Heidelberger Schicksalsbuch
- Heidelberger Schicksalsbuch
The Heidelberger Schicksalsbuch is a parchment manuscript, completed in the 1490s in Regensburg, kept in Heidelberg University library as Cod. Pal. germ. 832. On 271 folia it treats topics of astrology and magic. A functional paper astrolabe is inserted on fol. 103 and into the back cover.
contents:: 1v-27r astrological calendar of Regiomontanus: 28r-33r glosses on the calendar and the use of the following "Astrolabium planum": 36r-83v Johannes Angelus, after Pietro d'Abano, "Astrolabium planum": 84r-92r on the 36 constellations of Michael Scotus: 92v-98r on the signs of the zodiac: 98v-101v on the planets and their children: 102 : 102rv glosses on planetary hours, instructions on using the following astrolabe: 103r Berthold Furtmeyr, astrolabe : 104r-105v the four complexions: 106r-108r the four elements: 108v schema of winds: 110r-116r book on dreams: 118v-119r illustration of two instruments of Regiomontanus; calendarium: 120r-125v "sand art of the 16 judges": 127r-129r astrology of Guido Bonatti: 130r-135v onomancy of Johannes Hartlieb: 137r-233v geomancy: 244r-248r astrological hunting treatise; planetary hours: 248r-259r lunar divination with 28 mansions; description of a calendar; horoscope : 259v-271v on prognostics
*facsimile ed. Haage (1998), ISBN 978-3458148227.
External links
* [http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/cpg832 online facsimile]
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