


Cityblogs are multiple authored blogs that identify with particular metropolitan areas or geographic regions. They are sometimes referred to as metroblogs, or as part of the metroblogging phenomenon. A Cityblog introduces a given city/region to the world wide web for the benefit of the inhabitants of that particular area.

Cityblogs have evolved from traditional single-user blogs. They are unique in that they both want reader interaction and usually contain some other form of media such as photos, videos or audio clips. Cityblogs differ from single-user blogs because they are normally not like a personal diary. Authors may put their opinion into the article, but it is more like a newspaper article than a journal entry.

When you try to compare a cityblog to a regular blog you will find that there really isnt all that much of a difference. The only real differences are the author system and the theme of the content. In reality, all a blog is, is someone writing what is on their mind, which can range from a variety of topics. A cityblog is multiple authors all contributing what is on their minds about what is going on in the city around them. A cityblog truly can be considered the variety section of the local newspaper, but for the technology age. In the world of blogging, a cityblog is its own little piece of that world, and all the little pieces (like countries) make it whole.

Topics and Themes

Some of the possible topics seen on cityblogs are restaurant critiques, local sports team opinions, local business news, and area events. Cityblogs typically have more up-to-date information than a newspaper and writers on acityblog may be more willing to share their opinions. Cityblogs are also a lot more interactive than newspapers. Users can find links to learn more about a particular topic and can give feedback to the writers instantly.

Examples of Cityblogs:

* [ Idaho Falls Today, formerly]
* [ Duke City Fix]
* [ New Orleans Metroblog]
* [ Red River Corridor]
* [ The Rural Blog]
* [ Toronto Music Scene] - Info specific to music in the city of Toronto.
* blog is a cityblog for Danbury, CT. There is a lot of different information, but very updated. There are links on the sidebar for each week. This site is a good example of integrating several types of media into one website. However this website could be better organized under different headings because the main page seems to be overcrowded.
* site is interesting because it isnt a cityblog per se; it is more of a way to connect people that already are blogging on their own. They are asked to add their blog to a map that will be attached to a subway map. That way an individual could find out who is blogging in their neighborhood, but not their exact location. Some of the same issues will affect the people in the same neighborhoods and this way it unites several different blog sites.
* is a Chicago-centric webzine run on a weblog platform, covering everything and anything about the city. The site includes a daily blog, an event calendar, columns, a weekly feature, and, more recently, separate blogs covering the local music, restaurant and literary scenes.
* blog is for San Francisco, however anyone can join the blog they have to submit a registration form to get approval and then they will be allowed to write on it. It is currently just getting started, but they already have some blogs set up and they are looking for more. Their page layout and design is simple and user friendly so more people will want to visit and revisit the blog.
* network of cityblogs from around the world was started after the creators saw the success of their original cityblog in L.A. and wanted to expand to other cities around the globe. Currently, it links over 50 cities in Asia, Europe, and North and South America. They even have their own wiki article. []
* is one of the sites on the network. In this blog you can find interesting local news stories, suggested Minneapolis hangouts, and announcements for upcoming events. Some of the entries are entertaining and give good ideas if you are looking for something to do, but don't look here for too many hard-hitting news stories or business advice, it's more of a social site.

Why Cityblog?

A cityblog can be a very vital tool in a cities communication network. Topics can range from cookbooks to tourism information to general public opinions of current issues. The great thing about these blogs is that one doesnt need to be a scholar to voice their opinion but instead simply enjoy writing.

Cityblogs are also a great way to get a feel for the real public opinion or thevoice of the city”, which is the focus of thefogcityblognoted above. They are also very important for the purposes of selling your city. Many people search for information on places to visit and a blog is a great way to grab those interested people and get them to visit your town.

A cityblog can at times be a more effective link to news than say the local newspaper. Where a newspaper is often edited to conform to a particular viewpoint, a blog can be far more diverse and offer a broader selection of opinions.

A blog can be a helpful tool for addressing issues in a town. If there is something important happening in the area the blog can be used as an outlet for people's frustrations, or for a common grounds to brainstorm. The Cityblog differs from a single user blog in that it allows multiple people to share their views and allows for a wider range of topics to be discussed.

To anyone who is interested in creating a CityBlog for your community, I would recommend you send out a call for applications in your local paper. From there you can narrow down your list of people who can be contributors. You can use an interface such as My Space to launch your site and advertise it in anyway your can that fits your budget.

Reference Sources

Into the Blogosphere []

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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