

pH(x) is the brand name of a line of borosilicate glass water pipes and accessories used for the consumption of smoking mixtures and tobacco products. pH(x) pipes are typically manufactured using 5.0mm (1/5 inch) thick glass tubing, and house one or more percolators within their main chamber. The pipes utilize a size 19/22 Standard Taper conical ground glass joint in all connecting parts (commonly referred to as size 18 mm, 18.8 mm, or 19 mm).

pH(x) is one of the innovators of the percolator [Heads Magazine, 2006; V.6, I.3] , a small additional sub chamber within the main chamber of the water pipe that provides in-line smoke-water interaction via heat exchange and dissolution. Today, a number of modified percolator designs exist amongst various pipe manufacturers, such as LUX, A.D.S., AMG, Blue Dot and Roor.




*2002 High Times Cannabis Cup, Glass Cup - 3rd Place [ [ Cannabis Cup Winners - Hightimes Cannabis Cup Winners! (page 01) ] ]


External links

* [ pH(x) glass - Official Website.]
* [ Video clip of the manufacture of a pH(x) water pipe.]
* [ Article by Cannabis Culture Magazine about the pH(x) Trinity.]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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