

With a population of 11,000, Hawera is the second-largest town in the Taranaki region of New Zealand's North Island. It is near the coast of the South Taranaki Bight, 75 kilometres south of New Plymouth on State Highway 3 and 20 minutes' drive from Mount Taranaki or Mount Egmont.

It is also on State Highway 45, known as Surf Highway 45 for its numerous surf beaches. State Highway 45 passes through Manaia, Opunake and Oakura en route to New Plymouth. Kaponga is a 20-minute drive to the north-west. The Marton - New Plymouth Line railway passes through Hawera and has served the town since 1 August 1881, though it has been freight-only since the cancellation of the last railcar passenger service between Wellington and New Plymouth on 30 July 1977.

Hawera is Maori for "burnt place", from fighting between two local sub-tribes, which culminated in the setting ablaze of the sleeping whare (house) of the tribe under attack. [ Because of differing oral traditions, translations such as "breath of fire" and "burning plains" have also been offered. See web cite |title = 'HAWERA' From An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand, edited by A.H. McLintock, originally published in 1966. Te Ara - The Encyclopaedia of New Zealand, updated 18 September 2007 |url = http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/H/Hawera/Hawera/en |accessdate = 2008-01-01] The name became apt when the town suffered extensive blazes in 1884, 1888, and 1912. [ For a "near-contemporary account" of the damage these fires caused, see "citation |author = D. Nimmo Scott |title = Views of Hawera: before and after the fire |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = D. Nimmo Scott |year = 1895? ;" a more recent one is "citation |author1 = Arthur Fryer |author2 = Nigel Ogle (ill.) |title = Hawera’s on fire |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Hawera Historical Society |year = 2003 ". For details of Hawera's Fire Brigade, see "citation |author = Trevor N. Moore |title = Hawera Fire Brigade, 1882-1982: a centennial history |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = The Brigade |year = 1982 "] For this reason a large water tower was built in the centre of town to increase water pressure; and this became one of Taranaki's best-known landmarks (appearing, for example, on the cover of the 1974 telephone directory). After falling into disrepair the tower was closed to the public in 2001, but after an extensive restoration program it opened again in 2004 [http://www.contech.co.nz/uploaded/Hawera%20Water%20Tower%20Restoration%20June%202004.pdf]

Hawera is also home to the largest dairy factory complex in the Southern Hemisphere, "Whareroa", which has its own gas-fired powerplant. The complex is owned by Fonterra, having been built by the former Kiwi Co-operative Dairies Limited (whose original plant opened on that site in 1975).

Hawera is also home to Tawhiti Museum, [ For an account of the Museum by the man who built it, see "citation |author = Nigel Ogle |title = Nigel Ogle's Tawhiti Museum |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = The Museum |year = 199-? "] well-known for its hand-crafted life-sized wax sculptures depicting scenes of local heritage and history, and its scale models of local Maori pa [Perhaps Hawera's most famous example of a nineteenth century Maori pa is the Turuturu-Mokai complex, on Turuturu Road. See "citation |author = John Houston |title = Turuturu-Mokai: historic reserve near Hawera: an historical survey |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Hawera Star Print |year = 1958 ". For information upon a "modern" pa, see "citation |author = Gloria Kerehoma |title = Commemorative centenial [i.e. centennial] booklet, 1884-1984 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Centennial Committee; Shore Print |year = 1984 " on Aotearoa Pa.]

Born in Hawera

* Alan Brough, actor, comedian, and team leader from Spicks and Specks
* Michael Campbell (February 23, 1969), professional golfer
* Ronald Hugh Morrieson (January 29, 1922), author of cult classics 'The Scarecrow' and 'Came a Hot Friday'
* Graham Kirk (1948), artist
* Tim Chadwick (1962) artist & published author
* Adine Wilson (nee Harper) (1979) Silver Ferns netballer & captain.
* Conrad Smith (1981) All Black rugby player.
* Issac Luke (1987) Rabbitohs Rugby League Player.
* Fiona Kidman (1940) Writer
* John Mitchell (1964) Rugby player and coach
* Aroha Awarau (1976) award winning journalist for the NZ Woman's Weekly and three time winner of the Ronald Hugh Morrieson Award.


Hawera Primary School was established in 1875. It developed into a District High School in 1901. The current high school opened as Hawera Technical High School in 1919, and moved to its present site in 1921. [cite web|url=http://www.hawerahs.school.nz/pages/school_history.htm|title=The Beginnings of Hawera High School|first=Arthur|last=Fryer|publisher=Hawera High School Jubilee Magazine|year=1994] The intermediate school opened in 1961. [cite web|url=http://www.hi.school.nz/info.html|title=School Info|publisher=Hawera Intermediate]

The Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki has a campus in Hawera, [cite web|url=http://www.witt.ac.nz/Content/sub/100007551.aspx|title=Campus Maps|publisher=Western Institute of Technology] established in 1990. [cite web|url=http://www.witt.ac.nz/Content/sub/100012417.aspx|title=WITT History|publisher=Western Institute of Technology]

Hawera High School is a secondary (years 9-15) school with a roll of 782. [cite web|url=http://www.tki.org.nz/e/schools/display_school_info.php?school_id=182|title=Te Kete Ipurangi - Hawera High School|publisher=Ministry of Education] Hawera Intermediate is an intermediate (years 7-8) school with a roll of 352. [cite web|url=http://www.tki.org.nz/e/schools/display_school_info.php?school_id=2170|title=Te Kete Ipurangi - Hawera Intermediate|publisher=Ministry of Education] Both have a decile rating of 5.

Hawera Primary School, Ramanui School, Tawhiti School and Turuturu School are contributing primary (years 1-6) schools with rolls of 202, [cite web|url=http://www.tki.org.nz/e/schools/display_school_info.php?school_id=2171|title=Te Kete Ipurangi - Hawera Primary School|publisher=Ministry of Education] 80, [cite web|url=http://www.tki.org.nz/e/schools/display_school_info.php?school_id=2226|title=Te Kete Ipurangi - Ramanui School|publisher=Ministry of Education] 194, [cite web|url=http://www.tki.org.nz/e/schools/display_school_info.php?school_id=2248|title=Te Kete Ipurangi - Tawhiti School|publisher=Ministry of Education] and 281, [cite web|url=http://www.tki.org.nz/e/schools/display_school_info.php?school_id=2255|title=Te Kete Ipurangi - Turuturu School|publisher=Ministry of Education] respectively. Hawera Primary and Tawhiti have decile ratings of 4. Ramanui has a decile rating of 2, and Turuturu School has a decile of 6. Hawera Primary celebrated its 125th jubilee in 2000. [cite journal|url=http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/notices.php/notices.php?action=view&id=53764|title=Jubilees & reunions - Hawera Primary School|journal=Education Gazette New Zealand|volume=78|issue=10|date=14 June 1999] Ramanui school celebrated its 50th jubilee in 2003. [cite journal|url=http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/notices.php/notices.php?action=view&id=601466|title=Ramanui Primary School 50th Jubilee|journal=Education Gazette New Zealand|volume=82|issue=5|date=24 March 2003]

Belmont Christian Academy and St Joseph's School are state integrated full primary (years 1-8) schools with decile ratings of 6 and rolls of 35 [cite web|url=http://www.tki.org.nz/e/schools/display_school_info.php?school_id=1184|title=Te Kete Ipurangi - Belmont Christian Academy|publisher=Ministry of Education] and 250 [cite web|url=http://www.tki.org.nz/e/schools/display_school_info.php?school_id=2235|title=Te Kete Ipurangi - St Joseph's School, Hawera|St Joseph's School|publisher=Ministry of Education] respectively.

Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Ngati Ruanui is a full primary (years 1-8) school with a decile rating of 1 and a roll of 61. [cite web|url=http://www.tki.org.nz/e/schools/display_school_info.php?school_id=2383|title=Te Kete Ipurangi - Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Ngati Ruanui|publisher=Ministry of Education] It is a Kura Kaupapa Māori school which teaches in the Māori language.

All these schools are coeducational.


External links

* [http://www.hawerahs.school.nz Hawera High School website]
* [http://www.hi.school.nz Hawera Intermediate website]
* [http://haweraprimary.com/ Hawera Primary School website]
* [http://www.tawhiti.schoolzone.net.nz/ Tawhiti School website]

Further reading

:*"The documentary records concerning Hawera (and the surrounding area) are too large a corpus to be extensively listed here. For a look at the archival record concerning Hawera, please consult the listings contained within web cite |title = Puke Ariki |url = http://www.pukeariki.com/en/resources/collections.htm in New Plymouth.

General historical works

:*citation |title = Central and South Taranaki centennial souvenir |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Hawera Star |year = 1940 ::*citation |title = Hawera County |place = Wellington, [N.Z.] |publisher = New Zealand Historical Places Trust |year = 1982 :*citation |title = Hawera, Taranaki, New Zealand |place =Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Hawera Star Publishing Co. |year = 1953 :*citation |title = Historic Hawera |place =Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = South Taranaki District Council |year = 2002 :*citation |title = Origins of Hawera street names |place =Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = South Taranaki Information and Promotion Office |year = 1981 :*citation |title = Outer Hawera heritage inventory |place =Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = South Taranaki District Council |year = 2003 :*citation |title = A pictorial history of Hawera, 1882-1982 |place =Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Hawera Star Publishing; Hawera Businessmen's Association |year = 2003 :*citation |first = Aimee P. C. | last = Bromley |title = Hawera district centenary: Hawera: an outline of the development of a New Zealand community |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Centennial Committee of the Hawera District Council |year = 1981 :*citation |first = Chris |last = Cochran |title = Hawera town centre heritage inventory |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = South Taranaki District Council |year = 2003 :*citation |first = Athol A. (ed.) |last = Congalton |title = Hawera, a social survey: a report of a community venture |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Hawera and District Progressive Association; Hawera Star Publishing |year = 1954 :*citation |first = C.J. |last = Roberts |title = Centennial history of Hawera and the Waimate Plains |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Published by the authority of the Hawera County Council, the Hawera Borough Council, the Manaia Town Board and the Waimate West County Council ... ; Hawera Star Print |year = 1940 :*citation |first = C.J. |last = Roberts |title = Centennial history of Hawera and the Waimate Plains |edition = 2nd |place = Christchurch, [N.Z.] |publisher = Cadsonbury Publications |year = 2000 :*citation |first = M.E. |last = Wilson |title = Hawera fifty years ago |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = M.E. Wilson; C.O. Ekdahl |year = 1929



:*citation |title = The Parish of St. Mary the Virgin, Hawera, Taranaki, N.Z.: the first hundred years, 1880-1980 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = The Parish |year = 1980


:*citation |first = Chris (ed.) |last = Mahoney |title = Hawera Baptist Church: 75th anniversary, 1923-1998 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Hawera Baptist Church |year = 2001 |isbn = 0-473-07407-9


:*citation |first = John |last = O'Connell |title = St. Joseph's Parish & School: celebrating 125 years - March 2000, 1875-2000 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = St Joseph's Jubilee Committee |year = 2001


:*citation |first = Alan |last = Webster |title = The 125th anniversary of the Hawera Wesley Methodist Church, 1876-2001 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Anniversary Committee of the Hawera Wesley Methodist Church |year = 2002


:*citation |title = Hawera Presbyterian Presbyterian Parish 125th jubilee, 1874-1999 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Hawera Presbyterian Parish |year = 1999

"Salvation Army"

:*citation |title = The Salvation Army, Hawera, 1887-1987: centennial booklet |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = The Army |year = 1987

Clubs & organisations

:*citation |first = |title = Hawera Aero Club’s golden jubilee: 1929-1979 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Hawera Aero Club |year = 1979 :*citation |first = |title = Hawera Highland Pipe Band Incorporated: 75th jubilee, 22 October - 24 October 1999: souvenir booklet |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Hawera Highland Pipe Band | year = 1999 :*citation |first = |title = Hawera Horticultural Society golden jubilee, 1944-1994 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = The Society |year = 1994 :*citation |first = |title = Hawera Rugby Football Club (Inc.) centennial jubilee, 1876-1976 : 4th-7 June, 1976 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Hawera Rugby Football Club |year = 1976 :*citation |first = |title = Registered nurses' reunion: Hawera hospital: 1 October 1983 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Hawera Nurses' Reunion Committee? ; Shore Print |year = 1983 :*citation |title = The Rotary Club of Hawera, 1925-2000: 75th jubilee, 15 April 2000: Charter no. 1985, 27 January 1925 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Rotary Club of Hawera |year = 2000 :*citation |first1 = John |last1 = Brough |first2 = Nancy |last2 = Willis |title = On stage: plays, producers and players: an historical record of the first five decades of the Hawera Repertory Society (Inc.) |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = F. Willis |year = 1995 :*citation |first = Christine |last = Clement |title = Hawera Hospital: 100 years 1894-1994 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Hawera Hospital Centennial Committee |year = 1994 :*citation |first = W.J. (comp.) |last = Donovan |title = Racing in Hawera, 1882-1982 : published to commemorate 100 years of "The Sport of Kings" in Hawera at the Egmont Racing Club's Centenary Meeting at Hawera Racecourse on Saturday, 30 January 1982 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Egmont Racing Club; Hawera Star |year = 1982 :*citation |first = J.P. | last = Harding |title = The history of the Robert Gibson Trust |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Centennial Committee of Hawera District Council |year = 1990 :*citation |first = George (comp.) |last = Hill |title = Hawera Bowling Club centenary, 1895-1995 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = The Trust; Shore Print |year = 1995 :*citation |first = John C. |last = Hosie |title = The history of harness racing in South Taranaki, 1905 - 2005: published to commemorate the Hawera Harness Racing Club's centennial meeting at the Hawera racecourse Easter Saturday, 26 March 2005 and Easter Monday, 28 March 2005 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Hawera Harness Racing Club |year = 2005 :*citation |first = Norrie J. |last = Keenan |title = The history of a small town police station |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Centennial Committee of Hawera District Council |year = 1982 :*citation |first = Trevor N. |last = Moore |title = Hawera Fire Brigade, 1882-1982: a centennial history |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = The Brigade |year = 1982 :*citation |first = Roland T. |last = Valentine |title = Hawera Municipal Band centenary, October 21 & 22nd, 1978 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Hawera Municipal Band Centenary Committee |year = 1978


:*citation |title = Borough of Hawera shewing the first subdivisions |place = Wellington, [N.Z.] |publisher = New Zealand Department of Lands & Survey |year = c. 1903 Scale = 1: 3 960 (i.e 1/16 inch to the mile):*citation |title = Borough of Hawera |place = Wellington, [N.Z.] |publisher = New Zealand Department of Lands & Survey |year = 1927 Scale = 1: 3 960 (i.e. 1/16 inch to the mile) ; NZMS 16.:*citation |title = Cadastral Hawera Scale 1:50 000 |edition = 3rd |place = Wellington, [N.Z.] |publisher = New Zealand Department of Survey & Land Information |year = 1987 :*citation |title = Hawera & Patea |edition = 4th |place = Wellington, [N.Z.] |publisher = New Zealand Department of Survey & Land Information |year = 1979 Scale = 1: 63 360 (i.e. 1 inch to the mile) NZMS 1 ; N129, N136. :*citation |title = Hawera Survey District |place = Wellington, [N.Z.] |publisher = New Zealand Department of Lands & Survey |year = 1916 Scale = 1: 63 360 (i.e. 1 inch to the mile) :*citation |author = New Zealand Department of Survey & Land Information |title = New Plymouth & Hawera urban areas 1991 |place = Wellington, [N.Z.] |publisher = Department of Statistics |year = 1991 :*citation |title = Provisional plan of Hawera County |place = Wellington, [N.Z.] |publisher = Department of Lands & Survey |year = 1904 ‘"Scale"' = 1: 63 360 (i.e. 1 inch to the mile)


:*citation |title = Late Mr. J.E. Campbell, Mayor of Hawera, May 1933-August 1939 |place = Hawera |publisher = Hawera Star |year = 1939 :*citation |first = Christine |last = Clement |title = Yours etc., Joseph F. Pease: the life and times of a Yorkshireman in New Zealand |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = J.H. Pease |year = 1995 |isbn = 0-473-03194-9 :*citation |first1 = Christine |last1 = Clement |first2 = Judith (eds.) |last2 = Johnston |title = Women and the vote: extracts from the Hawera Star, (1892-1893) |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = C. Clement |year = 1992 :*citation |first = C.W. |last = Cole |title = Willie's story: an autobiography of a very ordinary person: part II: adult experiences |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = C.W.Cole|year = 1995:*citation |first = Hunter |last = Moore |title = Diary, 1868-1873 |place = Wellington, [N.Z.] |publisher = National Library of New Zealand |year = 2007 This is in the microform format


:*citation |title = Hawera High School 75th jubilee: 1919-1994 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = The School |year = 1994 :*citation |title = Hawera Intermediate School silver jubilee, 1961-1986, 7th-9 March, 1986 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Jubilee Committee |year = 1986 :*citation |title = Hawera Primary School: 125th jubilee booklet |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Jubilee Committee |year = 2000? :*citation |first = Daphne (comp.) |last = Goodall |title = Ramanui School: silver jubilee, 3rd & 4 June 1978 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Ramanui School Jubilee Committee |year = 1978 :*citation |first = John |last = O'Connell |title = St. Joseph's Parish & School: celebrating 125 years - March 2000, 1875-2000 |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = St Joseph's Jubilee Committee |year = 2001 :*citation |title = Turuturu School, 1927-1977: jubilee souvenir booklet |place = Hawera, [N.Z.] |publisher = Turuturu School Jubilee Committee |year = 1977

External links

* [http://www.stdc.co.nz/index.php?page=home.php Hawera information page] from the South Taranaki District Council

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