Samarium — promethium ← samarium → europium ↑ Sm ↓ … Wikipedia
Samarium — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Sm. Samarium Prométhium ← Samarium → … Wikipédia en Français
Samarium-151 — SimpleNuclide|Samarium|151 is a radioisotope of samarium with a half life of 90 years, undergoing low energy beta decay, and has a fission product yield of 0.4203% for thermal neutrons and U 235, about 39% of Sm 149 s yield. The yield is somewhat … Wikipedia
samarium — /seuh mair ee euhm/, n. Chem. a rare earth metallic element discovered in samarskite. Symbol: Sm; at. wt.: 150.35; at. no.: 62; sp. gr.: 7.49. [1875 80; < NL; see SAMARSKITE, IUM] * * * ▪ chemical element (Sm), chemical element, rare earth metal … Universalium
Isotope stable — Un isotope stable d un élément chimique est un isotope qui n a pas de radioactivité décelable. Au 30 juin 2009, 256 nucléides correspondant à 80 éléments étaient considérés comme stables, bien que le calcul pour un nombre significatif d … Wikipédia en Français
Neutron poison — For information on biological effects of excessive ionizing radiation, see radiation poisoning. A neutron poison (also called a neutron absorber or a nuclear poison ) is a substance with a large neutron absorption cross section in applications,… … Wikipedia
Poison à neutrons — Un poison neutronique (également appelé «absorbeur de neutrons» ou «poison nucléaire») est une substance ayant une grande section d absorption de neutrons dans les applications, telles que les réacteurs nucléaires. Dans de telles applications, l… … Wikipédia en Français
Stable isotope — Graph of isotopes/nuclides by type of decay. Orange and blue nuclides are unstable, with the black squares between these regions representing stable nuclides. The unbroken line passing below many of the nuclides represents the theoretical… … Wikipedia
Nuclear poison — A nuclear poison, also called a neutron poison is a substance with a large neutron absorption cross section in applications, such as nuclear reactors, when absorbing neutrons is an undesirable effect. However neutron absorbing materials, also… … Wikipedia
Fission products (by element) — On this page, a discussion of each of the main elements in the fission product mixture from the nuclear fission of an actinide such as uranium or plutonium is set out by element. Krypton 83 86 Krypton 85 is formed by the fission process witha… … Wikipedia