo(?) sang nyo 상료 jyō ryō?
Bl-32 次髎(?) cì liáo cha ryo 차료 ji ryō
Bl-33 中髎(?) zhōng liáo(?) jung nyo 중료 chū ryō?
Bl-34 下髎(?) xià liáo(?) ha ryo 하료 ge ryō?
Bl-35 會陽 huì yáng hoe yang 회양 e yō
Bl-36 承扶(?) chéng fú(?) seung bu 승부 sho fu(?) Bl-50
Bl-37 殷門 yīn mén eun mun 은문 in mon Bl-51
Bl-38 浮郄 fú xī bu geuk 부극 fu geki(?) Bl-52
Bl-39 委陽 wěi yáng wi yang 위양 i yō Bl-53
Bl-40 委中 wěi zhōng wi jung 위중 i chū Bl-54
Bl-41 附分 fù fēn bu bun 부분 fu bun(?) Bl-36
Bl-42 魄戶 pò hù baek ho 백호 haku ko Bl-37
Bl-43 膏肓俞 gāo huāng shū go hwang [yu] 고황[유] kō kō yu Bl-38
Bl-44 神堂(?) shén táng(?) sin dang 신당 shin dō? Bl-39
Bl-45 譩譆(?) yì xǐ? ui hoe 의회 i ki(?) Bl-40
Bl-46 膈關 gé guān gyeok gwan 격관 kaku kan(?) Bl-41
Bl-47 魂門 hún mén hon mun 혼문 kon mon? Bl-42
Bl-48 陽綱 yáng gāng yang gang 양강 yō kō? Bl-43
Bl-49 意舍(?) yì shě? ui sa 의사 i sha(?) Bl-44
Bl-50 胃倉 wèi cāng wi chang 위창 i sō Bl-45
Bl-51 肓門 huāng mén hwang mun 황문 kō mon? Bl-46
Bl-52 志室(?) zhì shì ji sil 지실 shi shitsu Bl-47
Bl-53 胞肓(?) bāo huāng po hwang 포황 hō kō Bl-48
Bl-54 秩邊 zhì biān jil byeon 질변 chip pen Bl-49
Bl-55 合陽 hé yáng hap yang 합양 gō yō?
Bl-56 承筋(?) chéng jīn seung geun 승근 shō kin
Bl-57 承山(?) chéng shān(?) seung san 승산 shō zan
Bl-58 飛陽 fēi yáng bi yang 비양 hi yō
Bl-59 跗陽 fū yáng bu yang 부양 fu yō
Bl-60 昆侖 kūn lún gol lyun 곤륜 kon ron '崑崙' is the older writing[4]
Bl-61 僕參 pú cān bok cham 복참 boku shin(?)
Bl-62 申脈 shēn mài sin maek 신맥 shim myaku
Bl-63 金門 jīn mén geum mun 금문 kim mon
Bl-64 京骨(?) jīng gǔ(?) gyeong gol 경골 kei kotsu(?)
Bl-65 束骨(?) shù gǔ(?) sok gol 속골 sok kotsu?
Bl-66 足通谷 zú tōng gǔ [jok] tong gok [족]통곡 ahsi tsū koku?
Bl-67 至陰 zhì yīn ji eum 지음 shi in


Abbreviated as KI or K, described in Chinese as 足少阴肾经穴 or 足少陰腎經.

Point Pinyin Han Geul 한글 Romaji Alternative names
Kd-1 涌泉 yǒng quán yong cheon 용천 yu sen
Kd-2 然谷 rán gǔ yeon gok 연곡 nen koku
Kd-3 太谿 taì xī tae yeon 태계 tai kei
Kd-4 大鐘 dà zhōng(?) dae jong 대종 dai shō?
Kd-5 水泉 shuǐ quán su cheon 수천 sui sen
Kd-6 照海 zhào hǎi joh ae 조해 shō kai
Kd-7 復溜 fù liū bong nyu 복류 fuku ryū
Kd-8 交信 jiāo xìn(?) gyo sin 교신 kō shin?
Kd-9 築賓 zhú bīn chuk bin 축빈 chiku hin
Kd-10 陰谷 yīn gǔ eum gok 음곡 in koku
Kd-11 橫骨 héng gǔ hoeng gol 횡골 ō kotsu
Kd-12 大赫(?) dà hè dae hyeok 대혁 tai kaku
Kd-13 氣穴 qì xué? gi hyeol 기혈 ki ketsu
Kd-14 四滿 sì mǎn sa man 사만 shi man
Kd-15 中注(?) zhōng zhù(?) jung ju 중주 chū chū
Kd-16 肓俞 huāng shū hwang yu 황유 kō yu
Kd-17 商曲(?) shāng qū(?) sang gok 상곡 shō kyoku
Kd-18 石關(?) shí guān(?) seok gwan 석관 seki kan
Kd-19 陰都 yīn dū eum do 음도 in to
Kd-20 腹通谷 fù tōng gǔ(?) tong gok 통곡 hara no tsū koku
Kd-21 幽門 yōu mén yu mun 유문 yū mon
Kd-22 步廊(?) bù láng(?) po rang 포랑 hō ro?
Kd-23 神封 shén fēng sin bong 신봉 shim pō
Kd-24 靈墟 líng xū(?) yeong heo 영허 rei kyo(?)
Kd-25 神藏 shén cáng sin jang 신장 shin zō
Kd-26 彧中 yù zhōng uk jung 욱중/hok jung 혹중 waku chū 或中 huò zhōng - obvious mistranscription
Kd-27 俞府 shū fǔ yu bu 유부 yu fu


Abbreviated as PC or P, described in Chinese as 手厥阴心包经穴 or 手厥陰心包經.

Point Pinyin Han Geul 한글 Romaji Alternative names
Pc-1 天池 tiān chí cheon ji 천지 ten chi
Pc-2 天泉(?) tiān quán(?) cheon cheon 천천 ten sen(?)
Pc-3 曲澤 qū zé gok taek 곡택 kyoku taku(?)
Pc-4 郄門 xī mén geung mun 극문 geki mon
Pc-5 間使 jiān shǐ gan sa 간사 kan shi(?)
Pc-6 內關 nèi guān nae gwan 내관 nai kan
Pc-7 大陵 dà líng dae reung 대릉 dai ryō 'tai ryō'[3]
Pc-8 勞宮 láo gōng no gung 노궁 rō kyū
Pc-9 中衝 zhōng chōng jung chung 중충 chū shō

Triple burner-Meridian

Also known as San Jiao, triple-heater, warmer or energizer, abbreviated as TB or SJ and described in Chinese as 手少阳三焦经穴 手少陽三焦經.

Point Pinyin Han Geul 한글 Romaji Alternative names
SJ-1 關衝 guān chōng gwan chung 관충 kan shō
SJ-2 液門(?) yè mén(?) aeng mun 액문 eki mon(?)
SJ-3 中渚(?) zhōng zhǔ jung jeo 중저 chū sho
SJ-4 陽池(?) yáng chí(?) yang ji 양지 yō chi?
SJ-5 外關 wài guān oe gwan 외관 gai kan
SJ-6 支溝(?) zhī gōu(?) ji gu 지구 shi kō?
SJ-7 會宗 huì zōng hui jung 회종 e sō
SJ-8 三陽絡(?) sān yáng luò(?) sam yang nak 삼양락 san kyō raku?
SJ-9 四瀆(?) sì dú sa dok 사독 shi toku
SJ-10 天井 tiān jǐng cheon jeong 천정 ten sei(?)
SJ-11 清冷淵(?) qīng lěng yuān(?) cheong naeng yeon 청랭연 sei rei en?
SJ-12 消濼(?) xiāo luò(?) so bak 소박 shō reki?
SJ-13 臑會(?) nào huì(?) noe hui 뇌회 ju e
SJ-14 肩髎(?) jiān liáo(?) gyeol lyo 견료 ken ryō
SJ-15 天髎 tiān liáo cheol lyo 천료 ten ryō
SJ-16 天牖(?) tiān yǒu(?) cheon yong 천용 ten yū?
SJ-17 翳風 yì fēng ye pung 예풍 ei fū
SJ-18 契脈? qì mài? gye maek 계맥 kei myaku(?) First character means qì/qī (contract/spasm)[2]
SJ-19 顱息(?) lú xī? no sik 로식 ro soku(?)
SJ-20 角孫 jiǎo sūn gak son 각손 kaku son
SJ-21 耳門(?) ěr mén(?) i mun 이문 ji mon(?)
SJ-22 耳和髎 ěr hé liáo hwa ryo 화료 ji wa ryō?
SJ-23 絲竹空 sī zhú kōng sa juk gong 사죽공 shi chiku kū


Abbreviated as GB, described in Chinese as 足少阳胆经穴 or 足少陽膽經.

Point Pinyin Han Geul 한글 Romaji Alternative names
Gb-1 瞳子髎 tóng zǐ liáo dong ja ryo 동자료 dō shi ryō
Gb-2 聽會 tīng huì cheong hoe 청회 chō e
Gb-3 上關 shàng guān sang gwan 상관/gaek ju in 객주인 kyaku shu jin 客主人 kè zhǔ rén
Gb-4 頷厭 hàn yàn ha yeom 함염 gan en
Gb-5 懸顱 xuán lú hyeol lo 현로 ken ro
Gb-6 懸厘 xuán lí hyeol li 현리 ken ri
Gb-7 曲鬢 qū bìn gok bin 곡빈 kyoku bin(?)
Gb-8 率谷 shuài gǔ sol gok 솔곡 sok koku?
Gb-9 天沖 tiān chōng cheon chung 천충 ten shō?
Gb-10 浮白 fú bái bu baek 부백 fu haku(?)
Gb-11 頭竅陰 tóu qiào yīn [du] gyu eum [두] 규음 atama kyō in
Gb-12 完骨 wán gǔ wan gol 완골 kan kotsu
Gb-13 本神 běn shén bon sin 본신 hon jin
Gb-14 陽白 yáng bái yang baek 양백 yō haku
Gb-15 頭臨泣 tóu lín qì [du] im eup [두] 임읍 atama no rin kyū
Gb-16 目窗(?) mù chuāng(?) mok chang 목창 moku sō
Gb-17 正營 zhèng yíng jyeong yeong 정영 shō ei
Gb-18 承靈 chéng líng seung nyeong 승령 shō rei
Gb-19 腦空 nǎo kōng noe gong 뇌공 nō kū
Gb-20 風池 fēng chí pung ji 풍지 fū chi
Gb-21 肩井 jīan jǐng gyeon jeong 견정 ken sei
Gb-22 淵腋 yuān yè yeon aek 연액 en eki(?)
Gb-23 輒筋 zhé jīn cheop geun 첩근 chō kin?
Gb-24 日月 rì yuè il weol 일월 jitsu getsu
Gb-25 京門 jīng mén gyeong mun 경문 kei mon
Gb-26 帶脈 dài mài dae maek 대맥 tai myaku
Gb-27 五樞 wǔ shū o chu 오추 gō sū
Gb-28 維道 wéi dào yu do 유도 yui dō
Gb-29 居髎 jū liáo geo ryo 거료 kyo ryō
Gb-30 環跳 huán tiào hwan do 환도 kan chō
Gb-31 風市 fēng shì pung si 풍시 fū shi
Gb-32 中瀆 zhōng dú jung dok 중독 chū toku?
Gb-33 膝陽關 xī yáng guān [seul] yang gwan [슬] 양관 hiza no yō kan?
Gb-34 陽陵泉 yáng líng quán yang neung cheon 양릉천 yō ryō sen
Gb-35 陽交 yáng jiāo yang gyo 양교 yō ko
Gb-36 外丘(?) wài qiū(?) woe gu 외구 gai kyū
Gb-37 光明(?) guāng míng(?) gwang myeong 광명 kō mei?
Gb-38 陽輔 yáng fǔ yang bo 양보 yō ho
Gb-39 懸鐘 xuán zhōng hyeon jong 현종/jeol gol 절골 ken shō 絶骨 jué gǔ
Gb-40 丘墟 qiū xū gu heo 구허 kyū kyo
Gb-41 足臨泣 zú lín qì [jok] im eup [족] 임읍 ashi no rin kyū
Gb-42 地五會 dì wǔ huì ji o hoe 지오회 chi go e(?)
Gb-43 俠谿 xiá xī hyeop gye 협계 kyō kei?
Gb-44 足竅陰 zú qiào yīn [jok] gyu eum [족] 규음 ashi no kyō in


Abbreviated as LR or LV, described in Chinese as 足厥阴肝经穴 or 足厥陰肝經.

Point Pinyin Han Geul 한글 Romaji Alternative names
Liv-1 大敦 dà dūn dae don 대돈 tai ton
Liv-2 行間 xíng jiān haeng gan 행간 kō kan
Liv-3 太沖 taì chōng tae chung 태충 tai shō
Liv-4 中封 zhōng fēng jung bong 중봉 chū hō
Liv-5 蠡溝 lǐ gōu yeo gu 여구 rei kō
Liv-6 中都 zhōng dū(?) jung do 중도 chū to
Liv-7 膝關(?) xī guān(?) seul gwan 슬관 shitsu kan(?)
Liv-8 曲泉 qū quán gok cheon 곡천 kyoku sen
Liv-9 陰包 yīn bāo(?) eum bo 음보 im pō?
Liv-10 足五里(?) zú wǔ li? [jok] o ri [족] 오리 ashi no go ri?
Liv-11 陰廉 yīn lián eum yeom 음염 in ren(?)
Liv-12 急脈 jí mài geum maek 금맥 kyū myaku?
Liv-13 章門 zhāng mén jang mun 장문 shō mon
Liv-14 期門 qí mén gi mun 기문 ki mon


Abbreviated as LU, described in Chinese as 手太阴肺经穴 or 手太陰肺經.

Point Pinyin Han Geul 한글 Romaji Alternative names
Lu-1 中府 zhōng fǔ jung bu 중부 chū fu
Lu-2 雲門 yún mén un mun 운문 un mon?
Lu-3 天府(?) tiān fǔ(?) cheon bu 천부 tem pu(?)
Lu-4 俠白(?) xiá bái(?) hyeop baek 협백 kyō haku?
Lu-5 尺澤 chǐ zé cheok taek 척택 shaku taku
Lu-6 孔最(?) kǒng zuì gong choe 공최 kō sai
Lu-7 列缺 liè quē yeol gyeol 열결 rek ketsu
Lu-8 經渠 jīng qú gyeong geo 경거 kei kyo
Lu-9 太淵 tài yuān tae yeon 태연 tai en
Lu-10 魚際 yú jì eo jae 어재 gyo sai
Lu-11 少商 shào shāng so sang 소상 shō shō

Large intestine-Meridian

Abbreviated as LI, described in Chinese as 手阳明大肠经穴 or 手陽明大腸經.

Point Pinyin Han Geul 한글 Romaji Alternative names
LI-1 商陽 shāng yáng sang yang 상양 shō yō
LI-2 二間(?) èr jiān i gan 이간 ji kan
LI-3 三間(?) sān jiān(?) sam gan 삼간 san kan(?)
LI-4 合谷 hé gǔ hap gok 합곡 gō koku
LI-5 陽谿 yáng xī yang gye 양계 yō kei
LI-6 偏歴 piān lì pyeon ryeok 편력 hen reki
LI-7 溫溜 wēn liū ol lyu 온류 on rū
LI-8 下廉(?) xià lián(?) ha ryeom 하렴 ge ren(?)
LI-9 上廉(?) shàng lián(?) sang nyeom 상렴 jō ren?
LI-10 手三里 shǒu sān lǐ [su] sam ni [수] 삼리 te san ri
LI-11 曲池 qū chí gok ji 곡지 kyoku chi
LI-12 肘髎(?) zhǒu liáo(?) ju ryo 주료 chū ryō?
LI-13 手五里(?) shǒu wǔ lǐ(?) [su] o ri [수] 오리 te no go ri?
LI-14 臂臑 bì nào bi noe 비뇌 hi ju
LI-15 肩髃 jiān yú gyeon u 견우 ken gū
LI-16 巨骨 jù gǔ geo gol 거골 ko kotsu
LI-17 天鼎(?) tiān dǐng cheon jeong 천정 ten tei
LI-18 扶突(?) fú tū(?) bu dol 부돌 fu totsu(?)
LI-19 口禾髎 kǒu hé liáo hwa ryo 화료 ka ryō(?)
LI-20 迎香 yíng xiāng yeong hyang 영향 gei ko 'gei gō'[3]


Abbreviated as ST, described in Chinese as 足阳明胃经穴 or 足陽明胃經.

Point Pinyin Han Geul 한글 Romaji Alternative names
St-1 承泣 chéng qì seung eup 승읍 shō kyū
St-2 四白(?) sì bái sa baek 사백 shi haku
St-3 巨髎 jù liáo geo ryo 거료 ko ryō
St-4 地倉 dì cāng ji chang 지창 chi so
St-5 大迎 dà yíng dae yeong 대영 da gei
St-6 頰車 jiá chē hyeop geo 협거 kyō sha
St-7 下關 xià guān ha gwan 하관 ge kan
St-8 頭維 tóu wéi du yu 두유 zu i
St-9 人迎 rén yíng in yeong 인영 jin gei
St-10 水突(?) shǔi tū(?) su dol 수돌 sui totsu(?)
St-11 氣舍 qì shè gi sa 기사 ki sha(?)
St-12 缺盆 quē pén gyeol bun 결분 ketsu bon
St-13 氣戶 qì hù gi ho 기호 ki ko(?)
St-14 库房(?) kù fáng(?) go bang 고방 ko bō?
St-15 屋翳(?) wū yì(?) ok ye 옥예 o kuei?
St-16 膺窗(?) yìng chuāng? eung chang 응창 yō sō?
St-17 乳中(?) rǔ zhōng(?) yu jung 유중 nyū chū?
St-18 乳根 rǔ gēn yu geun 유근 nyū kon?
St-19 不容(?) bù róng bul yong 불용 fu yō
St-20 承满(?) chéng mǎn seng man 승만 shō man
St-21 梁門(?) liáng mén yang mun 양문 ryō mon
St-22 關門 guān mén gwan mun 관문 kan mon?
St-23 太乙(?) tài yǐ(?) tae eul 태을 tai itsu(?)
St-24 滑肉門(?) huá ròu mén hwal yung mun 활육문 katsu niku mon
St-25 天樞 tiān shū cheon chu 천추 ten sū
St-26 外陵(?) wài líng(?) woe neung 외릉 gai ryō?
St-27 大巨(?) dà jù dae geo 대거 dai ko
St-28 水道(?) shuǐ dào? su do 수도 sui do(?)
St-29 归来(?) guī lái? gui rae 귀래 ki rai(?)
St-30 氣沖 qì chōng gi chung 기충 ki shō
St-31 髀關 bì guān bi gwan 비관 hi kan(?)
St-32 伏兔(?) fú tù bok to 복토 fuku to
St-33 阴市(?) yīn shì(?) eum si 음시 in shi(?)
St-34 梁丘(?) liáng qīu yang gu 양구 ryō kyū
St-35 犊鼻(?) dú bí dok bi 독비 toku bi
St-36 足三里 zú sān lǐ [jok] sam ni [족] 삼리 ashi san ri
St-37 上巨虛 shàng jù xū sang geo heo 상거허 jō ko kyu
St-38 條口(?) tiáo kǒu(?) jo gu 조구 jō kō?
St-39 下巨虛 xià jù xū ha geo heo 하거허 ge ko kyu?
St-40 豐隆 fēng lóng pung nyung 풍륭 hō ryū
St-41 解谿 jiě xī hae gye 해계 kai kei
St-42 沖陽 chōng yáng chung yang 충양 shō yō
St-43 陷谷(?) xiàn gǔ(?) ham gok 함곡 kan koku(?)
St-44 内庭 nèi tíng nae jeong 내정 nai tei(?)
St-45 厲兌 lì duì ye tae 예태 rei da

Governing vessel

Also known as Du, abbreviated as GV and described in Chinese as 督脉穴 or 督脈.

Point Pinyin Han Geul 한글 Romaji Alternative names
Du-1 長強 cháng qiáng jang gang 장강 chō kyō
Du-2 腰俞 yāo shū(?) yo yu 요유 yō yu?
Du-3 腰陽關 yāo yáng guān [yo] yang gwan [요] 양관 koshi no yo kan?
Du-4 命門 mìng mén myeong mun 명문 mei mon
Du-5 懸樞 xuán shū hyeon chu 현추 ken sū?
Du-6 脊中(?) jì zhōng? cheok jung 척중 seki chū?
Du-7 中樞 zhōng shū jung chu 중추 chū sū?
Du-8 筋縮 jīn suō geun chuk 근축 kin shuku(?)
Du-9 至陽 zhì yáng ji yang 지양 shi yō?
Du-10 霊台 líng tái yeong dae 영대 rei dai(?)
Du-11 神道(?) shén dào(?) sin do 신도 shin dō
Du-12 身柱(?) shēn zhù(?) sin ju 신주 shin chū
Du-13 陶道 táo dào do do 도도 tō dō?
Du-14 大椎 dà zhuī dae chu 대추 dai tsui
Du-15 啞門 yǎ mén a mun 아문 a mon
Du-16 風府 fēng fǔ pung bu 풍부 fū fu
Du-17 腦戶 nǎo hù noe ho 뇌호 nō ko?
Du-18 強間 qiáng jiān gang gan 강간 kyō kan?
Du-19 後頂 hòu dǐng hu jeong 후정 go chō?
Du-20 百會 bǎi huì baek hoe 백회 hyaku e
Du-21 前頂(?) qián dǐng(?) jeon jeong 전정 zen chō?
Du-22 囟會 xìn huì sin hoe 신회 shin e(?)
Du-23 上星(?) shàng xīng(?) sang seong 상성 jō sei?
Du-24 神庭 shén tíng sin jeong 신정 shin tei
Du-25 素髎(?) sù liáo(?) so ryo 소료 so ryō?
Du-26 人中 rén zhōng in jung 인중/su gu 수구 jin chu 水溝 shuǐ gōu
Du-27 兌端 duì duān tae don 태단 da tan(?)
Du-28 齦交 yín jiāo eun gyo 은교 gin kō

Conception vessel

Also known as Ren, abbreviated as CV and described in Chinese as 任脉穴 or 任脈.

Point Pinyin Han Geul 한글 Romaji Alternative names
Ren-1 會陰 huì yīn hoe eum 회음 e in
Ren-2 曲骨 qū gǔ gok gol 곡골 kyok kotsu?
Ren-3 中極 zhōng jí jung geuk 중극 chū kyoku?
Ren-4 關元 guān yuán gwan won 관원 kan gen
Ren-5 石門(?) shí mén(?) seong mun 석문 seki mon(?)
Ren-6 氣海 qì hǎi gi hae 기해 ki kai
Ren-7 陰交 yīn jiāo eum gyo 음교 in kō
Ren-8 神闕 shén què sin gwol 신궐 shin ketsu(?)
Ren-9 水分(?) shuǐ fēn(?) su bun 수분 sui bun(?)
Ren-10 下脘 xià wǎn [or xià guǎn] ha wan 하완 ge kan
Ren-11 建里(?) jiàn lǐ(?) ken ri(?) geol li 건리 健裡 jiàn lǐ
Ren-12 中脘 zhōng wǎn [or zhōng guǎn] jung wan 중완 chū kan
Ren-13 上脘 shàng wǎn [or shàng guǎn] sang wan 상완 jo kan
Ren-14 巨闕(?) jù què(?) geo gwol 거궐 ko ketsu(?)
Ren-15 鳩尾(?) jiū wěi(?) gu mi 구미 kyū bi?
Ren-16 中庭(?) zhōng tíng(?) jung jeong 중정 chū tei?
Ren-17 膻中 shān zhōng dan jung 단중 dan chū
Ren-18 玉堂(?) yù táng(?) ok dang 옥당 gyoku dō?
Ren-19 紫宮(?) zǐ gōng(?) ja gung 자궁 shi kyū?
Ren-20 華蓋 huá gài hwa gae 화개 ko gai? ka gai[5]
Ren-21 璇璣 xuán jī seon gi 선기 sen ki
Ren-22 天突 tiān tū cheon dol 천돌 ten totsu
Ren-23 廉泉 lián quán yeom cheon 염천 ren sen
Ren-24 承漿 chéng jiāng seung jang 승장 shō shō

Extra points

There is no agreed-on naming scheme for extra points on the body, this table follows the numbering scheme of Deadman.[2]

Point Pinyin Romaji Location
M-LE-8 八風 bā fēng  ? Legs and feet
M-UE-1 十宣 shí xuān  ? Arms and hands
M-UE-9 八邪 bā xié  ? Arms and hands
M-HN-3 印堂 yìn táng  ? Head and neck
M-BW-35 華佗夾脊 huá túo jiā jǐ  ? Back and waist; often referred to as the 'jiā jǐ' points


  1. ^ Napadow V, Ahn A, Longhurst J, et al. (September 2008). "The status and future of acupuncture mechanism research". Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 14 (7): 861–9. doi:10.1089/acm.2008.SAR-3. PMID 18803495. 
  2. ^ a b c Deadman, P; Baker, K; Al-Khafaji, M (2001). A Manual of Acupuncture. Journal of Chinese Medicine. 
  3. ^ a b c d Denmei, S (2003). Finding Effective Acupuncture Points. Eastland Press. 
  4. ^ Lorenzen, U; Noll, A. Wandlungsphase Wasser. Die Wandlungsphasen der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin. Müller & Steinicke. 
  5. ^ Fukushima, K (2007). Meridian Therapy (4th ed.). Toyo Hari Medical Association. 


  • Deadman, P; Baker, K; Al-Khafaji, M (2001). A Manual of Acupuncture. Journal of Chinese Medicine. 
  • Denmei, S (2003). Finding Effective Acupuncture Points. Eastland Press. 
  • Fukushima, K (2007). Meridian Therapy (4th ed.). Toyo Hari Medical Association. 
  • Lorenzen, U; Noll, A. Wandlungsphase Holz. Die Wandlungsphasen der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin. Müller & Steinicke. 
  • Lorenzen, U; Noll, A. Wandlungsphase Feuer. Die Wandlungsphasen der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin. Müller & Steinicke. 
  • Lorenzen, U; Noll, A. Wandlungsphase Erde. Die Wandlungsphasen der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin. Müller & Steinicke. 
  • Lorenzen, U; Noll, A. Wandlungsphase Metall. Die Wandlungsphasen der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin. Müller & Steinicke. 
  • Lorenzen, Udo; Noll, A. Wandlungsphase Wasser. Die Wandlungsphasen der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin. Müller & Steinicke. 

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