- Emily Yoffe
Emily Yoffe (born 1954) is a journalist, a regular contributor to "Slate" magazine and the NPR radio show "Day to Day". She has also written for "
The New York Times ,O, The Oprah Magazine ,The Washington Post ," and many other publications. Yoffe began her career as a staff writer at "The New Republic ".She writes a regular feature on "Slate" called "Human Guinea Pig", where she takes reader suggestions for strange activities or hobbies to try, and an advice column called "Dear Prudence". For "Human Guinea Pig", she has tried
hypnosis , avow of silence , and get-rich-quick schemes from spam. She has become a telephonepsychic , a street performer, a nude model for an art class, and a contestant in the Mrs. Americabeauty pageant .In June 2005, Bloomsbury published Yoffe's "What the Dog Did: Tales from a Formerly Reluctant Dog Owner". That year it was named Best Book of the Year by Dogwise, and selected as the Best General Interest Dog Book by the Dog Writers Association Of America.
She was a guest on "The Colbert Report" in 2006 discussing her experiences as Slate's "Human Guinea Pig".
June 25 ,2007 , Yoffe wrote an op-ed piece for "The Washington Post" questioning the fear surrounding anthropogenic global warming, chargingAl Gore with orchestrating a "campaign ... [of] fright and absolutes." [cite news |title=Gloom and Doom in A Sunny Day |author=Emily Yoffe |publisher="washingtonpost.com" |date=2007-06-25 |url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/24/AR2007062401374.html |accessdate=2008-10-07] She was criticized by The Daily Howler for writing about a theory based largely on numerical evidence despite having recently written an article about herself titled "The Math Moron" in which she revealed that she tested at a first-grade level in mathematics. [cite news |title=At long last, Fitzgerald expressed his view—and the press corps failed to report it |author= |publisher="The Daily Howler" |date=2006-11-26 |url=http://www.dailyhowler.com/dh062607.shtml |accessdate=2008-10-07] [cite news |title=The Math Moron |author= |publisher="Slate" |date=2006-11-14 |url=http://www.slate.com/id/2152480/ |accessdate=2008-10-07]Yoffe grew up in
Newton, Massachusetts .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.