

Infobox Film
name = Kapò

image_size =
caption = Italian film poster
director = Gillo Pontecorvo
producer = Franco Cristaldi
Moris Ergas
writer = Gillo Pontecorvo
Franco Solinas
narrator =
starring = Susan Strasberg
Didi Perego
Laurent Terzieff
music = Carlo Rustichelli
cinematography = Aleksandar Sekulovic
editing =
distributor = Cineriz
released = Italy 1959
1 June 1964 USA
runtime = 116 minutes (US); 118 minutes (Spain)
country = Italy
language =
budget =
gross =
preceded_by =
followed_by =
website =
amg_id =
imdb_id = 0052961

Kapò is an Italian film about the Holocaust directed by Gillo Pontecorvo in 1959. It was nominated for the Academy Award as best foreign film. It was an Italian-French co-production filmed in Yugoslavia.

Plot summary

Naive fourteen-year-old Edith (Susan Strasberg) and her Jewish parents are sent to a concentration camp, where the latter are killed. Sofia (Didi Perego), an older, political prisoner, and a kindly camp doctor save her from a similar fate by giving her a new, non-Jewish identity, that of the newly dead Nichole Niepas.

As time goes by, she becomes more hardened to the brutal life. She first sells her body to a German guard in return for food; she becomes fond of another guard, Karl (Gianni Garko). The fraternization helps her become a "kapo", one of those put in charge of the other prisoners. She thrives while the idealistic Sofia grows steadily weaker.

When she falls in love with Sascha (Laurent Terzieff), a Russian prisoner of war, Edith is persuaded to play a crucial role in a mass escape, turning off the power. Most are killed, but some get away. Edith is not one of them. As she lays dying, she tells her friend, "They screwed us over, Karl, they screwed us both over."

See also

*List of Holocaust films

External links


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