Gas laser

Gas laser

A gas laser is a laser in which an electric current is discharged through a gas to produce light. The first gas laser, the Helium-neon, was co-invented by Iranian physicist Ali Javan and American physicist William R. Bennett, Jr. in 1960.


* High volume of active material
* Active material is relatively inexpensive
* Almost impossible to damage the active material
* Heat can be removed quickly from the cavity

Types of gas laser

* Helium-neon laser
* Nitrogen laser
* Carbon dioxide laser
* Ion laser
* Gas dynamic laser

See also

* Brewster window
* List of laser types


*cite book | first =Amnon | last =Yariv | year =1989 | title = Quantum Electronics| edition =3rd Edition | publisher =Wiley | id =ISBN 0-4716-0997-8

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