Walid Rabah

Walid Rabah

Walid Rabah is a New Jersey-based Arab American publisher.

In 2002 Walid Rabah was accused of antisemitism after he published in his Arabic-language newspaper "The Arab Voice" excerpts from "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", an antisemitic forgery purporting to be the outline of a Jewish plot for world domination.Jones, Richard Lezin. [http://www.nytimes.com/2002/11/08/nyregion/08ZION.html?ex=1177819200&en=fafa2f689a0ce63e&ei=5070 Arab Paper Is Accused of Inflaming Anti-Semitism] , "The New York Times", November 8, 2002.] Doblin, Alfred. [http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjczN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXkzOTEmZmdiZWw3Zjd2cWVlRUV5eTU1OTUwNzQmeXJpcnk3ZjcxN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk5 Protocols of hate never completely die] , "Herald News", November 11, 2002.] Rabah printed the excerpts to suggest Jewish culpability for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon;Neuman, Joshua. [http://www.slate.com/id/2128525/ History of the World, Part 2: Jewish Conspiracy Theory, The Satire] , "Slate", October 21, 2005.] Rabah stated he printed them for "educational" purposes. In a subsequent editorial written in his defense, Rabah argued that "there have been many objective studies written about 'The Protocols' and not all of the authors agree that it is historically false" and "some major writers in the Arab nation accept the truth of the book."Clark, Amy Sara. "Publisher won't back down on Protocols", "Jewish Standard", November 15, 2002.]


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