- Criticism of Traian Băsescu
Allegations of Communist-related activities
Over the years, Băsescu was repeatedly accused of involvement in the Communist regime's infamous
Securitate . These allegations usually concentrate on his career, most notably on his nomination as chief of the Antwerp Navrom agency (foreign relations, including economic ones, were dependent on politics). These allegations were reiterated publicly by former PresidentEmil Constantinescu in late 2005 and summer of 2006, but no concrete evidence ever surfaced. After 1989, Băsescu repeatedly cast himself as an anti-communist, despite any affiliations in his past.The Fleet File ("Dosarul Flota")
During his tenure as Minister of Transportation, Băsescu oversaw
privatization of Romania's merchant fleet. While some argued that the aging ships at the time were of minimal value, many Romanians believed the compensation received for the ships was extremely, if not artificially, low. The "scandal" of the fleet sale became what is widely known in Romania as The Fleet File (Dosarul Flota) Affair. Prosecutors brought charges against Băsescu, but his involvement in malfeasance was not proven. In 1996, Băsescu was the first Romanian parliamentarian to renounce hisparliamentary immunity , in order to allow judicial procedures related to the Fleet File Affair to continue against him (Romanian MPs were, by default, granted immunity from prosecution). Although the case against him was closed at the time for lack of evidence, it was reopened in early 2004, in what many consider was political maneuver against him sponsored by the then PSD government. The case was brought before theHigh Court of Cassation and Justice , however the judges decided to send it back to the Prosecutor's Office citing procedural errors. The Constitution states that the President has immunity, however, due to conflicting interpretations of phrasing of the Constitution, theHigh Court of Cassation and Justice may at some point have to decide whether Băsescu's immunity as President covers only actions during his term as president or extends to prior activities.However, there is no evidence about Băsescu's implication in the Fleet fileFact|date=April 2007. Each time Băsescu was called to be questioned by the prosecutors about his file or in the Court of Law, he brought substantial evidence that he is not involvedFact|date=April 2007. According to the shorthand of PSD (it is not known how this shorthand become public, and their authenticity was not proven), in 2004 Rodica Stănoiu (minister of Justice at that time) asked
Adrian Năstase (Prime Minister at that time)"Do I have a green light for Băsescu's file?" There have been speculations that they tried to blackmail Băsescu with this file, but that he in turn had papers to silence his opponents (see "Intimidating papers" chapter)Apartment purchase
Băsescu bought a 369 m² apartment in down-town
Bucharest for the equivalent of US$19,301 (about 14,000 euro), while its current market value is around 300,000 euro. Băsescu the mayor approved the sale of the apartment to Băsescu the citizen claiming that in 1999 he was evacuated from a nationalized house administered by the Executive Administrative Division in Charge with Protocol, which he was occupying as minister in the then center-right Government, and had no home. The Protocol Division moved Băsescu from Aviatorilor Boulevard into another home on Prezan Street that it also administered. But Băsescu already had a house: a villa in Bǎneasa on the northern outskirts of Bucharest. The Law 112/1995 specifically prevented the sale from occurring, with the provisions of Art. 9, which states that tenants may buy the houses they live in provided they did not own a house or sold one after 1 January 1990.Fact|date=April 2007 When the scandal broke at the beginning of the year, Băsescu initially stated that he would give up that apartment, since as a former president he would have the right anyway to a home paid from public funds. He changed his mind later. The prosecutors investigating the matter concluded that, according to the provisions of Law 10/2001, Băsescu did not breach the law when he bought the apartment. [ro iconGandul: [http://www.gandul.info/articol_4175/istoria_dobandirii_imobilului_din_mihaileanu___intesata_de_minciunile_presedintelui.html Istoria dobandirii imobilului din Mihaileanu - intesata de minciunile presedintelui] ]Politeness
Refused visit
Băsescu was operated on for a
slipped disk . While in hospital, he refused to accept Tăriceanu’s visit, telling him:“After what you’ve done Friday and Saturday, I think we have nothing to talk about”
He referred to the fact that
“I consider your act of coming here hypocrisy. Călin, simply put it, we have nothing to talk about!”ro icon După ce ati făcut ceea ce aţi facut voi, vineri si simbătă, cred ca nu mai avem ce să ne spunem!“
„Consider gestul tău de a veni aici, dupa acest episod, drept o ipocrizie. Călin, cu alte cuvinte, nu mai avem ce să ne spunem!“Mircea Dinescu read a pamphlet unfavorable to him at PNL center inTimişoara and Tariceanu laughed. [ro iconCotidianul: [http://www.cotidianul.ro/index.php?id=5191&art=12507&cHash=be39d42f07 Călin, alungat de Traian de la capatii]
[http://www.livenews.ro/Article.aspx?ID=6823] [http://cevautil.blogspot.com/2006/05/romania-fost-guvernata-joi-de-la-viena.html] [http://www.jurnalul.ro/articol_52179/contabilul_decide___basescu__operat_politic_la_viena.html] [http://www.cotidianul.ro/index.php?id=5163&art=12407&cHash=7e7620ac68] ]European face
While Tăriceanu was at a televised interview criticizing the president, Băsescu called and, after accusing Tăriceanu of corruption, said:
"One moment, because you have a European face and a true European, with a bow tie, has the discipline of dialogue." [ro iconCotidianul: [http://www.cotidianul.ro/index.php?id=9408&art=24904&cHash=60c2eaba18 Băsescu şi Tăriceanu s-au contrat in direct la TVR] ]
ro icon"O clipă, pentru că aveţi o faţă de european şi un european sadea, cu papion, are disciplina dialogului."Consultation
During a meeting at Palatul Cotroceni with Dan Voiculescu, President Băsescu supposed Voiculescu would be a candidate for the Presidency; when asked if he has such information, he answered:
"No, but, so bereft of reason you act sometimes, I can think even that"
Băsescu also told Voiculescu he should change his bad habits, and, asked for details, Băsescu said:(Romanian: "Nu, dar la cât de lipsit de raţiune actionaţi uneori, pot gândi şi asta.")"Mr. Voiculescu, I've invited you for consultations, not for a (medical) consultation." [ro iconGandul: [http://www.gandul.info/articol_34493/ Ce si-au spus "securistul" Voiculescu si "securistul" Băsescu la Cotroceni]
Realitatea TV: [http://www.realitatea.net/50399_Basescu-si-Voiculescu-s-au-facut-securisti-.html Băsescu şi Voiculescu s-au făcut "securişti"] ]ro icon"Domnu' Voiculescu, v-am invitat la consultări, nu să vă dau consultaţii."Insulting journalists
Traian Băsescu called a journalist "găozar" (fag). When asked by the journalist in cause what he had done to deserve such a remark, President Băsescu told him that he didn't deserve anything else.
In the spring of 2000, at the ceremony of installing as mayor, in front of Notara theatre, Băsescu told to the surrounding people that, unlike Adrian Năstase, he doesn't make love with his ass. At that time Năstase and Băsescu were neighbors, and they and their families were seeing each other almost daily. [Adevarul: [http://www.adevarulonline.ro/2006-10-07/Prima%20Pagina/basescu-l-a-facut-gaozar-pe-un-ziarist_201149.html Băsescu l-a făcut "găozar" pe un ziarist] ] Dubious|date=March 2008
Institutional relations
After Traian Băsescu was suspended from Presidency, at a meeting he said:
"It seems President Ion Iliescu turned to more modern means, this time without calling the miners to defend the country, but used 322 Members of Parliament for my impeachment. These are 322* miners-Parliamentary, which, after 20 May, we should send them with stripes to the mines in
* He refers to 322 Members of Parliament who voted his impeachment.Valea Jiului " [ro iconGandul: [http://www.bbc.co.uk/romanian/news/story/2007/05/070513_iliescu_critici_basescu.shtml Ion Iliescu îl atacă din nou pe Traian Băsescu] ]ro icon"Se pare că domnul Ion Iliescu a trecut la mijloace mai moderne, de data asta fără să cheme minerii în apărarea ţării, ci a apelat la 322 de parlamentari pentru suspendarea mea. Sunt 322 de mineri-parlamentari, care, după 20 mai, ar trebui să-i ducem cu lămpaşul în minele din Valea Jiului"President Băsescu also said "In autumn 2008, let's throw the 322 over the Parliament balustrade." - he was referring to the Romanian 2008 Parliamentary Elections [Gandul: [http://www.gandul.info/romania-i-franta.html?4237;306731 România nu-i ca Franţa] :Traian Băsescu: "În toamna 2008, să-i aruncăm peste balustrada Parlamentului pe cei 322”] . Before this statement, he said the parliament was a "“physical wreck shortly before clinical death”" ro icon"o şandrama intrată în moarte clinică" [
The Times : [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article1790442.ece The phone-in president who needs people power to get his palace back] ] - He wanted to take advantage from the "huge" public distrust Romanians have in Parliament (13% said they trust the Parliament; however, there are developed democracies with similar figures, for example, inU.S.A. 14% said they trust the Congress [ [http://www.secularism.org.uk/americastrustinreligiousinstitut.html National Secular Society - America’s trust in religious institutions dips ] ] ).Refused to accept the nomination of Cioroianu
President Băsescu refused to accept the nomination of
Adrian Cioroianu as Minister of Foreign Affairs, claiming he doesn't have enough experience. On April 5 2007, the Constitutional Court decided "Romanian President's refusal to name a member of Government at the proposal of Prime Minister started a juridic conflict of constitutional nature.[...] Romanian President doesn't have veto right, but, if he observes that the proposed person does not corespond to the legal conditions required to be a member of Government, he can ask the Prime Minister to renounce to his proposal". [ [http://english.people.com.cn/200703/22/eng20070322_359868.html "Romania's PM decides to be interim FM"] , Xinhua ("People's Daily Online"), March 22, 2007.
Antena 3: [http://www.antena3.ro/pdf/Comunicat_de_presa Comunicat de presa al Curtii constitutionale] ] The same day, Cioroianu assumed Ministry of Foreign Affairs.RI and SIE directors
During Presidential campaign, Traian Băsescu had a very radical discource oriented against PSD, but, after he was elected President, he refused to change the SRI and SIE (Romanian intelligence) directors "My aim isn't to change the individuals"ro icon"Eu nu mi-am facut un tel din schimbarea oamenilor" [ [http://www.hotnews.ro/articol_39687-Sefii-SRI-si-SIE-pot-dormi-in-post.htm HotNews.ro - Sefii SRI si SIE pot dormi in post - Arhiva noiembrie 2007 ] ]
He finally changed SRI and SIE directors, naming George Maior, a PSD senator to SRI, and Claudiu Saftoiu, his former Presidential counsellor to SIE. He didn't consult Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu; PNL sources claim he didn't even inform him. [Cotidianul: [http://www.cotidianul.ro/index.php?id=7166&art=18077&cHash=77ebd9b866 FSN preia serviciile secrete] ]
Claudiu Saftoiu was forced to resign, after he recognised SIE was making phone interceptions at the request of prosecutors. SIE is not allowed to make such interceptions (SRI is the only service allowed), and a mandate written by a judge is required. [Cotidianul: [http://www.cotidianul.ro/index.php?id=9838&art=26169&cHash=a47ec9e7bc Seful spionilor, demis de generalii subordonati] ]
Elena Udrea started a big scandal after she recalled she saw a note written by Tariceanu to Băsescu. Băsescu found the note and made it public, saying “Mr. Prime Minister offered me a partnership, but, unfortunately, with our oligarchies” (Romanian: ”Domnul prim-ministru imi propunea un parteneriat, dar, din pacate, cu oligarhiile noastre”). [ [http://www.hotnews.ro/articol_63628-Basescu-dezvaluie-continutul-biletelului-trimis-de-Tariceanu.htm HotNews.ro - Băsescu dezvaluie continutul biletelului trimis de Tariceanu - Arhiva noiembrie 2007 ] ]
Dan Voiculescu came up with a note written by President Băsescu on a request of ALRO for cheap electrical energy:
”Mr. Minister Seres, I ask you to analize this letter and take the measures conforming with Government’s interests and, if possible with the interest of national economy. [Cotidianul: [http://www.cotidianul.ro/index.php?id=8866&art=23220&cHash=3b1b95ab19] ] ”
Later another note appeared written by President Băsescu to the Minister of Transports. The note was written on a request in which a private company was asking CFR (public railroad) to pay its debt.ro icon„Domnule ministru Seres, va rog analizati aceasta scrisoare si dispuneti masuri in conformitate cu interesele Guvernului, si daca este posibil si cu interesele economiei nationale“”Mr. Minister Dobre I ask analize and legal solution” [Adevarul: [http://www.adevarul.ro/articole/presedinte-jucator-sau-presedinte-recuperator/303123] ]
ro icon„D-l Ministru Dobre Rog analizaţi şi rezolvare legală"uccess for Pandrea
President Traian Băsescu presided the first half of the conference of CSM(Superior Council of Magistracy) at which the President of CSM was to be elected.Before the candidacies were announced, Băsescu said to Anton Pandrea:
"I heard you have announced your candidacy, Mr. Pandrea. I wish you success"
His former counsellor Renate Weber said that according to her information, if President Băsescu hadn’t said that, it would have been another candidacy, if not another President.ro icon"Am auzit că v-aţi depus candidatura, domnule Pandrea. Vă urez mult succes"Băsescu said he was previously informed there was no candidate for CSM Presidency, which, he explained, would have been very unpleasant, and he felt relieved when he was told Pandrea would like to candidate. He further said he didn't knew there can be new candidates till the very moment of voting. He concluded:"I did it wrong, I did it wrong"ro icon“Am greşit-o, am greşit-o” [Evenimentul Zilei: [http://evz.ro/article.php?artid=287439 Băsescu stia dinainte cine va fi seful CSM]
Romania Libera: [http://www.romanialibera.ro/a83921/presedintele-criticat-de-renate-weber.html Presedintele, criticat de Renate Weber]
Gandul: [http://www.gandul.info/articol_26794/basescu_se_scoate_iar_cu__quot_am_gresit_o__am_gresit_o_quot_.html Băsescu se scoate iar cu "am gresit-o, am gresit-o"] ]Phones to the Chief Attorney of DNA
Daniel Morar , the Chief Attorney of theRomania nNational Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) said he was phoned several times by President Băsescu. He said they never spoke about any dossier, but, asked to give an example of discussion with the President, he gave the following: they spoke about the fleet file, a dossier in which Traian Băsescu is defendant. Morar claimed the President was disturbed that such doubts affect his immage, and wanted to know why can't he be judged.(according to the Romanian Constitution, the President can be judged only for high treason)Asked why did he accept to speak with the President on such matters, Morar answered:"He is The President of Romania!" [Realitatea TV: [http://www.realitatea.net/playlive2.php?file=20070411_2200_47.flv&emisiuni=1&titlulive=100%25 Emisiunea 100% cu Robert Turcescu, invitat Daniel Morar] ] Daniel Morar was named Chief Attorney of DNA by President Băsescu [Adevarul: [http://www.adevarulonline.ro/articole/daniel-morar-numit-sef-la-pna-de-presedinte/146397 Daniel Morar numit sef la pna de presedinte] ] Dubious|date=March 2008Intimidating papers
During Presidential campaign, before a TV interview with PSD’s candidate
Adrian Nastase , he gave him a paper and told him: “Put it in your pocket and read it alone!” [Realitatea TV: 100% cu Robert Turcescu invitat Adrian Nastase]At the ceremony of oath, President Băsescu gave a paper as gift to Radu Stroe, the new secretary general of Government. Radu Stroe went pale and refused to make it public, although Basascu said it was not classified [ro iconCotidianul: [http://www.cotidianul.ro/index.php?id=5537&art=13419&cHash=42b99add0d Băsescu l-a defectat pe Stroe cu o hirtiuta] ]
Foreign policy
At a private meeting with three
mass media personalities and two Presidential counsellors, asked why he is so close to Washington but not to Romania’s traditional partners France and Germany, Traian Băsescu answered:"Instead of sucking ... of more smaller glow-worm, I’ll better suck ... of one bigger glow-worm!"
The journalist who published part of the private meeting he attended was highly criticised by his colleagues for breaking professional deontology [ [http://www.newscafe.ro/content/view/2311/86/] [http://www.hotnews.ro/articol_29796-Grupul-Rosca-Stanescu-ii-arata-pisica-lui-Basescu.htm] ] Dubious|date=March 2008ro icon "Decât să sug... la mai mulţi licurici mai mici, mai bine sug... la un licurici mai mare!"Drinking and driving
Traian Băsescu has been photographed by paparazzi while driving home with his own car from a pub, where he has been watching a football (soccer) game in the company of
Gigi Becali (one of the richest Romanians, owner of a sports team, and politician, president of PNG) He was accused in the media of driving after he consumed alcohol. There was no official confirmation he has been drinking alcohol before driving. [Cotidianul , [http://www.cotidianul.ro/index.php?id=4775&art=11415&nr=12&cHash=d9dc4c6480 "Băsescu a băut şi s-a suit la volan" (Băsescu drank and drove)] ] .Promotion of Gheorghe Dobre
While President, he supported Gheorghe Dobre as Minister of Transport. Dobre was Director CFR Craiova during the 1990 mineriad and assured the trains with miners arrived to Bucharest. He fired the man that cut out the electricity to stop the trains with miners and provided diesel locomotives so that the miners would arrive in time. [Evenimentul Zilei: [http://www.evz.ro/article.php?artid=188743 Omul lui Băsescu, locomotiva mineriadei]
Evenimentul Zilei: [http://www.evz.ro/article.php?artid=189289 Afara cu ministrul mincinos, "locomotiva mineriadei"!] ]Racial slurs
During President Băsescu impeachment referendum day (
May 19 ,2007 ), Traian Băsescu, has gone shopping with his wife in a commercial center in Bucharest. Antena 1 television journalist Andreea Pană filmed him with a mobile phone (cameras were not allowed in the supermarket) and commented on how much the President bought. [Cotidianul: [http://www.cotidianul.ro/index.php?id=10875&art=29004&cHash=e466fb29cd Băsescu i-a confiscat telefonul unei ziariste] ] At exit, asked for a forecast on referendum results, Traian Băsescu told her:"Hey, chick, don't you have anything to do today?"ro icon„Măi, păsărică, tu nu ai treabă astăzi?!”. After this, President Băsescu took her mobile phone (she qualified this as "theft"). President Băsescu put the mobile phone in his pocket, but didn't turn it off, and the conversation he had in the car with his wife was recorded. The next day he returned the phone, and it was revealed Traian Băsescu said about the journalist:"How aggressive was this filthy gypsy!" [ro icon [http://www.antena3.ro/Basescu-jigneste-o-jurnalista-Antena-3_act_32833_ext.html Băsescu insults an Antena 3 journalist]
Gandul: [http://www.gandul.info/presedintele-romaniei-tiganca-imputita.html?3927;315702 Preşedintele României: „Ţigancă împuţită!“] ] ro icon "Cât era de agresivă ţiganca asta împuţită!".In a press release, President Băsescu apologised:
"President Traian Băsescu regrets that an unsuitable phrase, used in a private meeting in the car he was driving, became public, causing an undeserved moral prejudice to Mrs Andreea Pana, reporter to Antena 1 TV channel. In this context, the President asks Mrs Andreea Pana to accept his sincere apologies for the outcome.
The phrasing, used under maximum public and mediatic pressure, does not represent in any case President Băsescu's attitude regarding the Romanian Roma community, whose identity he respects, and appreciates their contribution to the democratic life of the Romanian society."Gandul: [http://www.gandul.info/actual/basescu-n-catadicsit-ceara-scuze-personal-ziaristei-talharite-in.html?3927;316479 Băsescu n-a catadicsit să-şi ceară scuze personal ziaristei tâlhărite şi insultate] ]ro icon„Preşedintele Traian Băsescu regretă că o expresie nepotrivită, folosită într-o convorbire privată, desfăşurată în autoturismul pe care îl conducea, a devenit publică, provocând un nemeritat prejudiciu moral d-nei Andreea Pană, reporter la postul de televiziune Antena 1. În acest context, preşedintele o roagă pe d-na Andreea Pană să accepte scuzele sale sincere pentru situaţia creată."Formula menţionată, utilizată sub imperiul unei stări de maximă presiune publică şi mediatică, nu reprezintă în nici un caz atitudinea preşedintelui Traian Băsescu faţă de comunitatea rromă din ţara noastră, căreia îi respectă identitatea şi îi apreciază aportul la viaţa democratică a societăţii româneşti”
While on TV, the Romanian President said:
"The involvement in private life, even President's, should have limits. I wish I received excuses at least once for all the insults I received from Antena TV group. But, as woman, for the journalist, I am sorry! And that's it, a woman should not be insulted, even in talks with my wife.
[...] I don't like when I'm gratuitously insulted and I sometimes break out. And I don't like when one enters in my privacy. For example, to profit from a discussion with my wife, in the car, and then to be judged for what you have thought unpublicly, or for an unpublic remark, as in Communist Security times"ro icon"“Intrarea in viaţa privată, chiar şi a presedintelui, are limite. Mi-aş dori ca, de cîte ori am fost jignit pe televiziunile trustului Antena, să fi primit măcar o singura dată scuze. Insă ca femeie, pentru ziaristă, îmi pare rău! Şi asta e, o femeie, chiar şi în discuţiile cu soţia mea, nu trebuia jignităCotidianul: [http://cotidianul.ro/index.php?id=57&brk=6314&cHash=8166000881 Băsescu: Mi-aş dori să fi primit scuze de cite ori am fost jignit pe televiziunile trustului Antena] ][...] Nu-mi place când sunt jignit gratuit şi uneori izbucnesc. Şi nu îmi place când se intră în intimitatea vieţii mele. Ca, de exemplu, să profiţi de o discuţie pe care o ai cu soţia, în maşină, după care, ca pe vremea Securităţii, să fii judecat pentru ce ai gândit nepublic sau pentru o apreciere nepublică”"Reactions
The president of the "Commission for Human Rights, Cults and Minorities" (Comisia pentru drepturile omului, culte si minoritati) in the Chamber of Deputies,
Nicolae Păun , who is himself part of the Roma community, declared that President Băsescu is not racist and cannot be condemned for an affirmation made in private, as "it was not an affirmation made in public with a certain racist content or disdain towards the Roma community" ro icon"nu este vorba de o afirmatie intr-un mod public cu o anumita incarcatura rasiala si dispret fata de comunitatile de rromi". Păun added that the majority of Romanian citizens use the word "gypsy" in a pejorative way when angry, many of them also using it in public.Păun also said:
"As a deputy, representative of the roma ethnicity in the Romanian parliament, I cannot condemn the affirmation of the President of Romania, Traian Băsescu, for the fact that in a moment of frustration, in a discussion with his wife in the interior of his personal car, he used the term of "filthy gypsy". To be able to condemn such an affirmation, I would have to conduct the following experiment: secretly installing microphones in the houses of all the high-ranking officials, starting with the prime minister, ministers, senators, deputies, hear what they say about the roma minority and make the recordings public. I'm sure that this experiment would prove what is the mentality of politicians toward the roma minority."
ro icon"In calitate de deputat, reprezentant al etniei rromilor in Parlamentul Romaniei, nu pot condamna afirmatia preşedintelui Romaniei, Traian Băsescu, pentru faptul că intr-un moment de nervozitate, intr-o discuţie cu soţia domniei sale, in maşina personală, a folosit apelativul de «ţigancă impuţită». Ca să pot condamna această afirmaţie ar trebui să recurg la următorul experiment: să montez microfoane in toate casele demnitarilor, în mod secret, incepînd cu primul-ministru, miniştri, senatori, deputaţi, şi să aud ce vorbesc despre minoritatea rromă, iar după aceea toate aceste inregistrări să le fac publice. Sunt convins că acest experiment ne-ar dovedi cu adevărat care este mentalitatea majoritarilor cu privire la minoritatea rroma."Păun concluded by saying that "the President of Romania, Traian Băsescu, through this unfortunate incident, has the opportunity to prove once again to the roma community that he is not racist" ro icon"Concluzionez prin a spune ca presedintele Romaniei, Traian Băsescu, prin acest nefericit incident, are prilejul să dovedească înca o dată comunităţilor de rromi că nu este rasist'". [ro icon [http://www.romanialibera.ro/a96120/reprezentantul-rromilor-in-parlament-basescu-nu-este-rasist.html The Roma representative in parliament: "Băsescu is not racist"] ]
Romani CRISS issued aletter of protest , saying "Romani Criss consider unacceptable for Romanian President to use such a tough tongue, sexist and racist alike. The President publicly addresses to a journalist, under professional relations, with an offending and disgraceful term[...] Romanian President willingly sought a humiliating, offending, of inferiority for the journalist environment, on sexual membership criterion[...] Perceived or real, the ethnicity of the journalist is, for the President, a reason for insult, offence and verbal attack." [Romani CRISS : [http://www.romanicriss.org/documente//Noutati/scris%20de%20protest%20Traian%20Basescu.pdf Scrisoare de protest adresata Presedintelui Romaniei] ]The attorney of Romani CRISS stated President's apologises are not accepted because they do not imply the President apologised for what he said, but only for it being made public. [
Evenimentul Zilei : [http://www.evz.ro/article.php?artid=305917 Palatul Cotroceni, asaltat de reprezentantii rromilor] ,21 May 2007]Renate Weber , President of RomanianSoros Foundation also stressed President Băsescu's act of taking the phone of the journalist "is infringing upon the right of property, being of criminal nature." [ro iconSoros Foundation : [http://www.osf.ro/ro/comunicat_detaliu.php?id_comunicat=26 Reactie la incidentul dintre Presedintele Traian Băsescu si Ziarista Andreea Pana] - Comunicat de presa, 21 May 2007]Other criticism came from
International Federation of Journalists [en iconIFJ: [http://www.ifj.org/default.asp?Index=4942&Language=EN IFJ Condemns Romanian President after “Abusive and Offensive” Comments to Reporter] ,May 22,2007] , "Press Monitoring Agency"(Agenţia de Monitorizare a Presei) and from the "Romanian Press Club"(Clubul Român de Presă). [ro icon [http://www.jurnalul.ro/articole/93094/tiganca-imputita-a-devenit-o-doamna The filthy gypsy woman became a lady] ]Official
National Council for Combating Discrimination , at the request ofRomani CRISS and Forumul European al Romilor si Travelerilor analised the incident, and , on May 23 decided the usage of the word "chick" is not of such nature to bring in responsibility, but, "the language used is not appropriate and sends negative messages in public space, taking into account the high official Traian Băsescu is." Regarding the expression "filthy gypsy", it was qualified as discrimination and Traian Băsescu was sanctioned with a warning. [ro iconConsiliul National pentru Combaterea Discriminarii: [http://www.cncd.org.ro/] -comunicat de presa May 23, 2007]Traian Băsescu challenged this decision, claiming "it is unnacceptable that a private discussion, which wouldn't have had public effects, to be the object of analyse of a Romanian state institution, such an approach being specific to the Communist Security"ro icon"Preşedintele României Traian Băsescu respinge categoric decizia Consiliului Naţional pentru Combaterea Discriminării. Preşedintele Traian Băsescu consideră că este inacceptabil ca o discuţie în intimitate, care nu ar fi produs efecte publice, să facă obiectul analizei unei instituţii a statului român, această abordare fiind una specifică fostei Securităţi" [Adevarul: [http://www.adevarul.ro/index.php?section=articole&screen=index&rss=1&id=313133 Traian Băsescu contestă decizia CNCD] May 23, 2007]
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