Wildlife of Namibia

Wildlife of Namibia

Wildlife of Namibia includes its flora and fauna and their natural habitats.

Namibia's endangered species include Wild Dog, Black Rhino, Oribi and Puku. The Puku antelope is limited to about 100 individuals along the Chobe River in Botswana and the Linyati marshes in Namibia. The Black and White Rhino have suffered the most from poaching and are on the verge of extinction. If there had been no moves to save them in the last 20 years they probably would have disappeared form the wild altogether. Although both species occur naturally in Namibia, today you will find in many of the reserves that they have been reintroduced. The country also has the largest population in southern Africa of cheetah not contained within National Parks. There are over twenty species of antelope in Namibia ranging from largest, the Eland, to smallest, the Damara dik-dik. The Gemsbok, a striking antelope with long symmetrical horns and distinctive black and white markings is featured on the Namibian coat of arms. Namibia also harbours a wealth of small mammals including Mongoose, Jackal as well as the less common Antbear and Honey Badger, these are not often seen as they are solitary and nocturnal.

National parks and nature reserves

Namibia's parks and reserves range from the open bush of the centre and the north where wildlife is relatively plentiful, to the barren and inhospitable coastal strip with its huge sand dunes. The three main tourist attractions for wildlife in Namibia are Etosha National Park, Waterberg Plateau National Park and Cape Cross Reserve.

National Parks

*Ai-Ais/Richtersveld Transfrontier Park (see Fish River Canyon)
*Etosha National Park
*Kaudom National Park
*Mamili National Park
*Mudumu National Park
*Namib-Naukluft National Park
*Skeleton Coast Park
*Waterberg National Pak

Nature reserves

*Caprivi Game Reserve
*Kaokoland Nature Reserve
*Khaudom Game Reserve
*Mahango Game Reserve
*Mamili Game Reserve
*Mudumugame Game Reserve


Animals native to Namibia:

*African Buffalo
*African Bush Elephant
*African Civet
*African Golden Cat
*African Manatee
*African Wild Cat
*African Striped Weasel
*Banded Mongoose
*Bat-eared Fox
*Black-faced Impala
*Black-backed Jackal
*Black Rhinoceros
*Black-footed Cat
*Blue Duiker
*Brindled Gnu/Blue Wildebeest
*Bongo (antelope)
*Brown Hyena
*Burchell's Zebra
*Cape Fox
*Cape Fur Seal
*Cape Clawless Otter
*Cape Hyrax
*Cape Hunting Dog/Wild Dog
*Cape Hare
*Chacma Baboon
*Common Duiker
*Common Eland
*Dwarf Mongoose
*Giant Sable Antelope
*Greater Kudu
*Grey Duiker
*Ground Pangolin
*Ground Squirrel
*Hartmann's Mountain Zebra
*Hook-lipped Rhinoceros/Black Rhinoceros
*Honey Badger
*Kirk's Dik-dik
*Large-spotted Genet
*Lesser Bushbaby
*Marsh Mongoose
*Mountain Zebra
*Plains Zebra
*Red Hartebeest
*Red Rock Rabbit
*Red Lechwe
*Roan Antelope
*Sable Antelope
*Scrub Hare
*Sharpe's Grysbok
*Side-Striped Jackal
*South African Hedgehog
*Southern Reedbuck
*Slender Mongoose
*Small-spotted Genet
*Spotted Hyena
*Springbok Antelope
*Striped Polecat
*Vervet Monkey
*White-tailed Mongoose
*White Rhinoceros
*Water Mongoose
*Yellow Mongoose
*Yellow-backed Duiker



*"Senecio haworthii" -- Woolly seneciocite web
url = http://www.ville-ge.ch/cjb/bd/africa/details.php?langue=an&id=
title = "Senecio haworthii" (Sweet) Sch.Bip. record n° 98154
accessdate = 2008-05-24
format = HTML
work = African Plants Database
publisher = South African National Biodiversity Institute, the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève and Tela Botanica


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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