Birdy Nam Nam

Birdy Nam Nam

Birdy Nam Nam are a DJ crew from France whose members are Crazy-B, DJ Pone, DJ Need, and Little Mike. Birdy Nam Nam have won several prizes throughout their career including the DMC Technics 2002 World TEAM Championships. Birdy Nam Nam's goal is to use the turntable player as an actual musical instrument. Their self-titled debut album was released in 2006 on Uncivilized World Records, and in March of that year, they performed at the internationally-renowned music conference SXSW. The group's name is taken from a line in the 1968 Peter Sellers film "The Party", directed by Blake Edwards [2005, Birdy Nam Nam (CD/DVD album), Interview on DVD ] .

They gain their music from friends, owned albums, and press beats and patterns into vinyl to assemble their music live.


*"Jazz it at home"/"Body, Mind, Spirit", Vinyl
*"Engineer Fear" (Maxi Vinyl)
*"Birdy Nam Nam", October 2005 (Vinyl and CD/DVD pack)
*"Live in Paris", 2006
*"Trans Boulogne Express", December 2007 (Maxi Single)

See also

*Bugz in the Attic
*Electronic music
*Disc jockey


*(2006). "Eclectic Mix Results in Musical Tour de Force." "Music Week". January 21.
*Pareles, Jon (2006). "On a Mission to Make Soul Unpredictable." "New York Times". April 9.

External links

* [ Link to Official DMC 2002 World Championships]
* [ Birdy Nam Nam's official site]
* [ Remix Magazine]
* [ Live performance of Absesses on YouTube]
* [ Interview with DJ Times, 2006]


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