Paul Prudhomme

Paul Prudhomme
Paul Prudhomme

Prudhomme in 2008
Born July 13, 1940 (1940-07-13) (age 71)
Opelousas, LA
Cooking style Cajun
Spouse Kay Prudhomme (deceased)
Lori Bennett (2010—)

Paul Prudhomme (born July 13, 1940) is an American celebrity chef whose specialty is Cajun cuisine. He is also the owner of one of the top restaurants in New Orleans, K-Paul's Louisiana Kitchen.


Early life

The youngest of thirteen children, Prudhomme was raised on a farm near Opelousas, the seat of St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. Members of his family had been active as cooks and in the restaurant business in and around Lafayette, Louisiana.


He became executive chef at Commander's Palace in New Orleans. In 1979, he and his late wife, Kay Prudhomme, opened K-Paul's Louisiana Kitchen in the French Quarter of New Orleans.

Personal life

In March 2008, Prudhomme was grazed by a .22-calibre stray bullet while catering the Zurich Classic of New Orleans golf tournament. He at first thought a bee had stung his arm, required no serious medical attention, and within five minutes was back to cooking for the golf tournament.[1]

Prudhomme married his second wife Lori Bennett in an October 2010 wedding in Las Vegas. He had first mentioned her in the chocolate chip cookie recipe in his first cookbook.

Books & shows



  • Louisiana Kitchen: Vol. 1: Cajun Blackened Redfish (October 1986)
  • Louisiana Kitchen: Vol. 2: Cajun & Creole Classics (October 1990)
  • Biography: Paul Prudhomme: Cajun Sensation (December 2009)


Prudhomme has made five seasons of cooking shows for New Orleans' PBS affiliate WYES.

  • Fork In The Road (26 episodes, 1995)
  • Fiery Foods (26 episodes, 1996)
  • Kitchen Expedition (26 episodes, 1997)
  • Louisiana Kitchen (26 episodes, 1998)
  • Always Cooking (26 episodes, 2007)


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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