


Art by Javier Hernandez
real_name=Eddie Plastino
publisher=Los Comex
debut="El Muerto: King Size" (2002)
creators=Javier Hernandez
species =Human Mutant
alliances=Candy (girlfriend) The Rubber Band (group)
aliases="Stretchy" "Plastic Boy" "Rubber Dude" "The Most Stretchable Hero Of All!"
powers=Full body elasticity," Professional surf-boarder |

Elastico is a fictional superhero created by Javier Hernandez and appeared in a short story in his independent comic, . Elastico is considered a one-shot character, as Hernandez has no intention in reviving the character in the future. Hernandez created the short story as a sort of tribute to "stretchable superheroes" such as Plastic Man or Mr. Fantastic and to the "older days of comics" in general. [ [http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=24098&cmd=tc JAVILAND episode 2: Creating comic book characters] ]


The short story follows Eddie Plastino, a young man who enjoys surfing and playing in his rock band. One day he decides to relax with his girlfriend Candy on the beach which is nearby Plasticorp, a large mill specializing in rubbers and plastics. The chemicals which have been used by the company have spilled into the sea-water, polluting them. Candy was aware of this, but Eddie did not seem to care and had a great time surfing despite the pollution.

After discussing the pros and cons of being in Eddie's record company, their good time is interrupted by an angry security guard. The beach was in fact private property in which Eddie and Candy were trespassing upon. The security guard then makes an unwanted advance towards Candy, to which Eddie protests. The security guard then becomes violent, punching Eddie directly in the face. Upon impact, Eddie's head stretches like rubber. After realizing the chemicals in the water had given him "Cool, retro stretchy powers" and mutated his genetic make-up, Eddie preceded to beat up the security guard.

Soon after it is revealed that Eddie filed a successful lawsuit against Plasticorp using his money to launch his career as a rock star. His group, The Rubber Band gains cult-following, and their debut album titled "Elasticity" goes #1. Eddie also uses his powers as a part-time crime fighter under the name Elastico.


External links

* [http://www.elmuerto.com Official site]
* [http://www.myspace.com/javier_hernandez Official MySpace]

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